MRP: Inventory of William Dallison of Hallinge, Kent, 1583/84
[hide]Inventory of William Dallison of Hallinge, Kent, 1583/84
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The following inventory is printed in Archaeologica Cantiana (1883) and has been reproduced here:[1]
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See biographical profile of William Dallison I
See profile of Dallison family
See William Dalyson of Halling will
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Ex Registro Curie Prerogative Cantuar' extract'.
Indented of all the Goods, Cattels, Leases, Debts, Plate, and Ready Money, of William Dallison,* of Hallinge, in the county of Kent, Esquire, deceased ; as well within the Dioces of Rochester as elsewhere within the Realme of England made the xxvj:th day of January Anno 1583 et Anno R. Regine Elizabethe vicesimo sexto.
The bedding and other household stuffe linen and plate as are menconed by the said testator in his last will and testament to have bene by himself once delivered by Inventories as his owne proper goods to Robert Dene praised at Halling by William Dighton, William Tylghman, Christofer Preston, and Richard Wylkinson gent, the fourthe day of December 1581 et Anno R. Regiue Elizabethe tricesimo [sic] quarto.
In primis fower peeces of hangings of image tapstry-worke, and one counterpointe, for a bed of the same, xx:li.
Item one bedsteed of beeche paincted with read and silver with one tester of scarlet belonging to the same imbrodered with some silver and some copper upon blacke velvett with frendge of redd silke and silver and v curtens of sarcenett, the coulor white and reade . . . x:li.
Item one other tester with valence of Church stutfe and three curtens of sarcenet redd and murrey, xxvj:li viij:d.
Item xij cushions of Turkey work and iij of needlework and vj old cushion-cases of tapestry, x:s.
Item ij clothes for windowes and ij cupbord clothes of needleworke, xxx:s.
Itetii one carpet of greene cloth for a long table, xxx:s
Item ij old redd and yeolowe coverletts ; one blew read and yellowe ; one read and greene ; another of read and blue ; and one other old coverlet of white and black, xxvj:s viij:d.
Item two old carpetts of Dornix,t with ij cupbord clothes of the same, vj:s viij:d.
Item iij paire of white woollen blanckets, xiij:s iiij:d.
Item lj fairs of fustian blanckets ; th'one paire indifferent goode, and th'other paire very bad, xiij:s iiij:d.
Item one ffetherbed, one bolster and a Mattresse to the same, with fower pillowes of fustian, xl".
Item two beddes of downe, with two bolsters and two matteresses ; with two old chaires, th'one covered with murrey velvett ; th'other with black velvett, viij:li.
Item v curtens of read and greene sarcenett, xiij:s iiij:d.
Item viij pillowes, xx:s.
Item one counterpoint of tapestry, with one counterpoint in the old parlor, xlvj:s viij:d.
Item two old ffetherbeddes, and two bolsters with one covering of tapestry, iij:li vj:s viij:d.
Item one other old vallance, with frenge of Damaske and murrey velvett, xv:s.
Summa lvij:li viij:s iiij:d.
Item iiij paire of pillowbeeres ; wherof one paire Camerick, two paire Holland stitched, the other Holland plaine, xxxiij:s iiij:d.
Item six dosen of table napkins ; wherof five dosen plaine and one dosen with a little needlework, xlvj:s viij:d.
Item x table napkins of Damask worke of one sorte, and vij of another sorte, xx:s.
Item vj long table clothes plaine, xxxvj:s.
Item iij long table clothes of Damask worke, 1:s.
Item ix plaine long towels, xxx:s.
Item iij long towels of Damask work, xxv:s.
Item j cupbord cloth of Damask, and other plaine, x:s.
Item x paire of sheets : wherof one paire of Camerick much worne ; j paire three leaved ; and one odd sheet fine and stiched at th'ends; ij paire (of two leaves half ) of very large sheets elne and halfe brode, much worne ; two paire of plaine ; and two paire without seame, stiched at th'endes, x:li.
Summa xxij:li xj:s.
Item ij double guilt bowles with the covers double guilt ; one great double guilt salte, with the like cover; weying lxviij ounces and a half, at v:s viij:d the ounce, xix;li viij:s ij:d.
Item ij standing guilt cuppes, with two covers ; and one great guilt spoone ; waying xxxiiij ounces iij qr:rs and 'praised at v:s iiij:d th'ounce, ix:li v:s iiij:d.
Item xij spones called slippes weying xxviij ounces and a halfe and preised at v:s the ounce, vij:li ij:s vj:d.
Item j bason and ewer with Amies ; ij saltes weying iiij:xx iiij ounces and a quarter, and preised at iiij:s x:d th'ounce, xix:li vj:s x:d ob.
Summa lv:li iij:s x:d ob.
Two GELDINGS of the Testator's at Hailing preised as followeth :
Item one guelding of coulor gray, taken for a herriott after the decease of tho Testator, liij:s iiij:d.
Item th'other gelding of color darke bay, 1:s.
Summa v:li iij:s iiij:d.
The Law Books of the Testator's preised as followeth :
Item ij Littletons Tenures, th'one old, th'other newe, xij:d.
Item ij old law books called Perkines, vj:d.
Item j little book of certen new Cases in the times of Henry 8, Edward 6, and Queene Mary, x:d.
Item ij books called Fitz Herbert his Natura Brevium ; th'one new, th'other old, iij:s iiij:d.
Item ij old books namely the Pleas of theCrowne called Stamford and the King's Prerogative in severall volumes, xiiij:d.
Item one little book called th' Abridgement of the book of Assises, iiij:d.
Item ij books called Magna Carta, xij:d.
Item j little book called th' Institucons or principall groundes of the lawes and Statutes in England, viij:d.
Item one little book called the termes of the lawe, vj:d.
Item one little book called Novo Narracionis, vj:d.
Item j little book of Presidents, viij:d.
Item ij old books of th'aucthority of Justices of Peace, vj:d.
Item j little book of written hand, in manner of a bridgement of the Lawe, iiij:d.
Item ij Abridgements of the Statutes, th'one made by Justice Rastall, th'other by Poulton, vj:s
Item ij great Abridgements of the Common Law, made by Justice Brook, th'one new and of small print ; th'other old and of a greater volume, xxxij:s.
Item the first part of Pleydon's Commentaries, vj:s viij:d.
Item one great Abridgement of all the law made by Justice Fitz Herbert, of a small print, xvij:s
Item the book of Henry 7 yeares, v:s.
Item the book of Edward 4 yeares, v:s.
Item j part of Edward III. yeares ; from the first yeare unto the x:th, viij:s.
Item j other parte of Edward III. yeares, from the xvij unto the xxxix, viij:s.
Item the book called the Quadragesimus of Edward III., iij:s iiij:d.
Item the book of Assises, vj'.
Item the first and the latter part of Henry 6 yeares, xij:s.
Item the Register of all the Writts as well originall as Judiciall, iij:s iiij:d.
Item the book of entries, iiij'.
Item the Statutes at large in one volume, from the time of Henry III. untill the first yeare of Queene Mary, ix'.
Summa vj:li xvj:s viij:d.
THE TYMBER vij:li xij:s viij;d, IMPLEMENTS of household lviij:s vj:d, and stock of SHEEPE xlij:li xv:s at Gretewell in the County of Lincoln praised there.
Item in readie money and coyne, xxx:li.
Item j littell whoope ring of gold valued at ix:s.
Item j other ring of gold, with Armes upon it, called a Signett, valued at xxv:s.
Summa xxxj:li xiiij:s.
DEBTES OWING TO THE TESTATOR at the time of his deathe.
Summa cxxiiij:li xviij:s x:d.
SuMMA Totalis, ccclvij:li ij:s ij:d ob.
CERTAINE FFARMES AND LEASES for yeeres wherof the said testator was possessed at the day of his death.
Bromley. Item one farme or lease for yeares by Indenture, from Nicholas late Bishop of Rochester, of the mannor of Bromley in Bromley.
Solwoods in Shorsteed and Lydsinge. Item one farme or lease for yeares by Indenture from "Walter Phillips late Deane of the Cathedrall church of Rochester and the Chapter of the same churche, of the woods and underwoods that was growing upon certeine wood landes appertaining to the mannors of the same Deane and Chapter, called Shorsteed and Lydsing.
Chambers in Grayes Inn.
Greetwell Manor, Parsonage, Church, and Rectory. Lease from the Deane and Chapter of Lincoln.
- William Dalison (eldest son of Sir William Dalison, M.P. for Lincoln in 1551., and a Justice of the King's Bench) married Silvesteu Deane, daughter and heir of Robert Deane of Hailing. Their son, the first Kentish Sir Maximilian Dalison, married (1) Paulina, daughter of Sir Michael Sondes; (2) Mary Spencer.
- Should be vicesimo quarto.
- Inferior Damask, from Tournay.
- Three-leaved probablj' means of three breadths of stulf.
- An ell.
- Jump up ↑ William Archibald Scott, 'Dalison Documents. From the Muniment Chests at Hamptons, near Tunbridge. And a Pedigree' in Archaeologica Cantiana, vol. 15 (London, 1883) pp. 391-393),, viewed 07/10/11