MRP: The Custom's house

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The Custom's house

Editorial history

07/10/11, CSG


Suggested links

See East India House
See The Exchange
See Places

To do

(1) Perform literature search for London custom house pre-1666 fire

(2) Search for images of London custom house pre-1666 fire

(3) Search for contenporary descriptions of London custom house pre-1666 fire
- Pepys Diary? Latham & Mathew notes?
- Evelyn?
- Oveseas visitors to London?


Map of All Hallows Barking showing Custom House

BOOK PAGE MAP All Hallows Barking LCC Survey Vol XV 1934 IArch DL CSG 310112.PNG

Custom House, Hollar, 1663

BOOK PAGE ENGR REPRO EXTR Custom House Hollar 1663 LCC Survey Vol XV 1934 IArch DL CSG 310112.PNG

Old Custom House, Howlett, 1663

BOOK PLATE PRINT EXTR Barth Hwlett Old Cust Hse Plt63 LCC Survey Vol XV 1934 IArch DL CSG 310112.png

Tower Wharf, Ogilby & Morgan, 1681

BOOK PLATE MAP EXTR Ogil & Morg Tow Whf 1681 Plt3 LCC Survey Vol XV 1934 IArch DL CSG 310112.PNG

Tower Street Ward, Blome, XXXX

BOOK PLATE MAP Blome Richard Tower Ward R Plt4 LCC Survey Vol XV 1934 IArch DL CSG 310112.PNG

The custom house, post-1666

See The custom house, in John Strype, A survey of the cities of London and Westminster (London, 1720)
- Image sourced from Hrionline,[1] under licence from Motco Enterprises Limited[2]

Image credits & copyright information

(1) 'Map of All Hallows Barking showing Custom House', in London County Council, Survey of London, vol. XV: the parish of All Hallows Barking (pt. 2) (London, 1934)[3]
- Book and image are out of copyright
- Image sourced from Internet Archive copy

(2) 'The custom house' in an extract from Hollar, XXXX, in London County Council, Survey of London, vol. XV: the parish of All Hallows Barking (pt. 2) (London, 1934), p. 37[4]
- Book and image are out of copyright
- Image sourced from Internet Archive copy

(3) 'Old Custom House', extract from print, Bartholomew Howlett, 1663, Plate 63, in London County Council, Survey of London, vol. XV: the parish of All Hallows Barking (pt. 2) (London, 1934)[5]
- Book and image are out of copyright
- Image sourced from Internet Archive copy

(4) 'Tower wharf', extract from Ogilby and Morgan map sheet, Plate 3, in London County Council, Survey of London, vol. XV: the parish of All Hallows Barking (pt. 2) (London, 1934)[6]
- Book and image are out of copyright
- Image sourced from Internet Archive copy

(5) 'Tower Street Ward', Richard Blome map sheet, Plate 4, in in London County Council, Survey of London, vol. XV: the parish of All Hallows Barking (pt. 2) (London, 1934)[7]
- Book and image are out of copyright
- Image sourced from Internet Archive copy

(6) The custom house, in John Strype, A survey of the cities of London and Westminster (London, 1720)]

- Image sourced from Hrionline,[8] under licence from Motco Enterprises Limited[9]
  1. Jump up, viewed 02/01/12
  2. Jump up, viewed 02/01/12
  3. Jump up 'Map of All Hallows Barking showing Custom House', in London County Council, Survey of London, vol. XV: the parish of All Hallows Barking (pt. 2) (London, 1934), front matter, no page no.
  4. Jump up 'The custom house' in an extract from Hollar, XXXX, in London County Council, Survey of London, vol. XV: the parish of All Hallows Barking (pt. 2) (London, 1934), p. 37
  5. Jump up 'Old Custom House', extract from print, Bartholomew Howlett, 1663, Plate 63, in London County Council, Survey of London, vol. XV: the parish of All Hallows Barking (pt. 2) (London, 1934)
  6. Jump up 'Tower wharf', extract from Ogilby and Morgan map sheet, Plate 3, in London County Council, Survey of London, vol. XV: the parish of All Hallows Barking (pt. 2) (London, 1934)
  7. Jump up 'Tower Street Ward', Richard Blome map sheet, Plate 4, in London County Council, Survey of London, vol. XV: the parish of All Hallows Barking (pt. 2) (London, 1934)
  8. Jump up, viewed 02/01/12
  9. Jump up, viewed 02/01/12