MRP: SP16/266/79
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[First page]
Dallison et
XXXX ex parte Maye
In the year 1630 And in March, Aprill, May, June, July, August, September And October 1631 [UNREADABLE THREE WORD INSERTION] William Dallison was y:e Suter for marriage to M:rs Judith Maye And expressed greate love to her in the way of marriage And many treatyes of marriage passed betweene them.
Mary Pully ?ad, XX prima fol: 20 ffor Xyanxx XXXX of the Sayd Suiter M:r William Dallison name as a Suiter for marriage to M:rs Judith Maye And was intertayned as a Suter for marriage to her in the house of S:r Richard Sands at Throwley in Kente of her depon:ts sight and knowledge
?Eadem at 1:nd and 2:nd. 2nd fol: ?20.b S:r Maximilian Dallison ffather to the sayd M:r William Dallison did for all or most parte of the last summer was xxxx xxxx lodge and XXXXX in the house of S:r Richard Sands at Throwley in Kente of her sight and knowledge to w:ch house the sayd Mr William Dallison XX XXXX had lodged there some XXX ?6 months ?longe ther & XXXXX a for XXXXX or more or lesse And in that tyme made showe of greate love and affection to the sayd M:rs Judith Maye the party ?producente as a Suter unto her for marriage she alsoe lyvinge there in the same tyme And had private conference with her there, of this depon:ts sight and knowledge
?Eadem aX 3rd fol: XX within the sayd time ye sayd William and Judith came many times together to the deponents husbands house in Throwley and some tymes he came thither alone and sente for her thither and at other times contryved their meetings to be there And the said Judith came thither to him accordinge to his desire of the depon:ts knowledge beinge the wife to m:r ?Pullie
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Mary Rose at 1:nd, at 2:nd. 1:ll fol: 24. Ffor all or most of the Summer season 1630 S:r Maximilian Dallison ffather of Mr William Dallison xxxxx lived amd Soiourned in the house of S:r Richard Slunds at Throwley in Kente and in the same house and the same time Mis Judith Maye the party producent [?] did alsoe lxxx and make her aboad (sic) there And thither the sayd Mr William Dallison often made resorte in that time four times lodgings theare a weeke and four tymes a fortnight or more And in that tyme the sayd William behaved And carried himselfe in lovinge (sic) And familiar manner towards the sayd Judith as a Suter to her for marriage, And she xxxpted and received [?] him Accordingly, and it was comonly [?] thought and beleeved there, that they should be married together: And she sayth the sd William and Judith were often in Company together and had many private Conferences w:ch was thought to be in respecte of a marriage to be had betweene themw:ch promissses she knew xxx to be true, because she was for all the sayd tyme abydinge in the said house & saw as much as she hath deposed
Exxxxas 3:mo. 2:ll. 2 fol: 24. In the tyme aforesaid the deponente sundry tymes with the sayd Judith to the house of the sayd Mr Pully xxxx of Throwly asked [?], the sayd Judith beinge sente for by him the sayd Mr Dallison to come together w:ch was thought to be with an intente to take her to his wish and theare she mett with the sayd Mr Dallyson by his appointment xxx at other tymes as she hath credibly heard and seene
William Sharpe (sic) et [?] 2/ 1: et and [OR “at”] 1 et 2. 2:ll fol.26 for hee or most parte of Summer 1630 S:r Maximilian
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[microfilm duplicates the last page so I have missed that out]
Maximilian Dallison did lodge in the house of S:r Richard Sands in Throwly in Kent and for all the same time the pty producent lived in the same house and before he sayth the XXXX M:r William Dallison in that time came often thither and lodged there sometimes for a month tyme and some times for 3 weekes or a fortnight as he thought good and in that time made XXX of love and affection to the party producente and was very familiar with her, and had divers times private Conference with her as a Suter for marriage was soe received by her and soe reputed by All the household w:ch he knoweth to be true for he was then a household servant in the same house.
William Shephard ad fol:33 Of the deponents knowledge M:rs Judith Maye the party producente at the house of S:r Richard Sands scituate in Throwly in the County of Kente for all the time XXX and for some parte of that tyme in the Summer Season S:r Maximilian Dallision father of M:r William Dallison XXXX alsoe lodged there And he the sayd William was goinge to and fro in that time and lodged and dyeted there at his pleasure In w:ch time he sayth the sayd M:r Dallison grew very familiar with the sayd Judith the pty producente and kepte Company with her both by day and night privately and publicly in soe much that it was observed in the said house and commonly thought that he was a Suter to her for marriage for he behaved him selfe as a Suter to her for marriage And she seemed to be well pleased therwith and gave him entertainment accordingly
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And within the time aforesaid she sayd M:r Dallison divers times sente for the party producente to come to him to the house of M:r XXXXXX XXXX ?Shaffer in the parish of ?Waddington in Kent to w:ch house she wente and kepte him Company divers times early and late of this deponents sight and knowledge beinge acquainted with his XXXX & her XXXXX And their xxxx ?them And being then a servante to the sayd M:r XXXXXX who in some parte of that time lived in the house of S:r Richard Sands aforesaid and seinge and observeinge the ?p:remisses to be as he hath ?deposed
Idem at fol:34 b within the said time of the deponents Judgm:t and knowledge M:r William Dallison did many times keepe Company with the said M:rs May in the house of M:r Pully in Throwly and dod sometimes send for her thither and sometimes fetch her to that house
??Ffather Dallison ad 3:em. 2.?? fol: 38. that within the said time he beinge at Mr Pullyes house S:r Richard Sands house did sometimes send for Mis Judith May to come thither to him.
?Upon XXXX happening within the said time and M:r W:m Dallison snatched a ribbon from the said Judith and putt it into his pockett and beinge at ?ffaversham in Company of others he pulled the said Ribbon out of his pockett and putt in his hatt or about his necke and tooke a glasse of wine and then dranke a health to the owner of that ribbon (meaninge the said Judith and desired the rest of the Company there to pledge X
?ffate tur Dallison XX 12. fol: 39
Within the said time the said William Dallison and Judith Maye did contracte themselves in Matrimony and made them sXXX as man & wife
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MARY PULLY ad 4. et 5.2:th fol: 21 Upon a night happening aboute a fortnight or three weekes next before Christmas ?was twelvemonth (ul tempus cam ?verelict ex aXXXXXX quarto May 1632) the said M:r Dallison sent for the said Judith to the deponents said house and she came accordingly and supped there with him that night and after was ended the said M:r Dallison desired of this depon:t that as the said Judith did call her mother, soe he must call her mother for he intended as he said to marry her the said Judith beinge then p:rsente And this depon:t speakinge to her and callinge her daughter as she usually did wished her to take heede ?fore ?she beleived younge men, because they would be one day of one XXXX and another day of another wherupon the said M:r Dallison replyinge XXXX, or protested before God that he intended to marry with the said Judith and that y:t was his wish, and badd her denie it if she could And she answearinge said, y am your wife And then immediately the said William ?biddinge her to give him her XXXXX ?she did soo And they haveing each other by the XXXX the said William said thus. Judith I doo ?here take thee to my wife And she the said Judith replying said to him immediately and I take thee to my husband. And the said W:m speakinge to her againe said thus Now are you not my wife denie yt not you XXXX and she replyinge said yes I am your wife and therupon they be XXXXX XXXXX other. As all XXXX XXXXX this depon:t and Mary Rose then called MARY ?FFERNISH her ContXXX were both present And in their prsence and hearinge these ?pticls were in such manner contracted together in Matrimony as she hath here deposed And in the same words pr the very like in XXXXX holdinge & had ?in XXXXX all the XXXX
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MARY ROSE ad 4 et 5. 2:ll fol: 24.b XXluminata 4:th May 1632 upon a day in the Eveneinge happeninge to her best remembrance about a year since the tyme otherwise (she doth not now remember) this depon:t understandinge that the party producent was at the ?house of ?M:r ?Pullen ??vicar of Throwley aforesaid wente thither and found her the said producent, and M:r William Dallison are at them, and Joyninge with them XXXX, wente to the house of S:r Richard Sands and returned againe after supper and found the said pXXXX there likewise together: And the said M:rs Pullie beinge with them did upon some occasion XXXXX, with the said producent not to beleive younge men, for they were one day in our minde amd an other day in another: whereupon the said M:r Dallison vowed that ?he ?intend to take her the said Judith to his wife; And with all said, give mee thy hand And she giveinge him her hand And they houldinge hand in hand the said William said therunto her, or to the very same effect her viz:t I take theee to my wife, thou arte my wife & denie it if thou canst And she replyinge and houldinge him by the hand said thus I take you to my husbande And am your wife or ??severall wordes to the same effecte, And soe they kist each other. And in this manner the said ptrtyes were contracted together in marriage in the psence of this deponente M:rs Pullie per XXXXXXXXXX
??ffatetur Dallison ad 4:nd. 2:ll fol: 58. That within the sayd tyme he this deponent came to the house of M:r Pullie XXXX and sent for the said Judith to come thither and then she came Accordingly amd supped there in Companie of him the respondent and others
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M:r William Dallison hath often confessed that he said Judith was and is his wife he hath often dranke healthes to her as his wife, he hath often sworarne and XXXXX she was his wife and vowed Constancey to her as his wife, and taken care for her as his wife and proposed for the marriage betweene them
MARY PULLY ad 6. 2:d fol 22 p:rsently after the yxxxxes (viz:t the contract) the deponent willed the said M:r Dallison not to make his house a meeteinge place, except he intended to marry the said Judith) and he vowed to God XXXX was his usually kinde of spxxxx that he meant trwely to marry her, and hoped his deponent did not thinke soe ill of him as to breake his promise, whiche if he did, he wished he might be accompted a very Roague
Eadem ad y. 2:a fol.22. the very next daye after the said ??Contracte M:r Dallison said he would procuree a Licence the next weeke from Canterbury to be married the next weeke, and alsoe desired of this deponent that he and the said Judith might ?bord w:th her till they were better provided, w:ch his deponent yeilded unto
Eadem ad 8.2:ll fol 22 upon the next day after the said contract the said Judith at the request of the said William Roade w:th him to M:r Delawnes house at Shasted in Kent from this dep:ts house, for he saieth them sett forth hither
Eadem ad 9.2:d fol 22 Some what before Michaelmas last (viz:t 1631) the said William and Judith beinge togither in a walke neare this deponents said husbands house, the said William told her that he was to travaille for a time beyonde the seas, and wished her to be constant to him, as he vowed to be constant to her and callinge this deponent to him, and desired her to XXXXX the
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said Judith not to take ?his Departure ill but to ?assume but to assure her that he would be alwaies constant unto her promissinge that he would write to her from time to time in his absence
MARY ROSE ad 8.2:s fol 25 He hath soone the said William after the said Contract drancke healthes to his wife (meaninge the said Judith) and hath XXXXX that he hath Ridden abroade w:th him the said William
WILLIAM ?SHARPE ad 8.2:d fol 27. On an evenninge happenninge a little before Michaellmas last (about 1631) tempus als non verelit the ?alate M:r William Dallison comminge to the Shipp taverne in ffaversham in Kent sent for this deponent to come to him who came accordingly, and then they drinkinge wynne XXXXXXX the said M:r William Dallison dranke to this deponent sayinge, XXXX I drinke to my wife, and this deponent demandnige whether he were married, he said yes, and this deponent askinge him to whom he made answeare to Mis Judith Maye (meanninge the ptie producent) but after wards this deponent againe askinge the said M:r Dallison whether he were indeed married to the said Judith, he said noe, but said thus, God damne me She is my wife and I will have none but her
EDWARD SANDS ad 7 et 8. fol 30: in the yeare 1630 and about December 1630 as the deponent remembreth) tempus als XXXXX prise non vere:lit the deponent saith that the axxxx M:r W:m Dallison beinge a freind and familiar acquaintance of XXX this deponent, came to his deponents Chamber in Grayes Inne London wheare his deponent then laye and kept his xptmas, And this deponent saith that the said M:r Dallison laye w:th him in his said
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Chamber for the space [?] of 4 or 5 nighte or there abouts, and was dayly likewise xxxxxx w:th this deponent and dureinge this the said M:r Dallison s abode and Continuance at this chamber as aforesaid the said M:r Dallison expressinge his good wise affection, and love w:ch he bore to the producent M:is Maye did dine oft [?] times xxxxx xxxx to the xxxx M:iss Judith Maye as to his wife, and xxxx her ny that name and swore xxxxx oathes that she [?] the said Judith was his wife accomptinge it as he protested a happiness in paxxxxx her the said M:is Judith Maye to be his wife, and that he the said M:r Dallisom was doubly allied (sic) unto him his deponent both in respect of his the said M:r Dallisons fathers first marriage w:th his deponents Aunte and his the said M:r Dallisons marriage w:th xx his deponents kinswoman, meaninge she as xxxx M:is Judith Maye the producent, upon w:ch protest axxx and expressions of love, made by the said M:r Dallison and xxx xxxx seriously xttxxed by him to his deponent, his deponent sent a letter to the said M:iss Judith Maye to know whither there were any xxxx affection betweene them and of whxxx this now xxxx cannot depose
Dorathea [?] Dorm as 7.1:d fol: 31 The deponent beinge upon a day happeninge aboute a fortnighte after XXXX was twelve morning )XXXX 1631) in a Chamber at the house of M:r Delamer [?] scituate in the Hearte [Or, Beare?] ffuy [??] xxx London one M:rs [?] Delawar with at the sonne of the sayd Mhbbr Dalamer beinge then lyinge in Axxx bedd and this depon:t beinge semte for to xxxx to her xxx and xxxx
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with her into Kente the XXXX M:r Dallison beinge a gent ??upone she XXX formerly seene Come into the said Chamber whereupon the said M:rs Delawne his kinswoman tould him XXX said M:r Dallison that he had sente or had a purpose to send for M:rs Judith Maye ?meaninge the XXXXX XXXXXX to meete this deponent and her XXXX XXXXXX the Crowne at Rochester XXXX health ?of her, and she saying that accordingly about two or three dayes next after the ?promisses this deponent wente away with the sayd XXXXX and came to the Crowne in Rochester where she founde the sayd M:r Dallison and the sayd M:rs Maye the producent at supper together and shortly after came in one M.r Cole in w:ch suppertime ?he ?sayeth the said M.r Dallison behaved himselfe very familiarly and kindly towards the sayd M:rs Maye XXXXXX that this depon:t did verily beleive that he the said M:r Dallison was a Suter for marriage to the said M:rs Maye And the next morninge he XXX XXXXX himselfe in like manner to her And the same morninge the said XX Cole and the said M:rs Maye sitting XXXXX therunder a window of the said house called the Crowne in Rochester in Kent and the said M:r Dallison standinge before them and speakinge to the said M:rs Cole and calling her ?Nell said that, Nell how doeth her like my wife meaninge the said M:rs Maye the ptie producente, and the said M:rs Cole replyinge said she liked her well ?he had made ?Choyce of a proper gentlewoman wherunto the said M:r Dallison replyinge sayd that by god she is my wife and XXXXXX and speakinge both at supper and as aforesaid and the same morning wherXXXX betweene the said partict this deponent was alsoe p:rsente and XXX and pson XXXXX he hath seene XXXXXX ?ye ?servants of the said house ?goeinge to and fro
?ffatetur ad X fol 58 b within the XXXX him the said Judith came to Rochester to meete a ?Child of and M:r ?Delawes that came from London
By reason of the p:rmisses the same and genall respecte was, that the said M:r Dallison and Judith Maye were man and wife in Throwly & there abXXXX
MARY PULLIE ad 8. fol: 20 The behaviour of the said M:r Dallison and his ?Cariage towards her the said M:rs Judith was soe freindly, lovinge and familiar that it was genrally thought XXXXX were in the house of the said S:r Richard Sands, and believe that XXXX and the said Judith were contracted together in matrimony and XXXX was genrally report:d aboute the said XXXX of her syght & knowledge
MARY ROSE ad 8. 1:x 1.x fol: 24 by reason of their familiarity as afore the common XXXX and reporte was in Throwly and other parts that they were contracted together in matrimony
[p. 11]
He rode to Sittingbourne and then left her
His aunts at ffeversham in Kent
William Sheppard
John Cragge
The months of September and November , 1631
The house of Sir Richard Sands (sic) in Throwly Kent
[p. 12]
Mary Pullie
John Cragge
Richard Chubb [??]
M:r Shephard
[p. 13]
The fower letters exhibited in his cause
“I am thyne and thou arte myne”
Mary Pully
William Shepherd Richd Sandys and M:r Cragg axxx as they will not depose any xxx before a Judge
Penelope Dallison leftis et forer pties as wife ad 9 et 10 xxxx 48:
Elizabeth Bidwell leftis [witness?] xxx as xxx ad 8.9.10 Feb fol. 53. B.
Richard Groston [??] of Canterbury a Taylor
After she was married to the said Symon Rose she dwelt xxx in Margett in the Isle of Thanet: and duringe all these times she was of good name and fame never suspected of any Crome xxx never suspected to have any xxxx but accompted a sober and earnest religious maide and that would not depose an but xxxx
[p. 14]
George Yonge
Henry Whitfield
Henry Noke
Mary Lexx