MRP: Nicholas Read will
Nicholas Read will
PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Nicholas Read of Stoke Hall next Ipswich, Suffolk 29 August 1671
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18/12/11, CSG: Created page
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See 17th March 1662/63, Letter from Nicholas Reade to Sir GO, Ipswich
To do
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the sixteenth day of March in the three and Twentieth yeare of the Reigne of Our Soveraigne Lord Charles the second by the Grace of God of England Scotland France and Ireland of the Faith xr Anno Domini One thousand sixe hundred & seaventie I Nicholas Read of Stoke hall next Ipswich in the Countie of Suffolke esq:r and within the Diocess of Norwich being in good health and in perfect mynd and memorie Praised be God for the same, Considering the Certainty of death and the uncertainty of the Time of my departure doe make and ordaine in manner and forme following
that is to say,
FFIRST and principally I commend my Soule into y:e hands of Almightie God my Creator, believing the free pardon of all my Sinnes through the Death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer And my bodie I committ to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buryed in Christian Buryall according to the discretion of my Executor hereafter named And as concerning that worldly Estate and meanes that it hath pleased God to make mee Steward of in the present world I give will and bequeath the Parish of Stoke next Ipswich in the Countie of Suffolke the sume of fortie Shillings, And to the Poore of the Hamlet of Ratcliffe in Stepney in the Countie of Middlesex fortie Shillings to be payd into the hands of the Churchwardens of the said severall Places respectively for the time being within one yeare next after my decease to be by them distributed amongst the most needie Poore which shall be then in the said respective Places according to their direction.
ITEM I give and bequeath to the Poore of Trinitie house London the summe of twentie Pounds of English money to be payd by my Sonne Richard Read six months after my decease into the hands of the Master and wardens for the time being according to my Order that is to say to be put into the accidentall Poore Box:
ITEM I doe give to M:r John Auger and to M:r Edmund Sherman fortie Shillings apeece to be payd to them w:thin three years after my decease,
ITEM my will & mynd is that Mary Harris shall have that fifteene pounds formerly lent her during her naturall life, and after her decease it shall fall to the eldest Sonne of the said Mary Harris, which shee shall have then living,
ITEM I give and bequeath unto Joane Banister the wife of John Banister y:e Summe of tenn Pounds to be payd unto her within three years next after my decease;
ITEM I give and bequeath to the three Children of Richard Dowson of Deptford in the Countie of Kent the Summe of three pounds apeice to bee into the hands of Richard Dowson their Father for their use within three years next after my decease, hee the said Richard entering into Bond to my Executor and Supervisor hereafter named in the penall Sume of twentie pounds with Condition for the Payment of the said Legacies unto the said Children respectively when they shall come to the severall Ages of one and twentie yeares; And my will is, that if any of the three Children happen to dye before their said Legacies grow due, That then the Legacies of him her or them soe dying shall be payd to the Survivour or Survivours of them and that the Condition of the said Bondbe made accordingly;
ITEM I give & bequeath unto my Neece the onely daughter of my late brother Nicholas Read late of Chestworth deceased, and now a marryed Wife in Woolwiche the summe of three pounds to be payd within three yeares next after my decease;
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my grandaughter Elizabeth Fisher the onely daughter of my Sonne in Lawe Robert Fisher and my owne Daughter Judith Fisher y:e summe of tenn pounds to be payd unto her at the Age of eighteene yeares or day of Marriage which shall first happen:
ITEM I give unto my grandchild John Cayne the summe of tenn pounds, and to all the rest of my grandchildren of my Sonne in Lawe Cayne’s children, five pounds apiece, whether they be sonnes or daughters to be payd unto them respectively at their severall Ages of eighteen yeares or dayes of marriage, which shall first happen:
ITEM I give & bequeath untomy loving FriendM:r Walter Smith of London Scrivener, the Summe of forty shillings to buy him a Ring, to be payd to him within three years after my decease ;
ITEM I give to Nicholas Banester Sonne of John Banester five
Pounds to be payd to him three years next after my decease;
ITEM my will and meaningis that my Executor hereafter named shall observe performe fulfill and keepe all the Covenants Grants Articles provisoes payments and Agreements expressed in one certaine paireof Indentures made betweene mee and my Sonn in Law William Browne upon Condition of his Marriagewith my daughter Sarah his nowe wife according to the tenorof the said Deed, that is to say, That when the five hundred Pounds shall be fullie payd to my Sonn in Lawe Browne which I gave as a Portion w:th my daughter Sarah, That then my will and meaning is, that my Executorand my Sonne in Lawe Browne shall invest the said summe of five hundred pounds in Land upon mydaughter Sarah in forme of Lawe as by Counsill shall be advised or requiredas a competent Joynture for herand her children,
ITEM I will that my said Sonne and my two daughters with their husbands and one Mayd-servant of everieof them, as alsoe my loving wife Alice Readand her Servants shall have mourning-Apparell to weare in remembranceof mee;
ITEM I doe give and devise to my Sonne Richard Readand his heires All my houses Land and Marshes called & knowne by the name of Roydon Marshes and all other my lands and Tenements & hereditaments whatsoever with all and singular the appurtenances scituated lyingand being in Orford or Sudbourne in the Countie of Suffolke; Furthermore I give unto my said Sonne the house commonly called & knowne by the name of Stoke-hall alias Harrolds scituatedin Stoke-Parish by Ipswich with all the Lands thereunto belonging with all barnes Stables Outhouses Gardens and Orchards thereunto belonging as aforesaid and either of them, And all my right Trust and Equitie of redemption there in Provided alwayes and my Will is, that Alice my loving wife shall dwell & inhabit in Stoke-hall after my decease as long as shee shall think fit without her paying any Rent for the same; To have and to hold the said Lands (except before excepted) imediately after my decease and every part thereof unto my said Sonne Richard Read and to the heiresof his bodie lawfully begotten or to be begotten; Upon Condition neverthelesse, and upon the Trust and confidence that I doe repose in him, Hee my said Sonen Richard Read and his Heirs shall will and truely pay orcause to be payd to my deare & loving wife Alice Read the summe of fortie pounds a yeare of good and lawfull money of England discharged and free from all Incumbrances every halfe yeare by evenand equall payments at the Feast of Saint Michael the Archangell at the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary; The first Payment thereof to bemade and done at the firstof the said Feasts which shall happen next after my decease, And soe the said Payment to contynue and be at the Endofevereie halfeyeare successively and imediately after another during the natural life of my saidife according to the true intent purpose and meaning of a certaine Deed of Grant of Annuitie made for that purpose unto Thomas Colclough and Thomas Goodall bearing date the nyneteenth Day of March in the one and twentieth yeare of the Reigne of King Charles the second; And if I shall have any Childor Children by my said wife, Then my Will andmeaningis y:t after the decease of my said wife the said Rent or like Rent of forty pounds a yeare be payd to such Child or Children as I shall have and to their heires forever equallie to be divided betweene them; Andmy Will farther is, thatmy said wife or Children, if I have any such and for Defaultthereof to my wifefor and during hernatural life the yearly Rent
Or Annuitie out of my Lands Tenements or hereditaments of the yearly valueof sixtiePounds per Annum at the least discharged and free from all Incumbrances whatsoever in such manner as Counsell shall advise & sheeshall require: And if my said Sonne Richard Read his heires or assignes shall faile in the Payment of the said fortie Pounds by the yeare to my said Wife during her naturall life or to my said Child or Children which I shall have by her as aforesaid by halfe yearely equall Payments or in securing the said Annuitie in manneraforesaid, That then and in such Case I doe give and devise the said Lands and Tenements and all my right Trust and Equitie therein and all and everie the premisses to Alicemy said wifeand her heires, To the intent shee may thereout receave the yearely Rent of fortie Pounds per Annum; And in case shee cannot have the same, shee may dispose thereof clearing off all Incumbrances, & settled One Annuitie of fortie pounds per Annum in manner aforesaid out of part of the same Lands or other Lands to be purchased for that purpose, which being done, the overplus of what shall arise upon such Disposition, or what shall be left of my said Estate after her departure without issue by mee, shall be in Trust and for the benefit of my said sonne Richard Read & his heires; And my willand meaning is, that this Annuitie of fortie pounds by the yeare given as aforesaid to my saidwife, shall be in full Lieu and satisfactionof her dower and all other the right and title which sheeshall or may clayme out of the said Lands and premisses and all othermy Lands or Tenements whatsoever or wheresoever, And alsoe in satisfaction of a certaine Rent charge of fortie Pounds per Annum by mee granted and settledor intended to be granted and settled upon her by my Indenture bearing Date the nyneteenth day of March in the one and twentieth yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord the King that nowe is, For my Will and meaning is that sheeand her Children by mee shall have but one fortie Pounds the yeare onely out of my reall estate; Alsoe I give unto my said loving wifeall my householdstuffe Goods Cattell & chattells whatsoever plate and what money shall then at my decease bee due to meefor Rent of any Part of my Estate, shall come cleare to my loveing wife, my said wife then payingto my Sonne Richard Read out of the said Rent what money is due to him, asby the Accompt left under my owne hand may appeare to be due and alsoe what money shall be then due to my Sonne in Lawe Brownewhich hee hath layd out for mee which is not of the five hundred Pounds aforesaid; And as to the Administration of the said household goodsand Chattells plate and my said Credits or ?Surties of Rent due to mee at my decease I doe constituteand appoyntmy said Wife sole Executrix of all my moveable Goods Cattell and Chattells whatsoever soe that shee may take or have, receave and sue for the same to her owne use benefit and behoofe without the consent of my Sonne Richard Read, whome I doe nominate and appoynt him my sole Executor to all the rest of my Estate, And I doe hereby will and enjoyne my sonne Richard Read my Executor to pay all my Debts and other legacies, and to pay for all my funerall Charges, and the Probat of this my last Will and Testament, Soe that my said Wife may enjoy what is given her as aforesaid clearly to her owne benefit without any trouble or molestation; And if it shall soe happenthat my Sonne Richard Read shall depart this life without issue of his bodie living at the time of his death, Thenmy will and meaning is, and I doe hereby farther will and devise, That all my real Estate whatsoever shall be sold by my daughters Elizabeth Payne Sarah Browne and Elizabeth FXXXX my Grandchild
Wife: Alice Read (nee ?)
Brother in Law:
Sister in Law:
Mother in Law:
Father in Law:
Sons: (1) Richard Read [Nicholas Read refers in his will to one son, who I think was unmarried]
Daughters: (1) Sarah (2) Elizabeth Payne[Nicholas Read refers in his will to two married daughters]
Son in law: (1) William Browne (married to Sarah Reade)
Granddaughters: (1) Elizabeth Fisher (just possible she was a daughter, not a granddaughter)
Others: (1) Thomas Colclough (2) Thomas Goodall
Dated: March 16th in 23rd year of reign of Charles II
Proved: August 29th 1671
Possible primary sources