MRP: Leonard Bushell will
Leonard Bushell will
PROB 11/306 May 158-210 Will of Leonard Bushell, Mariner of Limehouse, Middlesex 10 December 1661
Editorial history
30/01/12, CSG: Created page & posted transcription to wiki
[hide]Abstract & context
Leonard Bushell made his will whilst sick and weak in Scanderoone Road in the eastern Mediterranean on July 1st, 1661. His will was proved on December 10th, 1661.
Leonard Bushell (alias Bushill) was a mariner and master of the Society, the ship he commanded from at least 1657 till his death. A dramatic account exists, under Bushell's attestation, of a Dutch attack upon the Society, when under his command, on April 25th, 1657. The ship was about two hundred leagues south of the Cape of Good Hope on its return from Masulipatam, and was accosted by a Dutch ship on its outward voyage from Amsterdam to Batavia.[1]
A pedigree exists for the Bushell family of Whitby, which includes "Leonard Bushell, of Limehouse in co. Middlesex." This Leonard Bushell is described as a second son of Leonard Bushell of Whitby (b. ?, d. 1608, bur. 1610 (sic), and of Jane Lambe of Newcastle upon Tine (b.?, bur. 1629). He is shown with several brothers, including "Henry Bushell, of Limehouse in co. Middlesex", who is shown as the third son of the family. These data broadly match the will of Leonard Bushell transcribed below, which includes a reference to Henry Bushell deceased, and a cousin, Henry Bushell, who was son of Henry Bushell deceased. However, Leonard Bushell's will makes reference to his mother Marye Bushell, who was alive, not to a Jane Bushell, and to his sisters, one of whom is described as Mary Browne, wife of Zachary Browne,[2] mariner. No such sister Mary appears on the pedigree - the three sisters shown are Elizabeth Barnard, Jane Porter, and Ruthe ?Boyse.[3]
If the pedigree is broadly correct, then the mariner Leonard Bushell's father was Leonard Bushell of Whitby, of unknown occupation, who himself was the second son of Robert Bushell of Whitby, a merchant, who died ca. 1584 or 1585.[4]
The pedigree is dated Malton, 28th August 1665, by which time the mariner Leonard Bushell was dead, although this is not shown on the pedigree.[5]
No references are made in the mariner Leonard Bushell's will to any locations other than Scanderoone and Lymehouse. There is no mention of Whitby or Yorkshire.
Alternatively, Leonary Bushell may have been born in Limehouse, Stepney, in 1632, the son of Leonard Bushell and Mary Bennett, who were married in Limehouse in 1626.[6] This would make Leonard Bushell roughly thirty at the time of his death, and is consistent with the absence of a named wife in his will, suggesting that he was unmarried. It is also consistent with his mention of a mother, Mary Bushell, who was alive at the time of Leonard writing his will at Scanderoone, in 1661.
Leonard Bushell estimated his residual estate, after legacies paid, to be about £1,000, assuming debts oweing to him in India are recovered. It is these debts in India which were pursued by the London linen draper William Wild (OR, Weld), and which were also mentioned by Thomas Tomlins. The debtor was the English East India Company factor who was either at Carwar or at Calhe Velhe.[7] The residual estate was to go to his mother, with the request that she would bequeath the remainder at her own death to the children of his sisters.
As reported by a researcher into the Greenhill families of London and Virginia, the will of William Greenhill, clerk of Stepney, proved in 1671, mentioned a "Mary Bushell, spinster daughter of Henry Bushell, late of Limehouse", together with a Henry Bushell, mariner and Sarah Bushell, and William Greenhill's cousin "Zachary Bourne- son of my cousin William Bourne."[8]
Suggested links
See 10th March 1662/63, Letter from William Wild to Sir GO, London
See 26th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Thomlins to Sir GO, St. Leonards Bromley
See Limehouse
See William Bushell will (William Bushell does not appear related to Leonard Bushell, though both were mariners)
To do
(1) Check the transcription
Bushell of Whitby arms
Image credits & copyright information
'Bushell of Whitby arms' in J.W. Clay (ed.), Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, with additions, vol. 3 (Exeter, 1917), p. 508[9]
- No proof made of these arms
- Book and image are out of copyright
- Sourced from Internet Archive copy
This transcription has been completed
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Leonard Bushell of Lymehouse Mariner being in good and perfect Memory Although sick and weake in body doe make and ordaine this my last Will & Testament in manner and fforme ffolloweinge.
FFIRST I bequeath my Soule into the handes of Almightie God from whence it came hopeinge through the merritts of Jesus Christ my Redeemer To obtaine pardon and fforgiveness of Amm my Sinnes And as for my Body I committ to the Earth from whence it came decentlie to bee buried.
SECONDLIE All the primadge to bee Received here att Scanderoone & ffiftie dollers To bee Received of Mr ?Lee for Gratuitie, which I give and bequeath to William Jackson if Recovered,
THIRDLY I bequeath To Richard ?Soamer Twentie Poundes.
FFOURTHLY I bequeath To William Stevens my Silver hilted Rapier
FFIFTHLY I bequeath to William Parker my Turkish ?Simiter
SEAVENTLY I bequeath to the abovesaid Richard Seamer my studd suite with silver XXXX
EIGHTLY I give To my Servants theire tyme and their wages for the voyadge
NYNTHLY I give To every Head Officer in the Shipp a peice to buy them a Ring to weare for my sake,
TENTHLY I bequeath to my Sister Mary Browne[10] the wife of Zachary Browne[11] Mariner All my Plate, my dyamond Ringe, my ?Cheasts and Screators and what ever XXXX else is usefull for her,
ELEVEANTHLY I give to my Cousen Henry Bushell Twentie Poundes I say the Sonne of Henry Bushell deceased
TWELVETHLY I give to M:r William ?Weld M:r Lawrence ?Sawser and his wife Ellen ?Sawser ffourtue Shillinges a peecee to buy them a Ringe to weare in Memory of mee,
THIRTEENTHLY I give To my brother Zachary Browne my Parte of his Shipp I hold with him
FFOWERTEENTHLY I give To George Browne and Leonard Browne the Sonnes of Zachary Browne Each of them One Hundred Poundes; And if itt please God att the date hereof they have another Child I give that the like Legacie
FFIFTEENTH I give To my Servante John Batchelor besides his tyme halfe the Money I had with him which is Tenne Poundes
SIXTEENTH I give To William Crutchfeild ffive Poundes
LASTLY All the Rest of my Estate that shall Appeare which I Recken to bee about one Thousand Poundes Sterlinge, if my debt Recovered from India I give To my Mother ?Marye Bushell desireinge after her deceasement To give into my Sisters Children the Remainder, Onely is bequeath unto M:r John ?Bence (Or, ??Beine), and M:r William ?Weld Tenne Pound a peece whom I Appointe my
my Executors of this my last Will and Testament; dated this Second day of July One Thousand Six hundred Sixtie and One, Aboard the Societie in Scanderoone Road:
Signed Sealed and Delivered in the presence of us W:m Jackson, Richard ?Seamer, Richard Weld, Will: Stevens, John Ashley, John Bennett, John Purdue:
PROBATUM fuit Testamentum Supra Scriptum apud London Coram Venerabili et Egregio viro Dno Guilielimo Merrick Milite Legim XXXX Curia Prerogative Cantuasiensio Magistro Custode sive Commissario Legitime Constituto ?Decimo dXX Mensio Decembrio Anno Domini Millesimo Sexicimo Sexagesimo Primo Juramiento Guiluelimi Weld XXX Executorum un humioj Testamente Nominat XXX Commissa fuit Administratio Omnium et Singuler bonorum Jurum ez creditorum dictii defuncti de bene et fideliter Administrand eadem Ad Sancta dej Evangelia in ?debita Junio femina Jurat.
JOHANNE NENCE altero Execut in deo Testamento Nominat Expresse Renunnciante:
The following IGI entries are to be treated with caution until confirmed from an identified primary document. They appear to contradict the alleged Bushell link to Bushell of Whitby discussed above:
Leonard Bushell and Mary Bennett, mar. 1626, Limehouse
"Leonard Bushell
Spouse: Mary Bennett, Marriage: 31 Aug 1626, Limehouse, London"[12]
"Leonard Bushell
Spouse: Mary Bennett, Marriage: 31 Aug 1626, Saint Dunstan Stepney, London"[13]
Children of Leonard Bushell and Mary Bennett, Limehouse
"Rachell Bushell
Christening: 4th October 1627
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary
Death: 12th April 1628"[14]
"John Bushell
Christening: 5th November 1628, Saint Dunstan, Stepney
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary
Death: 1st December 1628"[15]
"Mary Bushell
Christening: 11th November 1629, Saint Dunstan, Stepney
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary"[16]
"Robert Bushell
Christening: 6th July 1631
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary
Death: 1st February 1631"[17]
"Leonard Bushell
Christening: 8th November 1632, Saint Dunstan, Stepney
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary"[18]
"Samuel Bushell
Christening: 23rd January 1634, Saint Dunstan, Stepney
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary"[19]
"John Bushell
Christening: 13th August 1639, Saint Dunstan, Stepney
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary"[20]
Henry Bushell and ?Rose Greenwood, mar. 1634, Limehouse
"Henry Bushell
Marriage: 24th April 1634, Limehouse, Stepney
Spouse: Unnamed (possibly to Rose Greenwood)"[21]
William Bushell, b. 1618, Limehouse
"William Bushell
Christening: 8th April 1618, Saint Dunstan, Stepney
Father: William Bushell; Mother: Rachell"[22]
Captain William Bushell, Limehouse, 1636/1637
Extract, CSPD, 1636/37
"[1636-1637] Feb. 11. 102. Petition of Thomas Methwold to the Lords of the Admiralty. Petitioner was employed as purser in his Majesty's service for the late expedition in the Great Neptune, Capt. Bence Johnson, and there is due to him 14/. which without their assistance he is not likely to recover. Prays that he may receive satisfaction. - P.S. The victualler and paymaster is Capt. William Bushell, of Limehouse. [1/2 p.] Underwritten,
102. I. Capt. Bushell is to consider this petition, and either satisfy petitioner or attend the Lords of the Admiralty on Thursday next, with his answer in writing. Whitehall, 11th February 1636[-7.] [1/4 p.]
102. II. Answer of Capt. Bushell. He desires to pay petitioner, and never denied him, only desired him to account. [1/4 p.]"[23]
Extract, Memorials of Stepney Parish
"[Footnote] Captain William Bushell, in 1635, commanding the Neptune, was employed in redeeming captives at Argier. On his way home he and another captain, Thomas Scot, of Ratcliffe, were fined £500 and £100 respectively, at Dunkirk, by Admiral the Earl of Lindsey, for 'presuming to wear their flags in full view of The Fleet.' This apparently was considered an open insult to the assembled 200 ships, and was aggravated by the culprits attempting to escape. A month later the relatives of other captives ' at Argier and Sallee ' petitioned the Lords of the Admiralty to send William Bushell to redeem others after his success in bringing home thirty. He was probably sent, and next year, on the recommendation of the Trinity House, he and his ship, the Neptune (400 tons, 32 guns, and 160 men), were employed for the Navy. In spite of a dispute with his purser, in which he was condemned by the Officers of the Navy for making money out of his stores, he seems to have continued in the service of the Crown till his death, which is thus entered in the Registers : 'March 7, 1637. William Bushell, of Limehouse, mariner, died at Morbein, in France - a Captain.' He seems to have been unmarried, as he left most of his possessions to his father. - State Papers, Domestic; Stepney Registers ; Will at Somerset House. There was another Wm. B., a rope-maker, in Shadwell (see the Map), who died in 1653. - Stepney Court Rolls, Roll C."[24]
Possible primary sources
British Library
British Library, Asia, Pacific and Africa Collections: East India Company Letter Books IOR/E/3/84-111 1626-1753: LETTER BOOK 2 E/3/85 1657-1661: [no title] E/3/85 f 53v 14 Apr 1658
- Contents: Captain Leonard Bushell of the Society
C 2/ChasI/B145/1 Short title: Bushell v Bolles. Plaintiff: Bushell. Defendant: Bolles bart and others. Document type: Replication. 1625-1660
C 5/34/3 Bushell v. Garfoot: Middlesex 1659
C 5/381/18 Bushell v. Goodere 1649
C 5/406/247 Bushell v. Noy: Middlesex 1659
C 10/51/11 Bushell v. Vyner, Leake, Noell: Middx 1659
C 10/109/63 Hewett v. Watts, Bushell, Noell, Bonnell, Rastall, Bicknell: Middx 1663
PROB 11/172 Pile 90-123 Will of William Bushell, Mariner on the Palsgrave 03 December 1636
PROB 11/306 May 158-210 Will of Leonard Bushell, Mariner of Limehouse, Middlesex 10 December 1661
PROB 11/315 Bruce 97-143 Will of Richard Weld, Fishmonger now riding at Anchor in the good Ship Good Hope of City of London 03 September 1664
PROB 11/386 Foot 1-44 Will of Leonard Bushell, Master of the good Ship or Vessel called the Mary of London 31 March 1686
PROB 11/416 Coker 134-174 Will of Zachary Browne, Gentleman of Stepney, Middlesex 27 October 1693
PROB 11/450 Pott 45-85 Will of William Weld, Gentleman of Ware, Hertfordshire 17 March 1699
PROB 32/6/8 Deceased: Bushell, Benjemin, Stepney, Middx. Inventory 1668 Dec. 28 (1669 Sept. 15)
PROB 32/6/12 Deceased: Bushell, Benjemin, Stepney, Middx. Account (1669 Sept. 15)
Possible secondary sources
- Jump up ↑ 'A Brief Relation of several Abuses received from the Dutch in the East Indian Seas, January 18, 1658 (Letter Book, vol. ii, p. 36), in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1655-1659 (Oxford, 1916), pp. 216-317
- Jump up ↑ Possibly PROB 11/416 Coker 134-174 Will of Zachary Browne, Gentleman of Stepney, Middlesex 27 October 1693
- Jump up ↑ 'Bushell of Whitby' in J.W. Clay (ed.), Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, with additions, vol. 3 (Exeter, 1917), pp. 508-510
- Jump up ↑ 'Bushell of Whitby' in J.W. Clay (ed.), Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, with additions, vol. 3 (Exeter, 1917), pp. 508-510
- Jump up ↑ 'Bushell of Whitby' in J.W. Clay (ed.), Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, with additions, vol. 3 (Exeter, 1917), pp. 508-510
- Jump up ↑ This is the footnote text
- Jump up ↑ 10th March 1662/63, Letter from William Wild to Sir GO, London; 26th March 1663, Letter from Thomas Thomlins to Sir GO, St. Leonards Bromley
- Jump up ↑, viewed 30/01/12
- Jump up ↑ 'Bushell of Whitby' in J.W. Clay (ed.), Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire, with additions, vol. 3 (Exeter, 1917), pp. 508
- Jump up ↑ Mary Browne (née Bushell), wife of Zachary Browne, mariner
- Jump up ↑ Leonard Bushell's brother-in-law. Possibly PROB 11/416 Coker 134-174 Will of Zachary Browne, Gentleman of Stepney, Middlesex 27 October 1693. According to a researcher into the Greenhill name, Zachary Browne (transcribed by the researcher as "Bourne"), is mentioned in the will of William Greenhill, clerk of Stepney: "Couzen Zachary Bourne - son of my cousin William Bourne ...Henry Bushell? (mariner) 5 pounds & Sarah Bushell 5 pounds ...William Bourne (cousin) 20 pounds; Sarah Bushell spinster; Mary Bushell, spinster daughter of Henry Bushell, late of Limehouse." (, viewed 30/01/12; PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of William Greenhill, Clerk of Stepney, Middlesex 01 November 1671
- Jump up ↑®ion=2®ionfriendly=British+Isles&juris1=&juris2=&juris3=&juris4=®ionfriendly=&juris1friendly=&juris2friendly=&juris3friendly=&juris4friendly=, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ IGI Batch No.: M055761®ion=2®ionfriendly=British+Isles&juris1=&juris2=&juris3=&juris4=®ionfriendly=&juris1friendly=&juris2friendly=&juris3friendly=&juris4friendly=, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ Batch no.: C05576-6,;, viewed 13/02712
- Jump up ↑ Batch no.: C05576-6,;, viewed 13/02712
- Jump up ↑ Batch no.: C05576-6,;, viewed 13/02712
- Jump up ↑ Batch no.: C05576-6;, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ Batch No.: C055766;, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ Batch no.: C05576-6;, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ Batch no.: C05576-6;, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ Film no.: 170763:®ion=2®ionfriendly=British+Isles&juris1=&juris2=&juris3=&juris4=®ionfriendly=&juris1friendly=&juris2friendly=&juris3friendly=&juris4friendly=, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ Batch No.: C055765;®ion=2®ionfriendly=British+Isles&juris1=&juris2=&juris3=&juris4=®ionfriendly=&juris1friendly=&juris2friendly=&juris3friendly=&juris4friendly=, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ C.S.P.D., 1636-1637, p. 437
- Jump up ↑ G.W. Hill, W.H. Frere (eds.), Memorials of Stepney parish that is to say the vestry minutes from 1579 to 1662 (Guilford, 1890-91), fn. 1, p. 139