MRP: Research tools
Research tools
Editorial history
19/08/11, CSG: Created page
This page provides a range of research tools for the investigation of primary material in the seventeenth century.
Currently, this page is an informal collection of tools of varying utility, and will need to be restructured and edited.
[hide]- 1 Alumni Cantabrigienses
- 2 Alumni Oxonienses
- 3 Archaeology Data Service
- 4 Archives
- 5 Bankruptcy
- 6 Blogs to follow
- 7 Bodleian Library
- 8 Book owners
- 9 Building history
- 10 C18th & C19th Collections Online
- 11 Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company
- 12 Calendar of the Proceedings of the Committee for Advance of Money, 1642-1656
- 13 Calendars of State Papers: Colonial, America and West Indies
- 14 Calendars of State Papers: Domestic Series: Charles II
- 15 Caribbean primary sources
- 16 Carte Calendar
- 17 Centre for Editing Lives and Letters
- 18 County resources
- 19 Crop yields
- 20 Crowd sourcing
- 21 Currency converter
- 22 Department of Digital Humanities, Kings College, London
- 23 E-Document repository examples
- 24 Dutch language
- 25 Dutch text & image resources
- 26 Epigraphy
- 27 Events
- 28 Fedora Commons
- 29 Funding bodies
- 30 Genealogy
- 31 Group knowledge sharing examples
- 32 Hearth Tax, London
- 33 Hermeneutica
- 34 History of Parliament Online
- 35 Humanities Research Institute: Sheffield
- 36 Image search
- 37 Institute of Historical Research: Digital initiatives
- 38 JISC
- 39 Interesting miscellaneous web tools
- 40 Inventories
- 41 Journals of the House of Commons
- 42 Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands
- 43 Latin tuition
- 44 Legal resources
- 45 Local historical societies
- 46 London Lives Project
- 47 London streets and parishes
- 48 London online books
- 49 LSE Digital Library
- 50 Maritime/Naval history
- 51 Marriage licences
- 52 Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA)
- 53 National Archives (Kew), online search tools
- 54 National Archives (Kew): Lab APIS
- 55 Newspapers
- 56 News Networks: University of East Anglia
- 57 Norwich Textiles
- 58 Palaeography
- 59 Parish Registers: London & Environs
- 60 Parish registers: Surrey
- 61 Regnal years
- 62 Richard Smyth's Obituaries
- 63 John Strype: Survey of the cities of London and Westminster
- 64 John Rushworth, Historical Collections
- 65 Project Bamboo
- 66 Search tools
- 67 Shipping
- 68 Society of Genealogists Catalogue
- 69 Spatial analysis
- 70 Survey of London
- 71 TAPor
- 72 Visual material
- 73 Victoria County History
- 74 Web development: API examples
- 75 Wiki examples
- 76 Text resources by period
- 77 Woodhead, J.R. (1966)
Alumni Cantabrigienses
Wikipedia index to Internet Archive editions of Alumni Cantabrigienses
Alumni Oxonienses
Archaeology Data Service
- London Archaeology online journal
Index to London Archaeologist, 1668-2008
- 11 PDFs for 11 vols
Sampling vol. 11
Biddulph, Kim, 'History v. Archaeology: the City of London on the eve of the Great Fire of London, a case stuy' 59-63
Archives: digital data 163-166
British Libray: London: A Life in Maps (exhibition), reviewed 184
Cassini Historical Maps, reviewed 306
Groundsure Historical map service, inside cover facing 224
Cartographic evidence, Holborn 10-11, 13; Putney 274, 277, 279
Centre for Metropolitan History: Londoners and the Law project, 112
Docks/wharves, medieval 47-48, 50
Domestic interiors database 196
Dunstan, James, The History of the parish of Bromley, St Leonard, Middlesex (1862), 40-43
Heard, Kieron, with Damian Goodburn, Investigating the maritime history of Rotherhithe. Excavations at Pacific Wharf, 165 Rotherhithe Street, Southwark, reviewed 138
National Archives of Ireland
National Archives of Wales
Taunton Journal, 1725-1627, reports of bankruptcy[1]
Blogs to follow
See British Library Blogs
See blog
See Historians Online Virtual Research Environment (HISTORE) blog
See History Spot Project Blog
See JISC Digitisation and Content Programme Blog
See Manuscripts Online Project Blog
See Geoffrey Rockwell (TAPoR) blog
See TNA blog
List of Blogs for the JISC Community
Bodleian Library
- Bodleian library guide to resources
Book owners
- Pearson, David, English book owners in the seventeenth century: a work in progress listing
Bibliographical Society electronic publications: downloadable web document,
original version: January 2007. Latest update: July 2011.
- Ellis, Markman, Coffee house library short-title catalogue
Bibliographical Society electronic publications: downloadable web document,
April 2009
"This short-title catalogue lists in alphabetical order 387 printed items (books, pamphlets, maps, printed music) with provenance endorsements indicating ownership by a coffeehouse in the eighteenth century. For discussion of the libraries and coffee-houses associated with these items, see the article 'Coffee-House Libraries in Mid Eighteenth-Century London' in the March 2009 issue of The Library"
- British Library Rare Book Web Links
Building history
Building history- use of wills and inventories
C18th & C19th Collections Online
Rediscover the Nineteenth Century: The creation and organization of Nineteenth Century Collections Online
- Gale Cengage Learning
- In 2003, Gale Cengage Learning changed the landscape of primary source digitization for research with the release of Eighteenth Century Collections Online
- Webcast on May 29th 2012
Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company
A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1635-1639
- Oxford, 1907
A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1640-1643
- Oxford, 1909
A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1644-1649
- Oxford, 1912
A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1650-1654
- Oxford, 1913
A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1655-1659
- Oxford, 1916
A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1660-1663
- Oxford, 1922
A calendar of court minutes, etc. of the East India company 1664-1667 (Oxford, 1925)
- Google snippets only
A calendar of the court minutes, etc., of the East India company, 1668-1670 (Oxford, 1929)
- Google snippets only
A calendar of the court minutes etc., of the East India company, 1671-1673 (Oxford, 1932)
- Google snippets only
A calendar of the court minutes, etc., of the East India company, 1674-1676 (Oxford, 1935)
- Google snippets only
A calendar of the court minutes, etc., of the East India company, 1677-1679 (Oxford, 1938)
- Google snippets only
William Foster (ed.), The English Factories in India: 1655-1660 (Oxford, XXXX)
William Foster (ed.), The English Factories in India: 1661-1664 (Oxford, 1923)
- Google Book snippet view only
George W. Forrest (ed.), Selections from the letters, depatches, and other state papers preserved in the Bombay secretariat, Home series, vol.1 (Bombay, 1887)
- Selections fron the Surat letters, 1630-1700, pp. 3-116
- Selections from the Surat diaries, 1660-1781, pp. 177-450
Calendar of the Proceedings of the Committee for Advance of Money, 1642-1656
Calendars of State Papers: Colonial, America and West Indies
Calendars of State Papers: Domestic Series: Charles II
Green, Mary Ann Everett (ed.), Calendar of state papers, domestic series, of the reign of Charles II, 1665-1666 (London, 1864)]
Caribbean primary sources
Web sources (free) - volunteer project to transcribe tombstones and burial records in Barbados & Antigua (free) - database of plantations and owners/managers compiled by Ronald Hughes in Barbados (subscription but some free) - indexes and transcriptions to a variety of Jamaican records and publications
Comité de Liaison et d'Application des Sources Historiques - Educational resources website dedicated to the history of St. Bartholomew and focusing on the slave trade, slavery and abolition and their impact on this island of the Lesser Antilles
Transatlantic slave trade database includes the names of 67,000 Africans liberated from illegal slavers tried at the Mixed Commission Courts in Sierra Leone and Cuba. Many of those liberated in Cuba later settled in Trinidad, Guyana and Belize as apprentices; many liberated in Sierra Leone migrated as free migrants in the 1840s to Jamaica and other islands
Discussion groups
Caribbean Family History Group - blog for two groups: in Lambeth (London) and Solihull (West Midlands) who run courses and events on Caribbean genealogy
Caribbean Genealogical Web Project. This may be also available through your internet provider's newgroup facility at soc.gen.west-indies. This site also has links to country specific discussion groups
Google groups has access to the Caribbean Genealogical Web Project discussion group and some public and private regional groups. For example, Tamarind Tree Lime for Bajans and discussions about Barbados is a social networking site people with Caribbean ancestry - you need to register to access the site
Pharos Online Courses
Pharos Teaching & Lutoring Limited
Guy Grannum is a tutor for the first online Caribbean Family History course through Pharos Tutors - using pdfs and online chat it aims to introduce researchers with Caribbean ancestors to sources available in the UK and online to help you trace your family. The course costs £45.99 for 5 sessions.
Over five weeks the course covers:
Introduction to Caribbean Genealogical Research
Archives and Internet Resources
Life Cycle Records
Migration and Settlement
Sources for Researching Enslaved People and Slave Holders
The dates for the this year are yet to be agreed. Register your interest with Pharos.
There are many other courses on Pharos Tutors which may prove useful - such as English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish family history; military records, passenger lists; using The National Archives online; US genealogy; immigration to the USA; and writing your family history.
Guy is also a tutor for Pharos Tutors course The National Archives Catalogue - Finding People. This course costs £33.99 for three sessions. The next session starts on 23 April 2012.
Carte Calendar
Search Carte calendar, 1660-1667, vols. 30-61
Centre for Editing Lives and Letters
Are you interested in the CELL MA/MRes?
Posted January 4th, 2011 by Dr Robyn Adams
CELL is now accepting applications for entry to the MA/MRes for the academic year 2012-13!
The MA/MRes in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies provides a research qualification unique in the United Kingdom. It has been designed for students with an established interest in archival research, critical editing, life-writing and intellectual histories. The central aim of the programme is to train students in the skills they require to pursue these interests.
The compulsory core course provides the skills required for archival research in manuscript and early modern print production. The course is taught by seminars, workshops and field trips to relevant institutions including the Plantin-Moretus Print Museum in Antwerp. A Latin class enables even beginners to become sufficiently familiar with Latin primers and dictionaries to be able to make ad hoc translations of Latin phrases, sentences and short texts. Students are also trained in IT to ensure that they have access to the full range of resources needed for modern scholarship. Modular courses on a range of topics, including life writing and early modern reading, encourage students to use these skills intellectually and creatively, as does the dissertation.
If you would like more information, contact or explore our website for more details.
See Writing Lives from Letters: The Archive and Production of Historical Biography
- Course leaders: Lisa Jardine & Olivia Smith
- List of digital editions and archives
- This list is not comprehensive. If you would like to suggest an addition, please send details to Jan Broadway
- See Letters of a Stuart Princess: the Complete Correspondence of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia
- To be published by OUP
- Volume 1: 1603-1631; Volume 2: 1632-1642; Volume 3: 1643-1662
- "Elizabeth Stuart (1596-1662), the daughter of King James VI & I, and sister of Charles I, also known as Electress Palatine of the Rhine or Queen of Bohemia, was both a popular and controversial figure in seventeenth-century Europe
- Project homepage:
- Under the guidance of Robyn Adams the entire manuscript has been transcribed by Jenni Thomas and Anna Winterbottom. An edition of the images and transcriptions is available on the project page. The transcriptions have been encoded in XML using the CELL standard for manuscript transcription and the Transcriber's Workbench software developed by Mind Magic Ltd. The online interface was developed by Jan Broadway using PHP, MySQL and Javascript
County resources
Add SEAX resource
Crop yields
National medieval crop yields database
- The database is the creation of Bruce M. S. Campbell, Professor of Medieval Economic History within the School of Geography, Archaeology, and Palaeoecology at The Queen’s University of Belfast (QUB).
- The "Database" may be searched by crop, harvest year, manor, estate, county, region, and any combination of the same. All that is required is that users identify themselves by registering. The yields given are yields per seed, gross of tithe (assumed to have been every tenth sheaf deducted in the field) and net of seed. The database cannot be amended but a “Wiki” page is available where any corrections and additions can be noted along with other relevant comments. It is anticipated that the database will be corrected, added to, and extended as more data become available. Meanwhile, the “Chronologies” facility offers a series of reconstructed annual chronologies for each of the principal crops and combinations of the same. These have no counterpart for any other country or period before the 19th century and will be of particular value to archaeologists, historians, economists, environmentalists, and agronomists. They have been derived from the spatially and chronologically discontinuous raw yield data using the regression facility available within the STATA statistical software package.
- Required citation: Bruce M. S. Campbell (2007), Three centuries of English crops yields, 1211‑1491 [WWW document]. URL [accessed on day/month/year]
Crowd sourcing
DHapi: Transcribing Handwritten Documents, ver. 09/05/12
Australian Newspapers Digitisation Program: National Library of Australia: Text Correction
Picture Australia: National Library of Australia: Creation and addition of images.
FamilySearchIndexing: Latter Day Saints: Text transcription of records.
Distributed Proofreaders: Project Gutenberg: Creation of Ebooks
Galaxy Zoo: International University Collaboration: Classification of digital photos
Old Weather
- Launched October 2010, led by Oxford University, and under Zooniverse umbrella, which also developed GalaxyZoo
- Lucinda Donnachie is a Digital Project Manager at the National Maritime Museum. She manages the Museum's collections website as well as crowdsourcing projects (on Old Weather team)
- Clive Wilkinson is research manager for the Recovery of Logbooks and International Marine Data (RECLAIM) Project, a part of NOAA's Climate Database Modernisation Program. He is based at the Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia
[Zooniverse - Real Science Online]
KCL Crowdsourcing project, 2012
Delicious stack: Crowdsourcing
Manuscript crowdsourcing blogs & examples
Brumfield, Ben W., 2010: The Year of Crowdsourcing Transcription, Wednesday, February 2, 2011
- This blog was started to track my own work developing FromThePage to transcribe Julia Brumfield's diaries. As I type, hosts 1503 transcribed pages—of which 988 are indexed and annotated—and volunteers are now waiting on me to prepare and upload more page images. Major developments in 2010 included the release of FromThePage on GitHub under a Free software license and installation of the software by the Balboa Park Online Collaborative for transcription projects by their member institutions.
- Probably the biggest news this year was TranscribeBentham, a project at University College London to crowdsource the transcription of Jeremy Bentham's papers. This involved the development of Transcription Desk, a MediaWiki-based tool which is slated to be released under an open-source license. The team of volunteers had transcribed 737 pages of very difficult handwriting when I last consulted the Benthamometer. The Bentham team has done more than any other transcription tool to publicize the field -- explaining their work on their blog, reaching out through the media (including articles in the Chronicle of Higher Education and the New York Times), and even highlighting other transcription projects on Melissa Terras's blog.
- The Balboa Park Online Collaborative is going into collaborative transcription in a big way with the Field Notes of Laurence Klauber for the San Diego Natural History Museum. They've picked my own FromThePage to host their transcriptions, and have been driving a lot of the development on that system since October through their enthusiastic feature requests, bug reports, and funding. Future transcription projects are in the early planning stages, but we're trying to complete features suggested by the Klauber material first.
- Text Encoding Initiative: Manuscript Description
Blog: On the Written, the Digital, and the Transcription
Manuscript crowdsourcing software
DM: Tools for digital annotation and linking
DM: Tools for digital annotation and linking
- "DM is an environment for the study and annotation of images and texts. It is a suite of tools, enabling scholars to gather and organize the evidence necessary to support arguments based in digitized resources. DM enables users to mark fragments of interest in manuscripts, print materials, photographs, etc. and provide commentary on these resources and the relationships among them. A principle objective in this project is to continue to develop our understanding of scholarly work processes in order to effectively support research as it is practiced now, while opening the door for new methods of scholarship to emerge."
- YouTube presentation of DM basic functionality
- The San Diego Museum of Natural History is transcribing the field notes of herpetologist Lawrence Klauber.
- Southwestern University is transcribing the Mexican War Diary of Zenas Matthews.
- Gavin Robinson is transcribing the his great-grandfather's letters from a WWI prisoner of war camp.
Scripto: Crowdsourcing documentary transcription
- Versioning history
- Editorial controls
- PHP library powered by wiki technology
- Not a CMS (Content Management System), nor a GUI
- Scripto CAN be used to integrate a custom transcription GUI into an existing CMS, with the user providing the GUI and CMS
- Scripto Alpha is being used on the US War Department Papers
- Feb 2012 released Scripto plugin for Omeka. Omeka is a free, open source web publishing platform for online digital archives.
- Progress updates on Twitter: @ScriptoTool.
T-PEN ver. 2.0
T-PEN (Transcription for Paleographical and Editorial Notation)
- Released T-PEN version 2.0 at, May 2012
- 1. Users can now upload their own image set for transcriptions. These sets must be comprised of jpeg files and have to be zipped together. This kind of project is automatically designated as private. The manuscript shelf mark is not listed in T-PEN's catalog and the project leader can add a maximum of five additional users to the project. The images are hosted on T-PEN under the terms of the Fair Use section of the US Millenium Copyright Act. To upload your images, select the "Advanced' tab on the landing page and follow the instructions.
- 2. T-PEN now fully supports crowd-sourcing projects. These projects can be fully public (so both the project attributes and content can be modified by anyone) or have limited access. These projects are listed under the "Public Projects" tab on the landing page. Any project can be designated as public using the options in the Project Management page. All projects that have been T-PEN use cases at the the Center for Digital Theology will be listed as public projects (content will be readable only).
- 3. T-PEN has been providing access to support tools for transcribers. These tools are available on a split screen display. To date we have provided access to various language dictionaries, a dictionary of Latin abbreviations, and the Latin Vulgate Bible. We know that soon many T-PEN users will want tools for transcribing manuscripts that are not pre-modern Latin. To that end, T-PEN now permits users to identify a URL for a tool that a user may want to have displayed. Under the "options" tab on project management, a user can add the name and the URL of the tool and that will be added to the buttons on the Transcription User Interface. Please note: Users should be aware that this "i-frame" set up does provide full browser functionality. If you are using a tool which requires authentication in advance (especially if it is via an institutional proxy), we recommend you establish the authentication first in that browser before loading that tool. You can do this by loading the tool in anther tab and completing the authentication process (login, etc.). When T-PEN is loaded in the same browser, but different tab, that authenticiation will persist.
- Introduction to proofreading on Wikisource
Maryland Institute of Technology in the Humanities: API development
API Workshop, Maryland, 25-26th February, 2011
Speakers (1) George Oates (Open Library) (2) Mano Marks (Google Maps) (3) Raymond Yee (Data Unbound) (4) Kirrily Robert (Freebase) (5) Peter Keane (UT Austin)
- Funded by Office of the Digital Humanities start-up grant
Currency converter
- Roman numeral and date converter
Department of Digital Humanities, Kings College, London
Department of Digital Humanities, Kings College, London
Professor Prescott
Project: Mapping the medieval countryside
- "Digitisation for BHO of 29 volumes of the Calendars of Inquisitions Post Mortem, the single most important source for the study of landed society in later medieval England"
- "The team at King's, working with colleagues at the University of Winchester, will create an additional database of the material for 1399-1447, allowing map-based and other statistical analyses of the data"
- Press release, 13/02/12
See Blackwell's Companion to Digital Humanities
E-Document repository examples
- GRF library of English antiquarian books & documents
- Web based digital image repository of C17th and earlier vellum manuscripts and early published books
- See - Laws of England section of the website
Dutch language
- Dutch Sailors and Ships of The 17th Century
Dutch text & image resources
Friday, April 20th, 2012
CASA Smart Cities: bridging physical and digital
Senate House, UCL, Malet Street, WC1E 7HU London
- Hosted by the Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis
Saturday, March 24th, 2012-Sunday, March 25th, 2012
Hack Day, TNA
Fedora Commons
- Open source techologies to manage, preserve and link digital content
- Fedora = "Flexible Extensible Digital Object Repository Architecture"
Funding bodies
-See Diasporas, Migration and Identities Programme, 2006-2010
London Family History Centre (at Kew)
Medieval Genealogy index & search
Group knowledge sharing examples
- The portable antiquities scheme
Hearth Tax, London
Hearth Tax, London & Middlesex: 1662
Hearth tax, London & Middlesex: 1662
Hearth Tax, London & Middlesex: 1666
Hearth tax, London & Middlesex: 1666
Hearth Tax, Westminster: 1664
See - the rhetoric of text analysis
- A collaborative project by Stéfan Sinclair & Geoffrey Rockwell
- Stéfan Sinclair: Professor of Digital Humanities, McGill University
- Geoffrey Rockwell
See Voyeur
- A web-based text analysis environment, part of the, a collaborative project to develop and theorize text analysis tools and text analysis rhetoric
- What you can do with Voyeur:
- use texts in a variety of formats including plain text, HTML, XML, PDF, RTF and MS Word
- use texts from different locations, including URLs and uploaded files
- perform lexical analysis including the study of frequency and distribution data; in particular
- export data into other tools (as XML, tab separated values, etc.)
- embed live tools into remote web sites that can accompany or complement your own content
- Voyeur is a work in progress – it is currently in beta. Some things don't work properly, some planned features aren't available yet. In particular, here are some weaknesses that we recognize:
- lack of more advanced linguistic processing (lemmatization, parts of speech, semantic awareness)
- lack of XML-aware analytic features (though XML is a valid input format)
the current default skin (configuration of tools) is not well-suited to reading texts
some of the user documentation is a bit bare
other funcitonality:
- proximity searching of terms
- multi-word (n-gram) views (though you can search for specific phrases)
History of Parliament Online
See Image gallery for portraits of members of parliament, constituencies, and parliamentary sessions[2]
See Terms of Use and Copyright
See Members, 1604-1629, available late 2012[3]
See Members, 1640-1660: not yet available
See Members, 1660-1690
See Members, 1690-1715
Humanities Research Institute: Sheffield
Humanities Research Institute: Sheffield
HRI Digital
HRI Online
HRI Online publishing services
Digital Humanities Congress 2012: Sheffield
Digital Humanities Congress 2012: Sheffield, 6th-8th September
- Conference website
- The Network of Expert Centres in digital humanities
- Centernet: an international network of digital humanities centres:
- Proposals for papers to be sunmitted by April 30th, 1012
Studies in Digital Humanities
New online journal: Studies in the Digital Humanities.
Image search
The - Geograph website provides a tool to search for photographic images of landscape by Ordinance Survey grid references
Institute of Historical Research: Digital initiatives
Historians' Online Research Environments
- IHR ongoing project
- Launched February 2012
- See Histore
- See Histore blog
- See WordPress blog technology site
History Spot
History Spot collaborative area
IHR Digital Seminar
IHR Digital Seminar
Tuesdays, 5.15 p.m.
Convenors: Seth Denbo (Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities), Richard Deswarte (History Data Service, University of Essex), Beth Hartland (KCL), Tim Hitchcock (Hertfordshire), Peter Webster (IHR)
Seminars are normally streamed live online at HistorySpot
Tuesday, March 20th, 2012: Adam Farquhar (The British Library), Andrew Prescott (KCL), Melissa Terras (UCL): The Future of the Past (round table session): S261 (Senate House, second floor)
Centre for Metropolitan History
Ongoing projects
Life in the suburbs
Life in the suburbs: health, domesticity and status in early modern London
Locating London's past
JISC initiatives of interest:
See Old Maps Online
- The site incorporates access to collections at the British Library, the National Library of Scotland, the Moravian Library in the Czech Republic and the prestigious David Rumsey Collection in California
- Other collections to be added later this year include those from Harvard University, the New York Public Library, the National Library of Wales, the Bodleian Library at Oxford and several major European libraries
See Digital Exposure of English Place-Names (DEEP)
- "In England, the historical developments of place-names over time have been systematically surveyed since 1922 by the specialists of the English Place-Name Society (EPNS). Examining an extensive range of documentary sources in local and national archives, and gathering the knowledge of local communities and experts, the EPNS has built up an 86-volume county by county survey of England’s place-names – detailing over four million variant forms, from classical sources, through the Anglo-Saxon period and into medieval England and beyond to the modern period. JISC’s Digital Exposure of English Place-Names (DEEP) project will digitise all these forms, and make them available as structured data. The corpus will be comprise a gazetteer within JISC’s Unlock service, meaning that researchers will be able to cross-query the dataset, and use it to search their own digital documents and databases for any historic place-name form. The gazetteer data will also be made available in structured XML, meaning that it will be possible to experiment with methods of data mining and visualisation that are not possible with the paper volumes. In addition to the digitisation, a network of experts will be convened to correct and enhance the dataset"
See [JISC Digitisation and Content Programme 2011-2013]
- Strand A:
- Strand B:
- Strand C: Clustering Digital Content
- Includes, Old Maps Online (see above)
JISC Digitisation and Content Programme Blog
List of Blogs for the JISC Community
Interesting miscellaneous web tools
Journals of the House of Commons
Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands
Het Geheugen van Nederland
- website is a publication of the Koninklijke Bibliotheek, to which the Copyright Act of 1912 and the Databank Act of 1999 are applicable
- Participating institutions
Latin tuition
- National Archives London - Beginner's Latin
- National Archives London - Advanced Latin
Legal resources
The Journal of Legal History
- Founded 1980, issued 3x per annum
Local historical societies
British Association of Local History
Greater London local history societies
Snodland historical society
Snodland historical museum: Enquiries to Dr. Andrew Ashbee, 214 Malling Road, Snodland, Kent ME6 5EQ: email -
London Lives Project
Main website
Additional datasets
Additional datasets
- Parish records
- Tax records
- Other records
User wiki
London streets and parishes
- Harben, Henry A., A dictionary of London (London, 1918)
A London parish map for C17th London is available at XXXX
London online books
- University of Pennsylvania online London & Westminster book list
LSE Digital Library
LSE Digital Library Exhibitions
- 5000 daily web visitors
Marriage licences
Armytage, George John, Allegations for marriage licences issued by the vicar-general of the Archbishop of Canterbury, vol. ?: 1660-1668 (London, 1892)
Armytage, George John, Allegations for marriage licences issued by the vicar-general of the Archbishop of Canterbury, vol. ?: 1669-1679 (London, 1892)
Armytage, George John, Allegations for marriage licences issued by the vicar-general of the Archbishop of Canterbury, vol. ?: 1679-1687 (London, 1890)
Armytage, George John, Allegations for marriage licences issued by the vicar-general of the Archbishop of Canterbury, vol. 1: July 1687-June 1684 (London, 1890)
Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA)
- London Archaeological Archive and Research Centre Online Catalogue
- LAARC New Deposits
National Archives (Kew), online search tools
E170 (search tool by place for available taxation data)
National Archives (Kew): Lab APIS
See National Archives Labs overview
See Domesday on a map
- Raglinen educational archive of rare historic newspapers
The British Newspaper Archive
- Brightsolid in partnership with the British Library
- Oldest newspapers are:
- Birmingham gazette (1741-1871)
- Bristol Mercury (1716-1900)
- Caledonoan Mercury (1720-1867)
- Derby Mercury (1727-1900)
- Ipswich Journal (1720-1800)
- Newcastle Courant (1711-1900)
News Networks: University of East Anglia
See Early modern newspaper collections online
Norwich Textiles
- National Archives London - Palaeography Tuition
- Early modern palaeography online course with practice exercises
Munby, Lionel, Steve Hobbs and Alan Crosby, Reading Turdor and Stuart handwriting (2nd ed., XXXX, XXXX)
Planned IHR palaeography video traning course
- "The IHR Digital and Research Training departments within the Institute of Historical Research are currently in the process of adapting face to face courses for online delivery, which will eventually appear on History SPOT. One of those ventures is a palaeography course created in partnership with other SAS institutes." (09/05/12)
Parish Registers: London & Environs
Parish registers: Surrey
Regnal years
- Table of regnal years of English sovereigns
Richard Smyth's Obituaries
John Strype: Survey of the cities of London and Westminster
See List of Parishes
See List of illustrations
See Perambulation of towns within five miles of London
- Kensington
- Hammersmith
- Chelsea
- Fulham
- Putney
- Wandsworth
- Battersey
- Clapham
- Camberwell
- Lambhith, alias Lambeth
- Newington-Butts
- Rotherhith
- Deptford
- Greenwich
- Stepney
- Poplar and Blackwal
- St Paul Shadwell
- St Leonard's Bromley
- Stratford le Bow
- West Ham
- St Mary Low Leyton
- Walthamstow
- Wansted
- Hackney
- Stoke Newington
- Iseldon, vulgarly Islington
- Highgate
- St Pancras
- St Mary le Bone
John Rushworth, Historical Collections
John Rushworth, Historical collections: the third part; in two volumes (London, 1691)
Project Bamboo
- Building for the Humanities research (1) Research applications (2) Shared infrastructure
Search tools
- AIM 25
- Connected histories: British history sources, 1500-1900
- C18th Connect: Eighteenth century scholarship online
- Use OR to bring more results: Leeds OR Bradford
- Use NEAR to find two words close to each other: Shakespeare NEAR war
- Use "quote marks" to find exact phrases
- Use brackets for complex searches: Inn AND (Southwark OR Lambeth)
- Use NOT to exclude results: Austen NOT Jane
- Use a * to pick up variant spellings: Rob*n* will find Robins, Robbins, Robyns and Robinson
"the Discovery System is an integration platform built using Service Oriented Architecture principles. This enables system extensibility, by writing reusable components, and integration with other systems.
The software uses Microsoft .NET platform technologies and written in C#. The data store is a high-performance, document-based, open source MongoDB database. Search and taxonomy (subjects) functionality are powered by Autonomy indexes.
The web user interface is Microsoft .NET MVC(Model-View-Controller) – for displaying search results, browsing, and displaying document details. The map functionality is powered by OpenLayers and JQuery.
The core of the system is the Enterprise Service Bus (Neuron), which enables communication between all parts of the system."[4]
'Three Decks': Sailing war ship database & wiki
- As of 08/12/11 there were 17,975 ships, 20,604 seamen, 557 actions/battles listed on this site
Society of Genealogists Catalogue
Spatial analysis
Hypercities: "collaborative research and educational platform for traveling back in time to explore the historical layers of city spaces in an interactive, hypermedia environment"
Survey of London
Vol. 1: Parish of Bromley-by-Bow (XXXX, XXXX)
Vol. 2: Parish of Chelsea, Part 1 (XXXX, XXXX)
Vol. 3: Parish of St. Giles-in-the-fields, Part 1 (Lincoln's Inn Fields) (London, 1912)
Vol. 4: Parish of Chelsea, Part 2
Vol. 5: Parish of Giles-in-the-fields, Part 2 (London, 1914)
Vol. 6: Parish of Hammersmith
Vol. 7: Parish of Chelsea, Part 3 (The Old Church)
Vol. 8: Parish of St. Leonard, Shoreditch
Vol. 9: Parish of St. Helen, Bishopsgate, Part 1
Vol. 10: Parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, Part 1
Vol. 11: Parish of Chelsea, part 4 (The Royal Hospital)
Vol. 12: Parish of All Hallows Barking-by-the-Tower, Part 1 (The parish Church) (London, 1929)
Vol. 13: Parish of St. Margaret, Westminster, Part 2 (Neighbourhood of Whitehall, vol. 1)
Vol. 14: The parish of St Margaret Westminster, Part 3, vol. 2 (London, 1931)
Vol. 15: All Hallows Barking-by-the-Tower, Part 2 London, 1934)
Vol. 16: Charing Cross (Parish of St. Martin-in-the_Fields, Part 1)
Vol. 17: The Village of Highgate (Parish of St. Pancras, part 1) (London, 1936)
Vol. 18: The Strand (Parish of St-Martin-in-the-Fields, Part 2 (London, 1937)
Vol. 19: Old St. Pancras and Kentish Town (London, 1938)
Vol. 22: Bankside (The parishes of St. Saviour and Christchurch Southwark) (London, 1950)
Vol. 23: South Bank & Vauxhall (The parish of St. Mary, Lambeth) (London, 1952)
Vol. 24: King's Cross neighbouhood: the parish of St Pancras, part IV (London, 1952)
Project director: Geoffrey Rockwell
Visual material
- Directory of London print and map dealer shops (with physical locations & websites)
Victoria County History
VCH Explore: Selected digital assets
Victoria County History Explore
VCH: Surrey: vols 1-4
H.E. Malden (ed.), The Victoria county history of Surrey, vol. 1 (Westminster, 1902) (Internet Archive copy)
H.E. Malden (ed.), The Victoria county history of Surrey, vol. 2 (Haymarket, 1905) (Internet Archive copy)
H.E. Malden (ed.), The Victoria county history of Surrey, vol. 3 (London, 1911) (Internet Archive copy)
- Godalming hundred
- Blackheath hundred
- Wotton hundred
- Reigate hundred
- Copthorne hundred
- Effingham hundred
- Woking hundred
- Godley hundred
- Elmbridge hundred
- Kingston hundred (Includes Kew, Kingston-upon-Thames, Long Ditton, Malden, Petersham, Richmond, anciently Sheen)
H.E. Malden (ed.), The Victoria county history of Surrey, vol. 4 (London, 1912)
(No Internet Archive copy; BHOL partial copy)
- Brixton hundred (including Barnes, Battersea, Bermondsey, Camberwell, Deptford, Lambeth, Merton, Mortlake, Newington, Putney, Rotherhithe, Streatham, Tooting Graveney, Wandsworth, Wimbledon, Southwark Borough with Christchurch)
- Wallington hundred (Indluding Beddington, Carshaléton, Cheam, Mitcham, Morden)
- Tandridge hundred (including Godstone, Oxted)
VCH: main web site
Web development: API examples
The National Archives, Kew
See National Archives web developers conference: March 24th & 25th, 2012
See The National Archives Labs
- All datasets made available under Open Government Licence forpublic sector information
- Download site for Lab datasets
See Discovery search engine: API information
API examples
Legislation API: Developers
See Legislation API: Developer inormation
See website
See National Archives photostream on Flickr
Domesday Map API: website
See Online Domesday Book: Places
London Blitz API & database, 1940: London Fire brigade: background
See Guardian article on London Blitz API & database, 1940: London Fire brigade records
Museum APIs
See Museum APIs
- Includes British Museum, Portable Antiquities Scheme, National Gallery, and Museum of London
Wiki examples
Leverstock Green Chronicle
- The Leverstock Green Chronicle
- This is a substantial wiki based site devised, researched and maintained by Barbara Chapman, a retired teacher and local historian. The site takes a chronological, field and building oriented approach to documenting and synthesising the history of the village of Leverstock Green, now a suburb of Hemel Hempstead. Not an academic historian.
Family Search Research Wiki
- A useful wiki to search for finding aids and to seek context on topics
See FamilySearch Research Wiki page on London parishes
- Access indidivual wiki pages on London parishes, with pointers to the location of published and manuscript parish registers and other parish records, both digital and non-digital
Modern Language Association
Text resources by period
- Technical & editorial history of the Victorian Web
Woodhead, J.R. (1966)
- Jump up ↑, viewed 17/01/12
- Jump up ↑ "The History of Parliament is collaborating with the National Portrait Gallery, the Palace of Westminster Collection and the Parliamentary Archives, as well as other owners, to provide images of as many of the people featured in our biographies as possible."
- Jump up ↑ Andrew Thrush, John P. Ferris (ed.), The History of Parliament: the House of Commons 1604-1629, 6 vols. (?London, 2010)
- Jump up ↑, viewed 21/03/12