First transcribed
2 June 2016 +
First transcriber
Colin Greenstreet +
92 +
Parent volume
HCA 13/124 +
Verso +
Uploaded image; transcribed on 02/06/2016 +
To the 5th pretensed position hee an=<b … To the 5th pretensed position hee an=<br />
swereth and referreth himselfe to his<br />
former answers and further hee belee<br />
veth that hee this respondent in the<br />
shippe the ''Roebucke'' arlate did set saile<br />
from the Westerne Islands to Lisborne<br />
upon the Twenty second of July 1648<br />
and there safely arrived and remai=<br />
ned att Lisborne untill the 26th of<br />
September 1648 and not after as hee<br />
beleeveth And otherwise for his parte<br />
hee doeth not beleeve the said position<br />
to bee true in any parte thereof/
To the fifth pretended position hee an=<br />
swereth and beleeveth that upon the 26th<br />
of September 1648 the said shipp the<br />
''Roebucke'' set saile from Lisborne the<br />
second time towards the Westerne Ilands<br />
was<br />
by agreement made with the Kinge of<br />
Portugall before her goeing out to<br />
receave onboard her certaine passingers<br />
att Saint Maries Iland which were to bee<br />
transported to Brazeele for the trans=<br />
portation of which said passingers this<br />
Rendent and his owners were to receive<br />
boe freight and this rendent beleeveth<br />
that on or about the [CROSSING OUT] day of October<br />
1648 this Rendent in the ''Roebucke''<br />
passed by the Island of Saint Mary<br />
towards Saint Michaels and in his passage<br />
thither this rendent beleeveth that hee did<br />
upon the ninth day of October 1648<br />
put one of his shipps Company on shoaret;
put one of his shipps Company on shoare +
Transcription image
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HCA 13/124 f.92v Annotate +
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2 June 2016 17:46:06 +