Primo Junij 1650.
A … '''N.N.'''
Primo Junij 1650.
Abrahams Johnson, Williams Stevenson et sorij}<br />
con Lucam Lucy, Davidem Davison, Philippus}<br />
[?Allen] et Alexander Childe. Smith. Yeo}
Super allegacone arlate ex parte Dickson<br />
Johnson et alem dat examinatus.
'''Rp. jus.'''
'''Augustinus Alexandxer parochia de Stepney in Comitatu Middlesex<br />
Nauta, aetatis 40 annorum aut eo circiter testis productus<br />
et juratus.
Ad quimtum arlum dicte allegaconis deponit that after the departure of the shipp the<br />
''Eagle'' arlate from the river Orwell, shee safely arived<br />
ay Nantes arlate on or about the nineteenth day of May 1648, which hee<br />
knoweth because hee this deponent was shipt and went masters mate aboard<br />
her from Plimouth where shee was put in by contrary windes as shee was<br />
in her course for Nantes aforesaid, and at Nantes hee saith there were<br />
laden and put n board her a cargazon of goods and merchandizes for the<br />
accompt of the arlate Lucy, Davidson Allen and Childe consisting in salt, [?XXXX] and other goods, and by the<br />
order and firection of their facors (who laded the same) the same were<br />
carried and transported in the said shipp the ''Eagle'' (William Stephenson<br />
master) for New England, where the said shipp arived with them on or<br />
about the fourth day of October 1648, and there safely delivered the<br />
same unto such factors and agents of the said Lucas Lucy and company as were<br />
appointed to receive the same, which hee knoweth ariving there in the<br />
said shipp and seeinhg them delivered accordingly. In which passage<br />
from Nantes for New England hee saith the said shipp mett with <br />
much fowle weather and contrary windes, Et alr mescit.
Ad 6 deponit that after the delivery and discharge of the<br />
said lading at New England, the said master and his company did there<br />
newe Calke the said shipp, and put a newe top mast and boltspritt upon her<br />
and then and there by the order and appointment of the said factors<br />
received and tooke on board her all such ffish and goods as they provided<br />
and directed to be laden in her, and then departed therewith intending<br />
to carry the same to Bilboa according to the order of the said factors, reddens<br />
racionem scientia sua ut supra, being masters mate as aforesaid and<br />
seeing the same soe laden, and going thither in her. Et alr nescit.
Ad septimum deponit that in the said shipps passage from New England for<br />
Bilbo shee mett with extraordinary greate stormes and tempests, by meanes<br />
whereof the said shipp, company and lading were in greate perill of perishinge<br />
in the sea, and the said stormes and tempests continueing for neere a<br />
monethes space together were soe forcible and violent that the said shipps<br />
chaine bilts were wrought out with her working in the sea and her sides<br />
gave way, and shee became by the said stormes and tempests soe leakie<br />
that her company were forced to keepe the pumpe continually going<br />
night and day, and after they had longe laboured and used all meanes<br />
for preservation of themselves shipp and goods by stitching their bonnets<br />
with okam and constant removall of their sailes fore and aft under<br />
the shipp without board for stopping of their leakes, and not being<br />
able to stop them soe but that they were in extreame hazard of their lives<br />
and of losse of their shipp and goods, they were forced and constrained<br />
forere forced and constrained<br />
for +