The State of the Shipps
Ffor their state … The State of the Shipps
Ffor their state we have surveighed both their carpentry and<br />
Ffor carpentry his Ma[jes]ties M[aste]r Shippwrights and other skilfull<br />
M[aster]s of that facultie, whome wee joyned with them have<br />
the 11 shipps one ketch and 4 gallies laste manned, part<br />
not in being, and the rest of Irreparable and not fitt to<br />
be continued in charge, for the Reasons particulerly set<br />
downe in the Booke of Survey.
They have allso discovered many Imperfections and decaies<br />
in the former 23 shipps of warre, 2 hoyes and lighter, which<br />
they have set downe likewise, particulerly in the same<br />
booke and estimated the necessary charges for the<br />
perfecte Reperacons thereof.
Which for two of them the Rainbow and<br />
Anthelop being in drie docke at Debtford<br />
doe amount to -- £5379 11s 3d
And for the Reste in harborough including<br />
Masts, yards, pumps, parells, shivers<br />
And Boates the some of -- £4541 0s 0d
Totall -- £9920 11s 3d
Ffor the ffurniture of all these Shipps wee have allso caused<br />
a diligent survey to be taken by the principall Masters of the Navy<br />
assisted with the Cheife Masters of the Trinity house, who have<br />
accordingly collected into Bookes the perticuler wants of<br />
every shipp both for Ringing and sailes.
The defects of Ringing (as they shew) doe<br />
require for supplie of all sizes of cordage<br />
the full quantities of – 93 tonns 18c[hundredweight] 2qr[quarter] 12lbs
Which in money at the price now paid coms to -- £3287 11s 0d
The ---defects of sailes<br />
are allso set downe particulerly for every shipp<br />
in the survey booke thereof whereby appeareth that<br />
many shipps are alltogether unfurnished and<br />
few or none have full suits. Soe as the number<br />
of sailes wanting to set out the serviceable<br />
shipps are – 182 sailes
The supplie whereof to be maide new would<br />
require a further charge of -- £2000
Ffor Anchors there is a like survey taken and noe defecte found a like survey taken and noe defecte found +