First transcribed
28 June 2017 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
185 +
Parent volume
HCA 13/54 +
Recto +
Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 28/06/2017 +
14th Juky … [ADD DATA]
14th Juky 1638
'''pro Daniele Cats'''
'''William Hale''' of Horsey Downe in the Countye of Surrey mariner aged<br />
about 24 yeares sworne before the worshipfull William Clarje doctor of<br />
Lawes Surrogate to the right worshipfull Sir Henry Marten Knighte Judge<br />
of his Majestyes High Court of the Admiraltye sayeth and deposeth uppon<br />
his oath as followeth videlicet That in the last voyage of the shipp the ''Isable''<br />
''and Hellen'' at Cadiz in Spayne there were broughte and laden aboard her two hundred<br />
thirty six barrs of silver, and noe more which were all brought abord<br />
in the nighte tyme, and after the ladinge of the sayd barrs the sayd<br />
shipp the sayd barrs the sayd<br />
shipp +
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28 June 2017 06:54:03 +