MRP: New work on primary documents
New work on primary documents
Editorial history
06/09/11, CSG: Created page
This page provides occasional updates on new work on primary documents. The updates are principally reports of newly identified primary sources of relevance to the wiki. This page does not report the completion and posting of new transcriptions of primary documents, which is an ongoing process.
The focus of work on the wiki for the last two months has been on the structure, the functionality and the look and feel of the wiki, rather than on new primary document content.
The acquisition of primary documents involves imaging the documents digitally where possible, followed by their summary and possible transcription. Digital images are held offline, unless otherwise noted and the licence conditions with the holders of the original documents permit. Some summaries and transcriptions have been posted to this wiki as examples of document types.
[hide]- 1 2012
- 2 2011
- 2.1 Monday, 3rd October 2011
- 2.2 Monday, 19th September 2011
- 2.3 Tuesday, 13th September 2011
- 2.4 Friday, 9th September 2011
- 2.5 Thursday, 8th September 2011
- 2.6 Wednesday, 7th September 2011
- 2.7 Tuesday, 6th September 2011
- 2.8 Tuesday, 30th August 2011
- 2.9 Thursday 18th August 2011
- 2.10 Friday, 12th August 2011
- 2.11 Tuesday, 9th August 2011
Monday, 3rd October 2011
- Identified a new Chancery suit related to the Dallison family of Halling and Snodland
- C 3/267/38 Short title: Dalison v Finch. Plaintiffs: Sir Maximillian Dalison kt. Defendants: John Finch and others. Subject: property in Snodland, Kent. Document type: [pleadings]. 1596-1616
- Identified Chancery suits mentioning Snodland which may provide interesting context to the Dallison family of Halling and Snodland
- C 3/457/78 Short title: Powell v Usher. Plaintiffs: John Powell. Defendants: John Usher, [...] Usher his wife and [Mountford]. Subject: property in Snodland and Halling, Kent. Document type: bill only. 1647
Monday, 19th September 2011
- Identified letter from Nicholas Ridley, former Bishop of Rochester, to Dean of Rochester, 1551, regarding his former steward, Robert De(a)ne (Letter from Nicholas Ridley, Bishop of London, to the Dean of Rochester, October 7th, 1551, MALS, DRc_Egz_002)
- Robert De(a)ne acquired various leases from the bishopric of Rochester, including that of the Bishop's place and lands in Halling, which passed later to William Dallison via Robert's daughter and heiress Silvester De(a)ne
- Identified William Lambarde and Sir John Leveson correspondence in Halling, together with a wide range of estate documents related to the Leveson estates in Halling (the Whorne estate), held in the Sutherland papers at Staffordshire Record Office
- Identified draft petition from Maximilian Dallison to the Master of the Crown and to the Master of the Wards and Liveries dated June 1598, asking that his uncle, Robert Dalyson, shall be compelled render account of sums he has received as guardian
- Staffordshire Record office: Records of the Sutherland-Leveson-Gower family, Dukes of Sutherland, Earls Gower, etc. (the Sutherland Papers) : Personal papers : Public Office and Political Interests: Sir John Leveson: Original bundle of Deputy Lieutenancy papers: D593/S/4/23/13
- Obtained copies of C19th tithe and parish maps for Halling, and for Rochester High Street
- Halling tithe map, 1843
- Ordinance survey map, Kent sheet: XXXX, 1866
- Ordinance survey map: Town series: 19.25, 1866
- Ordinance survey map, 2nd ed., Kent sheet: XIX.13,1897
- Halling tithe map, 1843, index available online at Kent Archaeological Society
- Map of Whorne's Place, 1670, Parchment, 34 ½” x 18” (875mm x 460mm) Medway Archives: 06a_DE_SERIES_1001_1200/DE1016 available online
- "Hand-drawn map of Whorne’s Place Estate, Cuxton and Halling, 400 acres, owned by Sir John Marsham, giving field names, acreages and showing the River Medway, field boundaries, rabbit warrens, rights of way (including the route now known as the North Downs Way National Trail), buildings (including Whorne’s Place) and woodland, surveyed by Robert Felgate 1670, with Marsham’s coat of arms and scale of perches" Index record: 06a_DE_SERIES_1001_1200/DE1016
- Image One
- Image Two
- Image Three
- Image Four
- Image Five
- Image Six
- Image Seven
- Image Eight
- Image Nine
- Image Ten
Tuesday, 13th September 2011
- Identified possible additional Chancery document involving Thomas Stanley, Maximilian Dallison's father-in-law: C 6/42/65 Short title: Grace v Stanley. Plaintiffs: John Grace. Defendants: Thomas Stanley. Subject: property in Shorne, Rochester, Maidstone, and Chatham, Kent. Document type: answer only. 1652
- Identified, imaged and transcribed a new Chancery document involving Sir Thomas Piers (Peers) in dispute with Sir George Theobald. a cousin of Margaret Oxenden. Contains interrogatories and deposition dated 1654 of Lady Margaret Oxenden. Involves dispute over legal fees for serjeant-at-law Robert Hatton, who is connected with Theobald. Theobald had been involved in negotiations between the young then Mr. Thomas Piers and the Oxenden family regarding the appropriate marriage portion in his proposed marriage with Jane Oxenden, Sir George Oxenden's sister. The deposition took place at "the signe of the Red Lyon" in Wingham before Sir Thomas Palmer, Bart., Sir Edmond Monings, Bart., Thomas Brodnax, Esq., and Edward Boys, gent., who held a writ of commission from the High Court of Chancery in Westminster
- C22/299/32 Theobald v Peeres Between 1558 and 1714
- Having now viewed C 4/59/46 [-] and Thomas Stone v. [-] Hellinge: answer Date of document: Seventeenth century 1601 Jan 1 - 1700 Dec 31 have concluded that this document is not relavant
Friday, 9th September 2011
- Identified three documents of interest to understanding Sir Maximilian Dallison's estate(s) prior to his death in 1631:
- C 2/ChasI/B11/22 Short title: Bishop of Bath and Wells v Dalyson. Plaintiff: Bishop of Bath and Wells. Defendant: Dalyson kt and others. Document type: [Bill and answer or answers]. Between 1625 and 1660
- C 2/ChasI/B170/70 Short title: Bishop of Bath and Wells v Dallison. Plaintiff: Bishop of Bath and Wells. Defendant: Dallison and others. Document type: Replication. 1625-1660
- C 22/598/30 Bath & Wells, Bishop of v. Dallison. Between 1558 and 1714
- The Bishop of Bath and Wells is probably the former Bishop of Rochester, and this Chancery case is probably about Dallison's lease from the Bishop of Rochester
Thursday, 8th September 2011
- Identified possible related document to C 3/429/50 and C 22/460/21: C 4/59/46 [-] and Thomas Stone v. [-] Hellinge: answer Date of document: Seventeenth century 1601 Jan 1 - 1700 Dec 31
Wednesday, 7th September 2011
- Draft transcription completed for C 3/429/50 Stone v Dalison 1640-1642
- Identified related document containing interogatories and depositions to be examined: C 22/460/21 Stone v. Dallison Between 1558 and 1714
Tuesday, 6th September 2011
- Will of Charles Hoskins, Gentleman of Oxted, Surrey 27 January 1598 PROB 11/91 Lewyn 1 – 57
- Will of Charles Hoskins of Oxted, Surrey 06 November 1657 PROB 11/269 Ruthen 411 – 461
Tuesday, 30th August 2011
- C2/Eliz/D2/45 Dalison v Raynes Between 1558 and 1603
- C2/Eliz/D6/57 Dalison v bishop of Rochester Between 1558 and 1603
- C3/429/50 Stone v Dalison 1640-1642
- C6/2/39 Dallyson v Maplesden 1641
- C10/65/38 Dalison v. Browne, Bush 1662
- C22/58/39 Dalyson v. Oxinder (sic) Between 1558 and 1714
NOT DOWNLOADED - C2/Eliz/D5/59 Max Dalison v John, lord bishop of Rochester XXXXX
NOT DOWNLOADED - C 9/232/127 Oxenden v. Midleton 1663
NOT DOWNLOADED - C 9/409/92 Oxenden v. Engham 1663
Thursday 18th August 2011
- C10/19/66 Robert Levett v Jacob Searle, Nicholas Gould, Robert Abdy, William Williams, Andrew Rickards, Nathan Wright and others: money matters, Middlesex. Bill and answer 1653
Friday, 12th August 2011
- C9/49/48 Dalison v. Oxenden 1667
- C9/40/58 Oxenden v. Dallison 1668
- C9/240/194 Stanley v. Walsall 1650
- C10/14/38 William Cane v Barnabas Walsall and Thomas Stanley: Rochester, Kent 1651
- C10/57/109 Gore, Woodward and Meggs v. East India company, Governor & c. and others 1652
- C10/74/1 Roger Andrewes, John Connis, William Pennoyer, Francis Dashwood and Edward Crispe v Frederick Skinner: mones matters, Middx. 1664
- C114/69 Accounts (household and personal) correspondence (Dutch and French), Probate of will of Charles Marescoe, of London. Lawyer’s charges. Account books (Dutch and French): Middx
Tuesday, 9th August 2011
- C9/40/57 Oxenden v. Dallison and Stanley 1668
- C9/243/66 Dallison v. Skipper and Smith 1666