MRP: Sir James Oxinden to Henry Oxinden (of Barham, nephew): Letter 7

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Sir James Oxinden to Henry Oxinden (of Barham, nephew): Letter 7

Editorial history

16/12/11, CSG: Restructured page

Suggested links

See Sir Nathaniel Brent to Sir James Oxinden

See Dover Castle


(MS: 27,999 f. 259)
Printed as Letter CVIII in D.E. Gardiner (1933:126-127)


Comminge downe from London in the coatch with Mr. Richardson, amonge other discourse we fell in talke of your pewes in Denton, hee saying that he thought it convenient I should write to Sir Natha: Brent;[1] which I am resolved to do if you approve of it, but beinge your busines I thought it unfitt to stirr untill I had acquaynted you therewith, so that if it please you to come over to me tomorrowe you shall see my letter.

Pray come to dinner, when I beleive you shall meete the leiutenant of Dover Castle, when you may begin you acquayntance with him. So in hast I rest

Your affectionate Uncle

2d June. 1637

Pray commend my services to my sister and my neice


(1) Mr. Richardson is described by D.E. Gardiner as the family lawyer in Canterbury
(2) Sir Nathaniel Brent (b.?1573, d, 1652) was warden of Merton College, Oxford. Admitted to Merton college, Oxford (1593), M.A. (1598), Oxford university proctor (1607), elected warden of Merton (1622), BCL (1623). Travelled overseas (1613 and 1614). Travelled to the Hague in 1616 with English ambassador Dudley Carlton. Married Martha Abbot, daughter of Robert Abbot, Bishop of Salisbury. Appointed commissary of the diocese of Canterbury and vicar-general to archbishop of Canterbury, including under William Laud. Opponent of Laud and was a hostile witness at Laud's trial in XXXX. Linked with parliamentarians during first English civil war, and left Oxford by late 1642, returning to post of warden in 1648. Resigned wardenship in 1651, and died in 1652. See wikipedia article on Sir Nathaniel Brent, which is heavily based on DNB, vol. 6, p. 262
(3) The lieutenant of Dover castle, according to D.E. Gardiner, was Sir John Manwood

  1. Jump up Sir Nathaniel Brent wrote back to Sir James Oxinden on August 7th, 1637. See Sir Nathaniel Brent to Sir James Oxinden