MRP: Hughly
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09/01/12, CSG: Created page
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Mentions of Hughly in Wiki primary sources
Sir George Oxenden correspondence
William Blake, 1665, 1666
See 21st October 1665, Letter from William Blake to Sir GO, Hugly
See 20th September 1666, Letter from William Blake to Sir GO, Hugeley
See October 1666, Letter from William Blake to Sir GO, Huglie
Robert Master, 1663
See 26th August 1663, Letter from Robert Master to Sir GO, Carwarr
- "In o:r Grall I have writt you at Large of w:t hath happendd since o:r Goeing to Hubyly [?Hughly], & ??ovod not question but y:t wee are in as much safety now at Carwarr as wee should have beene in at Hugbyly, & rather more for now wee have á ffirmaund from y:e King & alsoe ?Rustome ?Iemor:e for o:r safety here, which Which formerly wee never had, wherfore I doo not question, but by y:e grace of God wee shall doo well.
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