MRP: William Cutler will

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William Cutler will

PROB 11/339 Eure 55-107 Will of William Cutler, Merchant of London 01 July 1672

Editorial history

04/12/11, CSG: Restructured headings

Abstract & context

See Thomas Cutler will (son of William Cutler)

To do

(1) Explore nature of relationship between William Cutler and Sir John Maynard, and why Cutler had such a large mortgage of 13,000 pounds with Maynard

- See C 10/74/18 Cutler v. Parkhurst, knight, Abdy, bart, Maynard, knight, Stowell & Mills: Middx. 1663 (not yet imaged by this project)
- See C 10/470/94 Maynard v Colvile, Portman, Cutler, Royle and Bradford: Middlesex 1670 (not yet imaged for this project)

(2) Explore nature of commercial relationship between William Cutler, William Ryder and George Cocke in 1660s, and also with Edward Backwell. The first three, and later Ryder, Backwell, and Cutler, were in partnership to fulfill a series of contracts with the Board of the Navy to import hemp, tar and pitch from the Baltic. Cutler was in dispute with Ryder and Cocke in 1668 and 1669, and made no mention of either man in his will written in February 1669/70 (though by then Ryder was dead, his will proved in October 1669).

- See C10/155/38 f. 1, C10/155/38 f. 2, C10/155/38 f. 3
- See HCA 23/19: Interrogatory, document no. 237 'Interria ministrata et ministranda ex parte et parte Dmm Willmi Ryder (sic) Militis Willimi Cutler et Gregij Cock testis quiXXXXung ex parte et per ptem Johis Herman Wymakert et seies, Johannem Vanhatten Egidin Puisiem et Jacobu Kordt utungh productsXX producteand seguut:r parte,
- See also Sir William Ryder will and George Cock will


In the name of God Amen

This present Eighteenth day of Februarie Anno Domini One Thousand Six hundred Sixtie nine and in the Two and twentieth year of the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord King Charles the Second of England etc I William Cutler the elder of London Merchant being in good health of bodie and of sound and perfect minde and memorie praised be God for the same calling to minde the certaintie of death and the uncertaintie of the hower thereof I make and declare this my last Will and Testament as followeth (videlicet)

First I committ my Soule into the hands of Almighty God and I remitt my Bodie to the Earth.

And as touching the disposition of my Lands Tenements and hereditaments I will and devise that all those Lands which I have mortgaged unto Sir John Maynard[1] for the payment of Thirteen thousand pounds shall be sold by my Executrix hereafter named: And my said debt being satisfied and paid I give and bequeath the Residue of the purchase monie unto my deare and loving wife Elizabeth

ITEM I will and ordaine that all such debts as I shall happen to owe at my decease shall be truelie paid as they growe due and my debts being paid and my Funerall charges deducted I give my Sonne William twentie pounds

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my second Sonne Benjamin One hundred pounds and to my Son Thomas twentie pounds and to my Sonne Francis One hundred pounds

ITEM I give to Marie the daughter of my Sonne Benjamin One hundred pounds to be paid unto her at her age of one and twentie yeares or day of marriage which shall first happen or come

ITEM I give graunt devise and bequeath all and singular my lands Tenements and hereditaments with their Appurtenances within the Kingdom of England unto my deare and loving wife Elizabeth to the end she may sell the same and be the better enabled thereby to pay and discharge my debts and Legacies and have wherewith to live comfortablie and support herselfe

ITEM I make and ordaine the said Elizabeth my wife my sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and my debts Legacies and Funerall Expences being discharged and paid I give all the Residue and Remainder of my Estate both reall and personall unto my said Executrix provided alwaies and I doe will and ordaine by these presents that if anie of my Children doe make anie Suite trouble or demands in lawe of or for anie part of my Lands Tenements or hereditaments or of my Goods or Chattells otherwise than according to the true meaning of this my last Will and Testament that then everie of them soe doeing shall therebie loose all such Legacies and other benefitt as they or anie of them might have thereby And I doe hereby declare that all and everie Legacie formerlie given to anie my said Children whoe shall commence anie such suite trouble or demand as aforesaid shall be as clearlie paid as if the same had never beene to him given or made

And lastly I doe hereby revoke and renounce all former and other Wills and Testaments heretofore by me made by word of mouth writing or otherwise and make and ordaine this to be my true last Will and Testament

In witness whereof I have hereunto putt my hand and seale dated the day and yeare first above written

Per Will Cutler

Per Will Cutler signed sealed published and declared by the said William Cutler the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament the day and yeare above written in the presence of Cornelius Greene Alice Proctor Leonard Buckford (?)


Possible primary sources

  1. Jump up Sir John Maynard. Presumably Sir John Maynard (b. 1602, d. 1690), serjeant-at-law