MRP: John Ashe will

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John Ashe will

Will of John Ash or Ashe of Freshford, Somerset 20 June 1659 PROB 11/293 PROB 11/399 Pell 350-399

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29/11/11, CSG: Posted transcription to wiki

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IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN the fifteenth day of March In the yeare of our Lord one thousand hundred ffiftie and sixe I John Ashe of Freshford in the Countie of Somerset Esquire sicke of bodie but of good and perfect memorie God be praised Revoking both in deed and in law All other and former wills and testaments Doe make and declare this my last will and testam:t in writing and in manner and forme following. That is to say.

FFIRST I commend my soule into the hands of God my maker hopeing assuredly through the onely merrits of Jesus Christ my Saeviour to be made partaker of life everlasting And I committ my bodie to the earth whereof it is made to be decently be buried at the discretion of my Executors herein after named and appointe.

ITEM I give and bequeath all that my Mannor of ?Beckington in the Countie of Somerset with the rights, members and appurtenances thereof and thereunto belonging; And also all that my Mannor and farme of Teffont in the Countie of Wilts unto my sonne John Ash his heirs and Assignes forever Upon condicon And my will and meaning nevertheless is, That my sonne shall in consideracon of this my bequest to him, pay all such rents, Abbuities and legacies unto such persons in such manner and at such times, as herein after is expected and declared, That is to say, That my said sonne John Ash shall pay unto my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth Ash his tender mother the summe of two hundred pounds yearly and everie yeare during the life of his said mother, To be paid quarterly without any deduction or declaration, The first payment thereof To witt, the summe of fiftie pounds to be made upon the first day of the Nativitie of Saint John Baptist next ensuing the date hereof.

ITEM my will and meaning is That as to all those my landes and tenements, set, lying and being in the severall parishes of Freshford, Hynton, Wishwood and Buckland Dynham in the Counties of Somerset and Wilts, I give and bequeath the same lands and tenements to my said wife for terme of her life. If she remained so long a widdowe and unmarried; ITEM that immediately after the death or marriage of my said wife, which shall first happen, I give and bequeath my said lands and Tenements in Freshford, Hinton, Westwood and Buckland Dynham aforesaid unto my sonne Edward Ashe his heirs and Assignes for ever.

ITEM I give and bequeath and devise my farme and land of Longstreete in the parish of Enford in the Countie of Wilts unto my sonne Joseph Ashe his heirs and Assignes for ever, TO have and enioye the same, when, and assoone as he shall attaine unto and accomplish the age off foure and twentie yeares, and not before. And in the meane time my will and meaning is, That the issue, profits and rent unto of the said lands be reveived and imploy:d by my exectors and Overseers herein after named and appointed for the education and best advantage of my said sonne Joseph,

ITEM I give and bequeath my farme and Mannor called ?Chalrotte and Westbury Mawditte, And my farme called Hanybridge in the Countie of Wilts unto my sonne Samuell Ashe his heires and Assignes for ever, To have and enioye the same, when and assoone as he shall attaine unto and accomplish the full age of foure and twentie yeares and not before And in the meane time My will is, That the profits and revenue of the said lands be received and imployed by my said executors and Overseers herein after named and appointed for the duration and best advantage of my said sonne Samuell.

ITEM I give and bequeath my lands and tenements in Westcombe in the parish of Batcombe unto my sonne Beniamine Ashe his heires and Assignes for ever. To have and enioye the same when and assoone as he shall attaine unto and accomplish the full age of foure and twentie yeares, and not before. And my will is That in the meane time the profits and Revenue of the said lands shalbe received and imployed by my Executors and Overseers herein after named and appointed for the education and best advantage of my said sonne Beniamine.

ITEM I give and bequeath my lands in the Baronie of Clanwilliam (sic) in the Countie of Tipperarie and Kingdome of Ireland unto my sonne, Jonathan Ashe his heires and Assignes for ever. To have, hold and enioye the same when and assoone as he shall attaine unto and accomplish the full age of foure and Twentie yeares and not before. And my will is, That in the meane time the profits


and revenue of my said lands shalbe received and imployed by my said Executors and Overseers herein after named and appointed for the duration and best advantage of my said sonne Jonathan. And my will also is, That if either of my said sonnes Edward, Joseph, Samuel, Beniamin and Jonathan or any of them shall happen to die, before they or either of them shall attaine unto or accomplish their severall and respective age or ages of foure and twentie yeares, That then and in such case, the lands of him or them so dying shall immediately after his or their decease or deceases remaine and bee for my Grandsonne John Ashe sonne of my sonne James Ashe, his heires and Assignes for ever, To have and enioye the same when and assoone as he shall attaine unto the full age of foure and Twentie yeares, and not before. And that after the death of either of my said sonnes as aforesaid, and untill my said Grandsonne shall attaine unto the said age of foure and twentie yeares, My will and meaning is, That the profits and revenue of either, any or all of my said sonnes lands so dying shalbe received and imployed by my Executors and Overseers herein after named and appointed for the education and best advantage of my said Grandsonne John Ashe.

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my dearly beloved wife Elizabeth Ashe all my Cattle and xxx=goods, whatsoever upon my lands in Freshford, Hynton Westwoode Buckland Dynham in the Countie of Somerset and Wilts, And also all my goods, householdstuffe and utensills for trade now in my house at ffreshford In trust and confidence that she will deliver up the said householdstuffe and utensills for trade unto my said sonne Edward, when ever he shall remove away from my dwelling house in ffreshford

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said wife All my plate to be disposed of by her at her decease unto such of my children as she shall thinke fit.

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Hester Ashe as her marriage porcon the summe of fifteene hundred pounds To be paid her by my executors herein after named in manner following. That is to say. One thousand pounds thereof within twentie dayes next after my said daughters marriage. And the other five hundred pounds as followeth. To witt, Two hundred and fiftie pounds thereof within twelve months, And the other two hundred and fiftie pounds thereof residue within two yeares next after her said marriage. And the same porcon of fifteene hundred pounds to be paid unto M:r Samuell?Greywicke of Bristoll Merchant, in case he marrie my said daughter Hester and settle upon her for her life good and valuable lande of the cleere yearly value of Two hundred pounds per Annum. And after her decease to remaine to such issue their heires and Assignes, for ever, as he shall beget on the bodie of my said daughter Hester according as he hath agreed to doo.

ITEM my will is that whereas I have in my possession in trust the summe of three thousand pounds being the porcons of my grandaughter Anne Barnard, Elizabeth Barnard and Johanna Barnard That my executors and Overseers herein after named doe pay the said three thousand pounds, to witt, one thousand pounds to each of them, when ever they shalbe married And inthe meane time to allowe consideracon for the said three thousand pounds after the proporcon of fiftie pounds a peece, untill the said three thousand pounds shalbe fully paid upon their severall marriages as aforesaid, or otherwise to pay the same in such manner as they shall thinke fit,

ITEM I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary Ashe the sume of one Thousand pounds, ffive hundred pounds thereof to be paid at her day of marriage, And the other five hundred pounds thereof residue to be paid within sixe months next after.

ITEM, I give and bequeath unto my said sonns Edward Joseph Samuell Beniamin and Jonathan to each of them the sume of five hundred pounds To be paid unto them as they shall attaine their severall ages of foure and twentie yeares and not before And in case my said daughter Mary Ashe, my said sonns Edward Joseph Samuel Beniamin and Jonathan or any or either of them shall happen to dye before they accomplish their severall ages of foure and twentie years, That then I bequeath his her or their part and porcon so dying to the other of them surviving equally to be divided amongst them, and to bee delivered unto them, when they shall accomplish their said age of foure and

Twentie yeares. And if it fortune my said daughter Mary, my said sonns Edward Joseph Samuell, Beniamin and Jonathan shall all decease but one; before they accomplish their said age of foure and twentie yeares, Then I bequeath their and evereie of their parts and porcons to him or her surviving, To be delivered to him or her att his or her said age of foure and Twentie yeares And whereas my personall estate consisting of cloth wool and yarne is now in the possession of my said sonne John Ashe and his brother in lawe John Shawe at Antwerpe:n, and in the possession of my brother Jonathan Ashe of London, Merchant, and in the possession of my deare beloved wife of ffreshford, of w:ch I cannot at present take a perfect Accompt, and therefore cannot direct how far my said Cloth, wool and yarne will extend towards the satisfaction and payment of my said debts and legacies herin before expressed, My will and meaning therefore is, that so much of my said debts and legacies as my said cloth, wool and yarne being made into Cloth, will not, being sold and disposed of to the best advantage and have value, satisfie and paye, That then I doe hereby charge and require And my will is That my said sonne John Ashe in consideracon of my said Mannor of ?Beckington, and Mannor and farme of Teffont before bequeathed unto him hall satisfie and paye the same And in case my said sonne John Ashe shall refuse to performe the same, That then my will and meaning is That my executors and Overseers herein after named shall stand and be seized and possessed of the said Mannor and farme of ?Beckington and Teffont untill the said debts and legacies be paid and discharged as aforesaid, And it is my earnest and heartie request, that my deare brotherJonathan Ashe will take care to givea true and iust Accompt of all the Cloth now in his custodie and possession, and of all the cloth sent unto my sonne Shawe and my sonne John at Antwerpe ffor that he knowe, I have not had time to examine and perfect the same since I came last up to London, And therefore I doe relye upon his care and faith xxxx therein And for a token of remembrance, having nothing else to bestowe upon my said brother, I doe give and bequeath unto him my best striking watch and my new blacke suit and cloake lying in my trunke in my deare sister Elizabeth Ashes house in London. And I give and bequeath the Twentie pounds per Annum rent payable out of my ffarme of honybridge unto my deare sister Alice Henrys during the terme of her naturall life. The first payment thereof, To witt, the sume of tenne pounds to be paid to her upon the ffive and twentieth day of March next, and so tenne pounds halfe yearly during her naturall life aforesaid.

ITEM I doe hereby nominate appoint and desire my deare brothers Joseph and Samuel Ashe, my dutifull sonne James Ashe, my carefull sonne in lawe Paul Methwin (sic) to be executors of this my last will and to see the same observed in everie particular according to my intent and meaning herein which I doe not doubt but that they will carefully doe. And I desire my said Executors to furnish my said deare wife Elizabeth Ashe with so much money as shall make up and perfectly complete all the woll yarne and unfinished cloth now in her possession at ffreshford. And lastly I doe hereby nominate, appoint and desire my deare freind and XXXXX Thomas Shaxx of Standerwicke in the Countie of Somersett, And my faithfull servant John Browne John of of Holt in the Countie of Wilts to be Overseers of this my last Will and Testament and to take care for the letting and improving of all the lands, farmes and Tenements herein before given and bequeathed unto my said foure younger sonnes, And for their paines therein my will is that they allowe themselves tenne poundes per Annum a peece, out of the profitts and revenues of the said lands, for so long time onely as they shall performe the trust reposed in them:

In witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written.

John Aske:

Sealed and published in the p:sence of; Ed: Martyn Richard XXXXX

The Twentieth day of June in the yeare of our Lord one thousand sixe hundred ffiftie nine Letters of Administracon issued forth to John Ashe the naturall and lawfull sonne and principall Legatarie named in the last will and testament of John Ashe late of ffreshford


In the Countie of Somerset Esquire deceased To administer the goods chattells and debts of the said deceased according to the tenor and effect of the said will ffor that Josph and Samuell Ashe the brothers; James Ashe the sonne and Paul Methwen the sonne in lawe of the said deceased the executors therein named have respectively and by y:e Acts of Court may appeare hee the said John Ashe first legally swore well and likely to administer

Examined and Compared w:th the originall will of y:e said John Ashe deceas:d

By us


Received the 30:th of June 1659 the originall will of the said John Ashe deceas:d to and for y:e use of John Ashe y:e sonne and Administrator of y:e goods of the said deceas:d w:th the will annexed aforesaid y:e same having first binn proved by witnesses and confirmed by a XXXXX XXXXXX of this Court

By mee


Witness hereunto

Le: Browne
John Whyte


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