MRP: Scindy
Scindy (alias Scindye)
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13/01/12, CSG: Created page
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English East India Company
"At "Scindy": Nicholas Scrivener, William Bell, Valentine Nurse, and John Cox. At Ahmedabad: Richard Craddock (sic) and Ralph Lambton. At Broach: Thomas Hoskins and Thomas Carver. At Karwar: Robert Master and Richard Ball…."[1]
"[From Mathew Andrewes and John Lambton to M.r Robert Tucker, January 25th, 1660] Mr. Robert Tucker was appointed commander of the Swally Pinnace in January 166o and given commission and instructions be the President and Council of "India, Persia, &c." to "weigh anchour, sett sayle and direct your course for the speedy obtaining of the Port of Bundar Larree on the coast of Scindye, where , when it shall please God to arrive you safe into the roade, wee desire you to take the first opportunitye to goe over that Barre, and in consideration that the vessell drawes little water, wee make no doubt but it may be very facile, and that you anchour soe neare to the rivers mouth as you can conveniently, sending yo:r Purser in yo:r boate upp the river into the towne with our letter, to be delivered as directed, desiring the Hob:ble Comp:as factors there to hasten the unlading of the vessel, w:ch wee hope may be done in 3 or 4 dayes....In your way thither and backe you must have a greate care in keeping the vessell in a readinesse to defend yo:rselves from both Vadellaes and Mallabars, w:ch are very frequent in those partes."[2]
Mentions of Scindy in Wiki primary sources
Sir George Oxenden correspondence
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- Jump up ↑ EFI 61-64, p. 27
- Jump up ↑ 'Commission & instructions', Mathew Andrewes and John Lambton to M.r Robert Tucker, January 25th, 1660; 'Selections from the Surat diaries, 1660-1781)', in George W. Forrest (ed.), Selections from the letters, depatches, and other state papers preserved in the Bombay secretariat, Home series, vol.1 (Bombay, 1887), p. 180