MRP: Lady Jane Mico will

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PROB 11/334/494 Will of Dame Jane Mico, Widow of London 09 December 1670

PROB 11/334 Penn 129-184 Will of Dame Jane Mico, Widow of London 09 December 1670 (See also PROB 11/333 Penn 67-128 Sentence of Jane Mico, Widow of Saint Andrew Holborn, Middlesex 09 December 1670 )

Editorial history

01/12/11, CSG: Created page & posted partial transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

The ODNB entry on Samuel Mico has a related entry on Lady Jane Mico, which states: "Jane Mico [née Robinson], Lady Mico (b. in or before 1634, d. 1670), whom Samuel married at an unknown date, was apparently the elder of the two daughters of William Robinson of Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, and his wife, Elizabeth Burrell."[1]

Suggested links

See Sir Samuel Mico will

See PROB 5/840 Inventory & probate accounts of Samuel Mico, 1666, ff. 1-27
See Aaron Mico will

To do

(1) Complete transcription


Transcription is incomplete

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Dame Jane Mico Relict of S:r Samuel Mico Knight deceased Considering with my selfe that there is nothing soe certaine as Death and nothing more uncertaine than the time Doe therefore while I have in some ?mesoore health of body and perfection of memoryand understandingmake this my last Will and Testament inmaner following

FIRST I commend my Sole into the hands of God my maker hoping and assuredly beleving through the onely death and passion and merritts of my deere SaviorJesus Christ to be made ptaker of Life everlasting, my Body I commite to the Earth to be interred in or neere the ?Graveof my deere deceased husband And whereas my deere husbandleft unto mee all hisjewells plate and householdstofe besides the moiety of his estate [There appears to be an insertion mark and a RH margin set of words “Confirmat::xp. ?Sinam Mene di Decemb:x1670.”] acruing unto mee by the Custom of the Citty of London I dispose of itas follows XXXX I giveto my brother Peter Robinson ffive hundred pounds of lawfull money of England And whereas I bought or purchased of William ??Bowther Georege ffarwell John  ??Bourther and William Prettiman in the names of my Brother in Law Andrew Barker and my Brother William Robinson, All those Medows and pasture grounds XXXXX called great Kingsham little Kingsham and ?Coneygree otherwise ?Coneygree Close with the appurtenances Scituate lyeingand being in ?Ampney S:t Peters als Eastington in the County of Gloster I doe heare by give and bequeath the same unto Samuell Robinson sonn of my Brother William Robinson of Cheshunt in the County of Hartford hee the said Samuell Robinson deying withouthier male then to the hiers male of my Brother William Robinson, but if hee my brother William Robinson shall have no Sonne of his Body, Then I give the said Lands to Samuell Barker Sonne of my Brother in Law Andrew Barker and his hiers forever And Where as I have purchased or bought in the names of my Brother Andrew Barker and my Brother William Robinson of ??Honey ??Powleand S:r Richard ??Pawle severall merchants leying in ?Buscott and ?Barnardiscott in the County of ?Barks commonly called the ?Corne Marsh or Marsh meadoes contayning by estimation Sixty five Acres, and two other parcells of meadows lying


in Buscott aforesaid Containing fore or five Acres I doe heareby give and bequeath the same to Samuell Sonne of my Brother in Law Andrew Barker forever [(square bracket in manuscript) Whereas I haveing a great Kindnes for Samuell Mico my deare husband kinsman Son of John Mico of ?Croscombe in the County of Somersett and well knoweing that my deare husband with my selfe had thought of marrying him to one of my Neeces, and when and as soone as he shall marry such Neece of mine (Viz:t) one of the Daughters of my Brother in Law Andrew Barker or my brother Brother William Robinson aforementioned then and not before, or otherwise I give and bequeath to him Two thousan (sic) poundes Lawfull money of England and ?one the forementioned Condison I give and bequeath to hima ffarme called the Littell Parks which I bought or purchased in the name of my Brother Andrew Barker and my Brother William Robinson of the Right honorabell the Marquis of Worcester in the Mannor of ??XXXkham Scituate lyeing and beingin the severall Parishes of ??Thatcham in the County of Barks and Kingsdeane in the County of Southampton now in the tenor or occupation of Thomas Browne And when the aforesaid Samuell Mico shall have given a full Discharge according to Law when he comes to One and Twenty yeares of age to the Executors of my deare husband for his Estate in their hands then I givehim One Thousand pound of Lawfull money of Englandand if hee see it not to theire satisffacon I then giveit to ?Redeeme upon ??Stanesin what manner my Executors shall thinke most convenient] And I give to Samuell Mico aforesaid my deare husbands XXXX sett with diamonds and I give him my crimson damaske Bedd with all that belongs to that sute and my great Looking Glass and my Marbell Tabell when hee comes to the Age of One and Twenty yeares hee dyeing before that age I give them to my Two Executors But if the aforesaid Samuell Mico doe not marry one of my Neces aforesaid My will is if hee be a XXXX man and doe marry into a good family and has a ??Parthure with her answareable to his estate and has a Sonne that lives to the Age of a man I then give him the the littell Parke in the Mannor of ??Crookham in the parish of ?Thatcham in the countey of Barkes and ??Kingesolare in the County of Southampton but if hee have no Sonne I give it to his brother Richard ?Mico XXXXXX hee have any hier have noe sonn then to my Two Executors I give it I give Brother Andrew Barker One hundred pounds and I giveto Jane Barker my God daughter my Brothers Daughter Two thousand pound that M:r?Pett (Or, Pott) has on a ??Margage and ffifteen hundred pound that the East indey Companie has of mine One Bonde maide in her name And I give her my ??Crostick Bedd withall that belongs sute, andall my householdestofe that is not disposed of by this my Will I give to Elizabeth Barker my Brothers daughter three hundred pounds to Mary Barker I give Two hundred pounds

ITEM I give my sister Mary Robinson Twenty pound to my Cosen Elizabeth Day her daughter I give One hundred pounds to Jane Day my God daughter I give one hundred pounds to Thomas Day to Peter Day to Elizabeth Day to Mary Day Twenty pounds a piece

ITEM I give my sister Winifred Robinson Twenty pounds to Samuell Robinson my Brothers Son I give One Thousand pounds lawfull money of England To Jane Robinson my god daughter I give ffive hundred pounds and my Bedd wroughtin greene and all thatbelongs to it and the other part of my householdstofe not disposed of by this my will I give to Mary Robinson my Brothers daughter Three hundred pounds and Two hundred pounds to his son John Robinson Lawfull money of England I give to all my Cosen ?Garmans (could be “Germans”) fforty shillings a piece to bye Rings XXXX my Cosen Jane Harris, and my cosen ?Briget ?Wegwood Twenty pounds a peece tomy cosen Anne Barrow five pounds to my cosen Katherine Harris five pounds and five to my cosen Thomas Barrow to my cosen Samuell ??Hare


Tenn pounds, and Twenty to his Sonne Samuell ?Hare, I give to my cosen Jane ?Hare Twenty pounds daughter of my cosen Richard Hare, I give Twenty pound to my cosen Jane ?’Dantrey my God daughter, to my Cosen Edward Mico, I give hundred pound (sic) when he has compounded with his creditors to my Uncle Mico I give Tenn pounds and Tenn to his sonne John Mico and to Elizabeth Wagstafe his daughter and I give ffive pound to Sara ??Hugie his daughter to Richard Mico Son of John Mico One hundred pound To my cosen Nathaniell Withers Two hundred pounds I give; To my Aunt ?BarXXX I give Tenn pound to my cosen John Stone I give Twenty pound to my cosen Jane Mico daughter of my cosen Walter Mico of London I give five pounds to my Cosen Anne Slade to my Cosin Margrit ffowles to my Cosen ffrancis ConXXX to my Cosen ffrancis Stone I give to S:r John ?Mardaunt Barronet fore hundred pound, I give to M:rs Katherine Mordaunt Tenn pounds I give to M:r John Oldesworth Twenty pounds I give five pound to John SuXXXand I give all the Servants I have at my death ffifty shellens a pece to Sara XXXX five pounds

ITEM I give ffifteene hundred pounds Lawfull money of England to build and Allmanes house with some of it for Tenn poor Widdowes of the age of fifftey or upwards the rest of the moneyI would have Landbought with it for a yearly Revenue to bee equally devided among them yearly as my Executors shall thinke best and my Executors shall have the disposall of it for thare lives then I desire the Company of Mercersto take it into their careto dispose of it according to my Will and I would have it built for the poore of London in what placemy Executors thinke most convenient I give fore hundred pounds to the Towne of ffarford in Glostershire to bee lade out in land the yearly Revenue to put out fore poore boyes of that Towne Prentices, and this is to continue forever And I woulde have those Boyes that are chosen to bee such as can say the Lords Prayer the Ten comandements the Beleife and the Church catichism And I give One hundred pounds to the Allmenshouses at Chathurst in Hartfordshire to by Land, the Revenue there of to bee yearly equally devided to the poore of that howse forever And I give ffiftey pound to the Poore of that parishe in which I lived at my death, And furthermore I doe hereby declare That Where as I gave Samuel Mico aforesaid Two Thousand pounds When hee had married one of my Neeces, he not performing it I give one of the said Thousand pounds to Redeeme poore Slaves which I would have put out as my Executrix thinke the best for a yearely Revenue to Redeeme some yearely And if the abovesaid Samuell Mico marry one of my Neeces I then give him best pearl necklace and all my plate that I doe not give a way by this my Will I give M:r John Pollexfen my gilte Cop and Salver to it

And Lastly my will is that after my death and funerall Expences Which the Lawe allowed first to bee paid I give the over pluse of my Estate or anything else that I have not given away by this my Will to my two Executors to be equally devided betweene them And I make and ordaine my deare Brother William Robinson of Cheshunt in the County of Hartford one and my deare Syster Elizabeth Barker of ffareford in the County of Gloster the other two Executors of this my last Will and Testament And I doe revock and make void all former Wills and Bequests

IN WITNES where of I have unto and to one more of the same Tennor and Date being all writeing with my own hand and subscribed my name and affixed my seale the firyst Day of July One Thousand Six hundred and Seaventy


Signed sealed published and declared in the psence of Jo:n Mordaunt Tho: Barrate, Rob:t ?Oldisnorth, Rich:Manningham Anne Bassen Mary ShXXXXX


BEE IT KNOWNE UNTO ALL MEN BY these presents, That Whereas I Dame Jane Mico of London Widdowe have made and declared my last Will and Testament in Writeing bearing Date the primo July 1670 I the said Dame Jane Micoby this pres:t codicill doe confirme Ratifie my said Will and Testament in every pticuler

AND WHEREAS I have in my said will given unto my Neece Jane Barker the summe of ffifteene hundred pounds mentioned to bee soe much oweing from the East India Company by a Bond made in her name, Which Bond I have since altured and received of it ffive hundred pounds soe that there remaines but One Thousand poundsput out in her name NOW it is my Will and meaning and doe hereby declare it soe to bee that I doe give and bequeathunto my said Neece the said summe of One Thousand pounds soe put out in her name, Andalsoe I doe give and bequeath unto my said Neece the summe of ffive hundred pounds more oweing to mee on a Bond from Isaac Meynell Which I have ordered to bee altered and made alsoe in her name being in consideraton of the aforementioned five hundred pounds rec.d of the East India company And I doe further give and bequeath unto my said Neece Jane Barker

Transcription is incomplete


Possible primary sources

  1. Henry Summerson and M. C. Curthoys, ‘Mico, Sir Samuel (d. 1666)’, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Oct 2006; M. C. Curthoys, viewed 6 Sept 2010