7th Janij 1650 [CENTRE HEADING]
Q: de Mar … 7th Janij 1650 [CENTRE HEADING]
Q: de Mares et al pred pro}<br />
bonis in the ''Ginny frigot''}<br />
Super allegaco[?XX] [?prXXXX] [?XXX] [?XXX]
'''Smith} dt.'''
'''Timothy Crusoe''' civitatis London Mercator, aetatis<br />
57 annorum aut de circiter testis productis et juratus.
Ad primum et secundum arlos dicte allegaconis et ad schedulam annex deponit<br />
that hee well knoweth the arlate John de Marez and James [?ThXXX GUTTER]<br />
and saith that they and company have bin<br />
the time arlate and are and ought to be the true and lawfull proprietors<br />
of all and singular the goods wares and merchandizes mentioned in the<br />
said schedule; and soe commonly accompted, which said goods<br />
and merchandizes were by their factors in Italy within the said time<br />
laded and put on board the shipp the [?''Crowned red Lyon'']] ([?TXXXX]<br />
Cornelison master) to be brought to Amsterdam and there delivered<br />
for their accompt and to their use, which hee knoweth having seene<br />
credible letters of advice and perused papers and writings<br />
mentioning the said lading and particularities of the said goods with<br />
their markes and numbers, and<br />
whether bound. alr nescit [?salvis] [?XXX XXXXX].
Ad 3. 4. 5. et 6 arlos et ad schedulam pred deponit that as this deponent<br />
hath likewise by letters of advice and otherwise bin credibly informed<br />
the said shipp the ''crowned redd Lyon'' within the said time departing<br />
and comming out of the streights with the said goods schedulated onboard<br />
her for Amsterdam was by contrary windes and fowle weather<br />
forced into Silly, where the said goods were seized and taken out<br />
by order of the Governour, and afterwards laden onboard the<br />
shipp the ''Ginney frigot'' alias the ''Charles'' (Thomas Allen captaine),<br />
and that the same were afterwards retaken by<br />
the Parliaments shipps, And hee saith that after the retaking thereof<br />
and of the said shipp the ''Ginny frigot'', the said Captaine Allen<br />
being brought up and here imprisoned in Peterhouse, this deponent<br />
on behalfe of the said proprietors of the said goods repaired severall<br />
times thither unto him, and asking him whether hee had not<br />
received the said goods being ten bales of silke<br />
and two of mohaire yarne on board the said shipp ''Ginny frigot''<br />
at Scilly and showing him the markes and<br />
numbers thereof (being the same sett downe in the said schedule)<br />
hee the said Allen acknowledged that hee had soe received them<br />
aboard and that the same were retaken by the Parliaments<br />
shipps under the command of Collonell [?Poplam], and<br />
produced a paper specifying the same goods, mares and<br />
numbers hee showed it to this deponent who comparing it with his owne<br />
hee found and is well assured that they were soe onboard him and retaken as<br />
aforesaid, and saith they then were well worth [?200X GUTTER]<br />
sterlinge and upwards, Et alr nescit.
Ad 7 deponit that the said de Marez, Therry and company arlate<br />
were and are Inhabitants of Amsterdam and soe commonly accompted<br />
alr nescit.
<br />
Ad [?XXXX]
Timothie Crusoe [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]XXX]
Timothie Crusoe [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE] +