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HCA 13/63 f.28v Annotate
First transcribed 11 April 2017  +
First transcriber Colin Greenstreet  +
Folio 28  +
Parent volume HCA 13/63  +
Side Verso  +
Status Uploaded image; transcribed on 11/04/2017  +
Transcription Master abord her at such tyme as she came Master abord her at such tyme as she came ashire at<br /> Dickshore as aforesaid, hee this deponent and his contest<br /> Robert [?Xemeik] then calling to the said shipp the ''Saint Hacobs'' Company And<br /> demanding of them where there Pilot and Master was in regard that<br /> they had soe negligently ranne ashore as aforesaid to<br /> which they answered they had [neyther] Pilot or Master abord them. Et ar.<br /> salvis infrascripts nescit deponere. Ad 5um deponit that the shipp the ''Phillip'' arlate at<br /> the tyme arlate was and had laien ashore in a<br /> convenient place for an Emptie ship; and as a ship<br /> out of present employment, (haveing lately before that finished<br /> her voyage) shee was soe laied up as in all probabilitie<br /> shee could not doe or receive any hurt or damage from<br /> or to any other shippe. In which place the said ship had<br /> soe layen and continued before the time arlate by the space<br /> of two moneths and upwards premissa deponit ex<br /> propriys visu et scientia hee this deponent seeing the<br /> said ship the ''Phillip'' when shee came in and was laid<br /> up at Dickshore as is predeposed Et alr nescit deponere. Ad 6um nescit deponere Ad 7um deponit that at such tyme as the said ship the ''Saint Jacob''<br /> arlayte came ashore as is arlate the water was as hee saith<br /> at the tyde of at least two foot and a halfe Ebbe which hee<br /> knoweth because hee this deponent was present and sawe<br /> the said ship come ashore as is predeposed. Et alr nescit<br /> deponere./ Ad 8um deponit that dureing all the tyme of this deponents knowledge<br /> of and useing the said River of Thames he saith hee never<br /> knewe ant ship[ Laden (as the ship[ the ''Saint Jacob'' arlate was at<br /> the tyme arlate) brought up the said River by any Pilot or<br /> seaman to bee hailed ashore at Dickshore as is arlate<br /> att an ebbing tyde. And saith that it is the<br /> Usuall Custome of all Pilots and skillfull seamen useing the<br /> said River and intending to hale or bring theire shipp<br /> ashore to come first to an Anchor in the Channell or the said<br /> river, and there remaine one tyde, and at lowe water looke<br /> into and taje notice of such place where they soe intend there<br /> said shipp shall soe be brought ashore, to the end that they may<br /> discover whether the same bee cleare and voyde of such <br /> inconveniences as is arlate, which order this deponent saith the<br /> said shipp the ''Saint Jacob'' did not of his knowledge observe reddens ra[cionem]<br /> scientia sua ut supra. Et alr nescit deponere. Ad 10um deponit et dicit that notwithstanding the premisses<br /> next before predeposed the Company of the said shipp<br /> the ''Saint Jacob'' very carelessly and negligently<br /> runne theire said ship ashore without soe much as ever<br /> [?receiving] soe much as ever<br /> [?receiving]  +
Transcription image [[File:IMG_113_02_5802.jpg|thumbnail|800px|none|link=Special:TranscriptionInterface/IMG_113_02_5802.jpg|[[:HCA 13/63|HCA 13/63]] f.28v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window  +
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