MRP: Riga
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06/12/11, CSG: Created page and uploaded Mercatoris Livonia map
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Livonia plate in Gerardi Mercatoris, Atlas Minor (Amsterdam, 1634), p. 115; out of copyright book and image
Town profile
Riga as part of English Baltic trade, early 1660s
"in & bet y:e yeares of o:r Lord one thousand six hundred sixtie & one (sixtie two) sixtie three) sixtie four) & sixtie five) y:e s:d S:r W:m Rider and yo:r Orato:r as ptners in Merchandize did freight on in sewall vessells from y:e port of London to Stockholme in Sweden to Dansicke in Poland and to Riga in Sweden diverse merchandizes & comodityes in pticuler sugar Tobacco Pepper Tinne Lead Cardimmon Coales Indigoe ffrench & spanish wines & sevall other Comdityes & yo:r Orato:r cannot in pticuler menconn all w:ch had safe arrivalls & were from tyme to tyme sold to very great pfitts & great returns were made from Stockholme & other pts beyond y:e seas as y.e proceed of these merchandizes w:ch had likewise safe arrivalls at y:e port of London w:ch retorns did consist in Irons Copper XXX Plates XXX Gunnes Copper Barrs Pitch & divers other Comodityes of w:ch great pfitts was made y:e pticuler Bills of Lading Envoyces & accompts of all w:ch together w:th all the comodityes themselves did come to y.e hands of y:e s:d S:r William Rider Cocke or Alderman Backwell or some or one of them or for their uses or by their order"[1]
Riga hemp
"the principall Officers & Com:rs for his Matyes Navy ?have Covenanted & agreed to and with the said S:r William Ryder knt William Cutler and George Cocke Merchants that they the said S:r William Ryder Cutler & Cocke shall for the use of his Matyes Cause to be bought at Riga ??or Quinsborough & delivered at Portsmouth Chatham or Woolwich (as the said principall Officers & Com:rs shall direct XX hereafter betweene the day of the ??signing hereof the ?last of December next ensuinge (the danger of the seas excepted) ffive hundred Tonnes or what part thereof can be conveniently procured imployinge therein to his Maties best advantage the above said offer of the King of Sweden of the best merchandtable Rhyne hempe And that the said Ryder Cutler Cocke shall to the utmost of their care & skill endeavour the buying & shipping of the said parcell of hempe at the XXXXX rate & freight that the then p:rsent markett can afford And for asmuch as twenty four thousand pounds or thereabouts will be the said necessary to be provided for the buying the said quantity of hempe"[2]
Suggested image sources
Merian, M., 'Riga', ca. 1650, copper etching, 21.3 x 25.7cm[3]
'Riga', Copper etching by M. Merian, ca 1650, Vertical centerfold. A few minor tears on bottom margin edge., 21.3 x 25.7 cm.,, viewed 25/10/10
Suggested primary sources
Suggested secondary sources
- Jump up ↑ 'Bill of complaint brought by William Cock vs. Sir William Ryder et al, C10/155/38 f. 1
- Jump up ↑ 'Answers of Sir William Ryder to William Cocke's bill of complaint', 1669, C10/155/38 f. 3
- Jump up ↑, viewed 06/12/11