MRP: HCA 15/6 Box Two
HCA 15/6 Box Two
HCA 15 High Court of Admiralty: Instance and Prize Courts: Early Instance and Prize Papers 1586-1778
Editorial history
15/05/12, CSG: Ordered volume at TNA to inspect & selectively image
18/05/12, CSG: Created page
18/05/12, CSG: Made 121 digital images
Suggested links
See HCA 15/6 Box One
To do
Physical description
HCA 15/6 2 boxes
Made 121 digital images, XXXX (P1110540 to P1110651)
Sample transcriptions
P1110558 wrapper
So_so quality digital image
Item: Petition of Christian Cloppenburgh: Date: April 3rd 1655
//Petition of Christian
. Cloppenburgh
3 Ap: 1655//
P1110559 one side
Poor quality digital image
P1110660 Detail of one side
Reasonable quality digital image
//To the Hono:ble the Judges of the High Court of Admiralty.
The humble peticon of Christian Cloppenborgh commander of the ship Salvadore
of Hamburgh for & in the behalfe of himselfe & the rest of the Owners of the said ship.
That in the tyme of thelate warre betweene England & Holland, the said Ship (w:th others)
was taken & brought into England; and that for two yeares & upwards there hath depended a
suite in this hono:ble Court about the proving her to be Prize: But after all possible endeavo:r to
that purpose and expence of much tyme and money in charges to the exceeding damage and detriment
of the Interessed, a Sentence hath lately passed in this Hono:ble Court for the setting free of the
said Ship and her freight. NEVERETHELES upon Informacon putt in by on THOMAS VIOLETT
that out of the Ship Sampson of Lubeck (whereof OTTO GEORGE was Comander) some Silver
hath neene purloyned or Imbeasiled, under that pretence; yo:r pet:s ship is also deteyned, so
that he can reape no benefitt by yo:r hono:s said Sentence.
NOW FOR THAT yo:r pet:s ship is of HAMBURGH and the Sampson of LUBECK as aforesaid
and the one no way involved in the others buisines or accompt: And for that yo:r pet:r ought
not to answer for anothers accons
THEREFORE yo:r pet:r most humble desire & request is that (according to yo:r hono:es
said Sentence) his said ship may be speedily discharged, whereby both he and it may
be preserved from utter ruine, w:ch otheriwse is like to ensue.
And yo:r petr as in duty bound shalt ever pray x:r
Item: Petition of John Martindorp: Date: April 3rd 1655
P1110562 wrapper
Reasonable quality digital image
//Petition of John
Martin dorpe
3:° Ap: 1655//
High quality digital image
To the Honourableble the Judges of the High Court of Admiralty.
The humble peticon of JOHN MARTINDORP Commander of the Ship Saint George of
Hamburgh for and in the behalfe of himselfe and the rest of the Owners of the said Ship
Sheweth, That in the tyme of the laste warre betweene England and Holland, the said Ship, (with others)
was taken and brought into England; and that for two yeares and upwards there hath depended a
suite in this Honourable Court about the proving her to be Prize: But after all possible [?XXX]
endeavours to that purpose, and expence of much tyme and money in charges to the exceeding damage and
detriment of the Interessed, a Sentence hath lately passed in this Honourable Court for the setting
free of the said Ship and her freight. Nevertheles upon information putt in by one Thomas
Violett, that out of the Ship Sampson of Lubeck (whereof Otto George wsa Commander) some
Silver hath beene purloyned or imbeasiled, under that pretence your petitioners Ship is also deteyned,
so that he he can reape no benfitt by your Honours said Sentence.
Now for that your petitioners Ship is of Hamburgh and the Sampson of Lubeck as aforesaid, and
the one no way involved in the others buisines or attempts: And for that your petitioners ought not to
answer for anothers acctions.
Therefore your Petitioners most humble desire and request is that (according to your Honours
said Sentence) his said Ship may be speedily discharged, whereby both he and it
may be preserved from utter ruine, which otherwise is like to ensue.
And your Petitioner as in duty bound shall ever pray et cetera./.
[?Jans] Marandorp [SIGNATURE, RH SIDE]
P1110629 recto
High quality digital image
Item: Book of account of the Constant Ruth: Date: May 1652
Georg Haywood his
Book off Account off the
shipe Constant Ruth off
London: and hir Cargoe and
Vittlings and stors and other
Charges ffor A voyage ffor
Ginia and Barbados and soe
to London
Thomas Parrij
Rich Holworthie
John Hardinge
XX: Willimy Sailemaker
Tho: ?Runninges
Tho: M?orle
M:r Stanton/
P1110630 verso & recto
Good quality digital image
Imprimis: ffolo (i) May 12:th: 1652:
paid M:r Deneson for the ship first ?penny
paid for Carpenters and Seamenswork
from the 5 of January to the 5 of .Aprill
as in particulars may appeare. from
folo. 62: to folo 74. with sails and one
?Tunne and other nessesaryes
More to M:r Deneson for sheathing and
ffor timber and one small boate ?agone bill
To M:r Bouth for deales used and for one
hundred for ?sftort and other things on bill
To M:r Brikeford for Coulors and Clothes on bill
To M:r Bodycotts[1] for Cables and Cordage on bill
To M:r (?M:rs? - mention later of "her bill") Reed Smith for Ironwork on bill
To M:r Robarts for lead as on bill
To M:r Lash[2] for Carages and for blocks
P1110631 verso & recto
Good quality digital image
XXXXXX XXXX stors ffolio (2) May: 1652
To M:r Sewell baker for 52:li: 2:qt- off Biskett
and harbour bread 9 quarters of pease and
flower and oatmeale as one bill
To M:r Blackborne[3] for fish one bill
To M:r Lucas[4] Bucher for beefe and porke
To M:r Corstalts Bruer for 6 tunns of Beare
and the ?Eizt 36:?s per tunn
To M:r Thawat Cooper for Cask one bill
To M:r Cope and M:r Norman for powder shott and
other nessesaries on bills
To M:r Harding for silver and vineger on bill 07-19-00
To M:r Griffin for sweet oyle and lampe oyle 09-00-00
To M:r Toul for salt on bill
To M:r Blundall for Iron hoppes for store
To M:r Swan Braisur ffor ffurnacses and
ffriing pan and other things
To M:r fford Chesemonger on bill
To M:r Greene for pich and tarr on bill
ffor a sawe and ?truXue on bill
ffor store to M:r Hardin for lattin and lantern
hornes on bill
To M:r East for provisions of spice
SUM 350-18-06
P1110633 verso & recto
Reasonable quality digital image
//MXX Halfe pay: ffolio (6.) ll s d
To M:r Jones ffor halfe pay
To Richard Harward halfe pay
To Robert Woodings halfe pay
To Thomas Rummins halfe pay
To Christopher Adkinson
John Croker Cooke
John Lingham
Edward Whire
Adam Trull
William Pino?r
ffrancis Mathews
Anthony Johnson
William Tomlinson
Nicholas Martin
Richard Harward
Robert Woodings Boatswaine given
My servant
Robert Woodings in part of wayges
for my owne time since the latter end
of december to the 12 of may
SUM 22-06-06//
//Charges at Gravesend ffolio. (7). --. ll s d
Charges on officers
Charges at grevesend Expended
ffor ?Otom and a boats mast
ffor mustard good and going by water
fffor pilotage into the Downes
some 7-18-00
Brought over from ffolie (1)
Brought over from ffolio (2)
Brought over from ffolio (3)
Brought over from ffolio (4)
Brought over from ffolio (5)
Brought over from ffolio (6)
Brought or in this ffolio (7)
The totall summe.
1986: 15: 05:
To Ballance this account of two thousand pound
which remaineth in my hands for stock
by me Georg Hayward
P1110651 single sheet, unfoliated
High quality digital image
Item: Petition of Juan de lossa Barrona a Spaniard borne in Segovia: Date: XXXX
//To the hon:ble the High Court of Admiralty of England
The humble petition of Juan de lossa Barrona a Spaniard borne in Segovia
Sheweth That yo:r Pet:r Comming from Spaine for fflanders in the ship S:t George of Hamburrow whereof John
Martin is master) brought with him for his use & service at Antwerp the goods following. Viz:t tenn greate & small candlesticks
with foure topps, two Jarres, one stand?ish & sand box, one ?badon, two Cupps, one Silver & gilt long dish, thirteene silver
spoones & twelve forkes one paire of snuffers foure greate dishes thirteene small trenchers, two beere boules, buckles
& clasps foram?ule All of silver, one small barr of fourteene pounds Spanish waight, three peices of silver
out of the pet:rs pockett, two cedar cheasts wherein all theabove mentioned goods were conteyned with his linnen &
Apparrell, two Cellers of glasse & table linning therein, a little scrptore, one small fat of wine, two beds
with their Coverlett, all which were abovedeck in the Cabin where the pet:r lay/.
And yo:r pet:er haveing bine detayned here in this Citty about foure moneths, hoping the said ship with her lading
would have been released for to finish her voage at Oostend. but seeing it is still delayed, and yo:r pet:rs affaires
presse his departure for flanders./.
Hee humbly beseecheth yo:r Wor:ps would bee pleased to take out of the said
ship his said goods, with what to him belongeth as by his owne (with the Master marriner &
passengers) hee can make And your pet:r shall receive Justice./.
And doe ver ?bonnd to pray zXXXX
JUE LOSA BARONE [His signature]
- 'The Schedule mentioned in M:r George Hughes his answer',
- Mentions the Thomas Bonadventure
- Acco: of Shipp Eliz:a alias Hector
- mentions in a list relating to owners of the ship M:r Baker, M:r Pernnoyer for freight; M:r Samm:l Mico, Cap:t Ryder and Major Tymothy Cruse; also M:r Robert Rich
- The Constant Ruth
The Thomas Bonadventure
Case: Allegation of Alderman ffrederick & Company: Answer: George Hughes: Date: February 20th 1654[5]
Owners of the Constant Ruth
Thomas Paris, or Pary (1/8)
Richard Holworthie (alias Holworthy) (1/8)
Mr Dentson & Mr Williams (1/8)
Oliver Williams[6] (1/8)
Thomas MXXX (1/8)
Thomas ?Rummins (1/8)
John Harding (1/8)
- Jump up ↑ M:r Bodycott. Possibly William Bodycott, ropemaker of Saint Mary Whitechapel, Middlesex (PROB 11/319 Will of William Bodycott, Ropemaker of Saint Mary Whitechapel, Middlesex 15 January 1666 Mico 1-46)
- Jump up ↑ M:r Lash. See possibly related Richard Lash (b. ?, d. ca. 1689), Pully maker of Stepney, Middlesex; Jonathan Lash, Shipwright of Chatham, Kent; William Lash, Blockmaker of Chatham, Kent; and Samuel Lash, the Kings Majesty's Blockmaker for making and fitting blocks and carriages for the use and Service of His Majesty's Navy and Ordinance of Saint John Wapping, Middlesex (PROB 11/397 Will of Richard Lash, Pully maker of Stepney, Middlesex 19 October 1689 Ent 139-189; PROB 11/397 Will of Jonathan Lash, Shipwright of Chatham, Kent 05 December 1689 Ent 139-189; PROB 11/409 Will of William Lash, Blockmaker of Chatham, Kent 03 May 1692 Fane 49-96; PROB 11/456 Will of Samuel Lash, the Kings Majesty's Blockmaker for making and fitting blocks and carriages for the use and Service of His Majesty's Navy and Ordinance of Saint John Wapping, Middlesex 12 June 1700 Noel 84-123)
- Jump up ↑ M:r Blackborne. Just possibly William Blackborne (b.?, d. ca. 1657), fishmonger of London (PROB 11/271 Will of Walter Blackborne, Fishmonger of London 30 December 1657 Ruthen 499-543)
- Jump up ↑ M:r Lucas. Just possible related to Thomas Lucas, butcher of Chemsford, Essex (PROB 11/281 Will of Thomas Lucas, Butcher of Chelmsford, Essex 20 June 1658 Wootton 470-523; see also PROB 11/362 Will of Thomas Lucas, Butcher of Great Alford, Essex 01 March 1680 Bath 1-59)
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/127 Case: Allegation of Alderman ffrederick & Company: Answer: George Hughes: Date: February 20th 1654
- Jump up ↑ Oliver Williams. Just possibly Oliver Williams (b. ?, d. ca. 1693), apothecary, of London (PROB 11/416 Will of Oliver Williams, Apothecary of London 11 September 1693 Coker 134-174