MRP: HCA 13/74
HCA 13/74 1660-1661
Editorial history
24/03/12, CSG: Created page
Digital Images: P1090611-P1090673
[hide]- 1 Suggested links
- 2 To do
- 3 Listing of imaged cases
- 3.1 Case: Miller con W:m Vincent et al: Deposition: Henry Johnson, of Blackwall, Middlesex, Shipwright, aged 36
- 3.2 Case: East India Company v. Francis Dashwood, John Sweeting, & John Connis: Deposition 1. Henricus Thurseros, of Broadstreet, London, Merchant, aged 35
- 3.3 Case: East India Company v. Francis Dashwood, John Sweeting, & John Connis: Deposition 2. Edward Winter Esq., of Battersey, Surrey, aged 40
- 3.4 Case: XXX: Deposition: William Blake, of London, Merchant, aged 29
- 3.5 Case: XXXX: Deposition: Andreas Blankinsoppe, of Sheilds, Sailor, aged 23
- 3.6 Case: XXX: Deposition: Henry Booth, of London, XXXX, aged 66
- 3.7 Case: XXXX: Deposition: 2. Thomas Holloway, of Greenwich, Sailor, aged 30
- 3.8 Case: XXXX: Deposition: 3. Richardus Pil(l)es, of Limehouse, Sailor, aged XXX
- 3.9 Case: XXXX: Deposition: 5. John Wright, of Stratford Bowe, Middlesey, Merchant, aged 20
- 3.10 Case: XXXX: Deposition: Guilelmus Finney, of Limehouse in the parish of Stepney, Middlesex, Sailor, aged 30
- 3.11 Case: XXXX: Deposition: Johnes Hamilton, of London, Merchant, aged 35
- 3.12 Case: XXXX: Deposition: 1. ffrancesco Perera, of Island of Terrera, Portugal, aged 31
- 3.13 Case: XXXX: Deposition: 2. Thomas de Gurman, Merchant, aged 38
- 3.14 Case: XXXX: Deposition: 3. Johnes Lightfoort, of Rochester, Kent, Gentleman, aged 31
- 3.15 Case: XXXX: Deposition: Tomas Stanton, XXXX, XXXX
- 3.16 Case: XXXX: Deposition: James Perice alias Diego Gonsalve, native of Jamaica, resideing at St Catherines, London, aged 18
- 3.17 Case: XXXX: Deposition: 3. Richard Pendarves, of London, Merchant, aged 41
- 3.18 Case: William Browne con Edwardam Webb: Deposition: Guilelmus Hartford, of XXXX, Barking, London, aged 44
- 4 Notes
- 5 Possible primary sources
Suggested links
To do
Listing of imaged cases
Case: Miller con W:m Vincent et al: Deposition: Henry Johnson, of Blackwall, Middlesex, Shipwright, aged 36
P1090611; P1090612
f. 11r.
Miller con W:m Vincent et al
28th of January 1660 iuxta xr.
upon the fore s:d Allon
on the behale of S:r W:m Vincent
Deponent: Henry Johnson of Blackwall in the County of Midds shipwright aged 36 yeares or thereabouts
Henry Johnson of Blackwall
in the County of Midds shipwright
aged 36 yeares or thereabouts
sworne & examined sayth and
deposeth as followeth viz:t
To the 8:th and 9:th Arles of the s:d Allocb (upon w:ch
alone he is examined by direccon) he sayth that on
or about the 22:th day of November in the yeare of our
Lord 1659 This dept togeather with one Thomas Good
also a shipwright did at the request of John Elliot &
the rest of the owners of the Coast frigat, foe downe
to Bugbee hole to view the ship John & Katharine
& to see what damage she had rec:d by meanes of
the Coast frigats falling foule of her as it was said before y:t time
at Gravesend. And saith that upon such their viewing
her, they found that a small piece of her head was
only broken off by the Coast frigat, w:ch was noe
hinderance unto her at all in her sayling, foreasmuch
as she (the s:d ship John & Katharine) had after y:e s:d damage XXXX before
this dep:ts viewing of her made a voyage to Virginia
without mending the same, & was then going out to
sea on another voyage without menting thereof
had not the rest of her head been broken of by two other
ships coming foule of her, viz:t the Virginia Merchant &
the Hanniball; aAnd that most of what was broken off was for ornament only. And he saith that the
whole damage done by the Coast frigat to the John
& Katharine by breaking off a piece of her head and
spoyling the Guilding & painting thereof could not
amount to above seaven pounds XXXXX. And for soe
much this dep:t would have undertaken to have
made her head as good as at y:e time of y;e damage done by y:e Coast frigat. And further
he cannot depose saving he saith that the John &
Katharine might & would have (as he beleeveth) made many more voyages without re-
pairing the damage done her by the Coast frigat, had
not the second damage predeposed of happened.
To the Interries
To the first (it being done as the Interrie requireth)
he sayeth he knoweth nothing of the matter Interr
& therefore cannot answer to this Interrie.
f. 11v.
Image needs to be reimaged - fuzzy
To the 2:nd he referreth himselfe to his foregoing
depoXX. And further or otherwise cannot answer
not knowing ir seeing any other damage doen to the
John & Katharine by the Coast frigat, than what he
hath predeposed of.
To the 3:rd he cannot answ:r otherwise than as aforesaid
To the 4:th he answereth negatively for his part
To the 5:th he hath not so deposed
To the 6:th he XX
he is not to pay any there of the damages XXXXXX
flopped from XXXX
nor hath he any dependency upon any of the
owners of the Coast frigat, or relXXXX to them, saveing
is acquainted with XXX of them And sayth XXX
worth a thousand pounds XXX debts being paid
further cannot answ:r
HENRY JOHNSON [His signature]
?Blacke con Scattergood afores:d
XXX January 1660
Henricus Lobery ?portia S:t Buttolphs extra Algate XXX XXXX aged XXX yeares or thereabouts
Case: East India Company v. Francis Dashwood, John Sweeting, & John Connis: Deposition 1. Henricus Thurseros, of Broadstreet, London, Merchant, aged 35
f. 26r.
21 die mensis ffebruary 1660.
Gubernator et Societas Mercator AngloXXX ad)
India ozidentales cXXXX XXXX contra)
ffranciscum Dashwood Johannem Sweeting et)
Johannem Connis xr ?Budd ?Suckley)
Sup Libelle ex parte dirtXXX Gubernatorie et
Societatis Mercator Anglorum ad Indias oriental commerze
exXXXX da Examinatus.
?I;nd HENRICUS THURSEROS de Broadstreete London
Mercator annosagens 35 ant do criter testis in
hoc causa productis et Juratus dictit et deponit prXXX
seq:r . viz:t.
Ad 1:nd dictit That for these tenne yeares last past there hath bin and
at present is a Company or Society of English Merchants commonly
called or known by the name of the Governo:r and Company
of English Merch:ts trading to the East Indies, And this Dep:t for
all or most pt of the said time was Imployed by them as a ffactor
in the East Indies, And to the rest hee referrs himselfe to the
Charter ?lilate
Ad 2:d 3:d et 4:d positiones dei Lilli dictit that hee referrs himselfe to
the Charter party therein mentioned:
Ad 5:d nescit deponXXX:
Ad 6:nd dictit that hee this depo:t being at Maccassar in the East Indies in the
months of Aprill May and June 1659: well knoweth that the Lilate
ship the Marigold (John Connis Comand:r arrived att Maccassar
aforesaid in or neere about the beginning of the sd month of
Aprill, and on the same day of such her arrivall there, this depo:t
went onboard her, and found and sawe that there were many
passeng:rs onboard her to the number of twenty at the least, w:ch
the said Connis tooke in (as this dep:t was credibly in formed)
on the Coast of Cormandell, but tpon whse account the same
were brought to Macassar hee saith hee knoweth not, but the said
Connis hath confessed unto him that two or three of them were
upon his the sd Connis his owne Account, And the said Connis
hee saith alsoe brought to Maccassar in the sd ship the said ?time
about twelve or fourteene bales of Callicoes upon his owne
account (as this dep:t verily beleeveth) and some of them hee
saith hee knoweth that the said Connis did dispose of at Macassar
for his owne account And further to the petition hee cannot
Ad 10 dictit that the said ship from Maccassar sailed back tp y:e
Coast of Cormandell, this depo:t goeing thither in her, And saith the said
Connis carried in the s:d ship from Macassar foresd to the Coast of Cormandell
about sixty or seaventy XXXX of Brimston (as hee confessed to this
depo:t) hee bought at Maccassar, and said that hee putt it aboard to
ballast the said ship And the said Connis of this depo:ts knowledge XXX carried in the
said ship from Maccassar aforesaid to the Coast of Cormandell XXXXXXXXXXXXX
about fourty or fifty pcell of ?Cassia (Or, China) Rootes, about fifty or sixty
pcell of TXXXXXXX and about five or six Bahare of Tortoise shells
and in the said ships passage the said Connis did ?Jappara take
f 26v.
aboard the said ship some Long pepp to the quantity (as hee likewise confessed unto him this depo:t
of about forty or fifty prcell , and in the XXX
of Bantam (also in the said ships passage to the Coast
of Cormandell) about One hundred jarrs of Greene Ginger
All w:ch aforementioned goods hee saith were carried in the sd
ship to the Coast of Cormondell , but not upon the Account of
the foresaid Governo:r and Company of English Merchants
trading to East India, but upon the Account of the said Connis
or other psons, not of the said Company, And the said
Connis confessed to this depo:t that hee sold the said Brimston
& ?Tutenagge on the Coast of Cormondell, or the greatest part XXX And the rest XX the
said Goods the said Connis brought in the said ship
Marigold to the port of London and further cannot depose.
Case: East India Company v. Francis Dashwood, John Sweeting, & John Connis: Deposition 2. Edward Winter Esq., of Battersey, Surrey, aged 40
P1090615; P1090616
f. 27r.; f. 27v
The 4:th of March 1660
Examined upon the foresaid Libell
2n:d EDWARD WINTER of Battersey in the County of Surrey Esq:r aged 40 yeares or thereabouts
Case: XXX: Deposition: William Blake, of London, Merchant, aged 29
P1090616; P1090617
f. 27v.; f. 28r.
The fifth day of March 1660
Examined upon the fore s:d Libell
r:nd WILLIAM BLAKE of London Merchant
aged 29 yeares or thereabouts
Case: XXXX: Deposition: Andreas Blankinsoppe, of Sheilds, Sailor, aged 23
f. 28r.
19:th die Marty 1660:
Robertis ?Laube; Oswald Whitleym Johnes Dove; Randulph Ferreby; et Oswald ?Trossett con navem the Providence XXX Edwardus ?Carrest Mag:r, et con dictum XXXX Suckley, Smith
Sup ?Mone ex pte dicte Laube Whitley, Dove, ?Ferreby, et ffossett dat Exam:xx
ANREAS BLANKINSOPPE de Sheilds in ?Exatu Dunnelsi Nauta annos agens 23 ant xx XXXX
- Ship the Providence, at Shelds, to go from Newcastle to Amsterdam to deliver a lading of Goods
[The deposition is incomplete, due to images stopping]
Case: XXX: Deposition: Henry Booth, of London, XXXX, aged 66
P1090618; P1090619; P1090620
f. 49r.; f. 49v.; f. 50r.
On the behalfe of Captaine Mathew Pennyer touching the seizure of the Charles by the French
The Thirtieth day of March 1661
Examined upon an Allon given in on behalfe of the said Mathew Pennyer
HENRY BOOTH of London Gent aged 66 yeares or thereabouts
- The action refers to events in 1649
Case: XXXX: Deposition: 2. Thomas Holloway, of Greenwich, Sailor, aged 30
P1090621; P1090622; P1090623; P1090624
f. 50v., f. 51r., f. 51v., f. 52r.
Eadem Die Suo Allon pradra Examinatus
2.dne THOMAS HOLLOWAY[1] de Greenwich Nauta anno agens 30 XXXX.
- M:r Boone acclate
- The ship Great Alexander, a Dutch built ship
- Voyage 19 months since
- The ship the Golden Starr, Cap:t Garland
Case: XXXX: Deposition: 3. Richardus Pil(l)es, of Limehouse, Sailor, aged XXX
P1090624, P1090624, P1090624, P1090625, P1090626
f. 52r.; f. 52v.; f. 53r.
10. die May 1661
3:re RICHARDUS PIL(L)ES de Limehouse Nauta
- The acclate shipp the Golden Starr
- Acclate Captain ?Warrop
f. ?
Image is unreadable
f. 54v.
- Mentions Captain Garland, Warton & Owen, who went aboard the Parr
f. ?
Die mensis May 1660
Mordant Johnson, in parish of St Gregory, aged 22 or thereabouts
Acclate John Giles, who was part owner of the acclate ship the Hopewell
- 12 months ago the deponent was with the said Drawatter and Giles at the ffalcon on the Banke side in a roome up one paire of staires when and where the said Drawatter and Giles had discourse together concerning a Bill of Bottomry which the said M:r Drawatter had then with him
- Mentions Richard Dover and Rowland Booth
f. ?
- The East India Company ag:t Cap:t ?Connis (OR, Commis)[2]
- 30th May 1661
- Edward Shrimpton of XXXXwall Gent aged 50 yeares or thereabouts
Case: XXXX: Deposition: 5. John Wright, of Stratford Bowe, Middlesey, Merchant, aged 20
f. 60r.
- The same day Examined upon the foresaid Libell
- 5. JOHN WRIGHT Living in Stratford Bowe in the County of Midd Merchant aged 20 yeares or thereabouts
- In December 1657 the Governor and Company of English Merchants trading to East Indies did by Charterpty take the libellate ship the Marigold John Connis Command:r to freight to goe to the Gold Coast of Guiney & thence to ffort St George in the Coast of Coromandell
f. 60v.
- The Marigold[3] arrived at the Coast of Guinney at Cormantine Castle in ffebruary 165??7 (English Stile)
- John Connis carried thither two parcels of Tappaselle comonly called Guinnney Cloths and alsoe a peece or XXX of Callicoe in his Chest, about fforty Musketts, some pewter Basons, some small barrs of Lead about a foot long, All w:ch said Goods hee saith were for the Accomte of the said John Connis, or some other pson or psons not of the foresaid Company, w:ch hee knoweth for that hee goeing purser of the said ship on the said voyage did take notice in writing of what was laden for the said Companyes Accomt
- The Mate & Trumpeter of the said ship carried out in her about A hundred or one hundred and fifty weight of Iron
- The said Lead was carried to the Coast of Coromandell, did goe from thence to Maccassar, and the said Connis did carry in the said ship from Coromandell to Maccassar about ?fowre bales six faXXXX & one chest w:th white, red & blew callicoes & others XXXXXXXXXXXX & alsoe hee saith there were a parcell of ?Lungyes and ?Tapperserasses carried from Cormandell to Maccassar together w:th some other goods w:ch hee saith hee cannot particularly specify
- Several passengers were carried by order of the Companyes agent resident at ffort S:t George
f. 61r.
- The ship went from Maccassar to the Coast of Cormandell againe
- Carried from Maccassar were twenty six ?Dandy (OR, Candy) of Brimstine, anout Twenty Dandy of ?Tatenago, a parcell of China Rootes (of above six hundred weight, a parcell of Tortoise shells (but the quantity he cannot specify) and two pcells of Cloves weighing about threescore pounds a peece And ar ?Japarra there were taken on board the said ship severall peclls of Long Pepp, and neere Bantam in the said shipps passage from Maccassar to Cormandell there were taken onboard her about One hundred Jarres of Greene Ginger All w:ch aforementioned goods were carried in the said ship to Cormandell and some of them were there disposed of by the said Connis or his order and the rest brought to England
- Besides the foresd Goods not disposed of at Cormandell the said John Connis did bring to England in the said ship, about six or seaven small parcells of XXXcloathes, shirts, and callicoes, w:ch were belonging to himselfe or ffreinds
f. 61v.
- Doesn't know what damages the Company has sustained
- Cannot estimated the freight costs of the goods referred to
- Knows the Lillate ffrancis Dashwood and John Sweeting and also teh said John Connis were subiects of this Kingdome
Case: XXXX: Deposition: Guilelmus Finney, of Limehouse in the parish of Stepney, Middlesex, Sailor, aged 30
XXXX the Guinney ffrig:t con Jacobi ?Jerry, Johann ?Drap, XXXX de Marcado, JacobXXXX Navarre XXX
5:th die Hunij 1661
- GUILELMUS FINNEY de Limehouse in ?portia de Stepney in Comitate Middlesex, nauta anno agens 30...
- He knows the ship the Guiney ffrigett for two yeeres and a halfe before shee was burnt as hereafter is mentioned. And saith that the said ship i the month of May 1660 departed from Amsterdam with a Lading of ?Goods and Merchandize for the Barbadoes, where the said Lading as to have bin delivered, And saith that the said ship att ?the time of her goeing from Amsterdam on the said Voyage was very XXX and XXXX, and well fitted with masts XX and other necessaryes for such a ship and such a voyage
Case: XXXX: Deposition: Johnes Hamilton, of London, Merchant, aged 35
f. 71r.
Josephi Throckmorton milities et John Read XXXXX navis XXXX the Hope XXXX Jacob Peterson fuit magr et Dui Richi fford militis et dei Dui Throckmorton et XXXX XXXX seizua dXX navis et XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
?Viresimo primo de mensis Maij 1661
Sup Allone ex pte XXXX Dui Josephi Throckmorton et Johannis Read et XXXX Dui Richardi fford militis XXXX
- JOHNES HAMILTON de London Mercator annos agens 35 XXXX
- The deponent knows the ship the Hope James Peterson M:r for all the yeere 1657 and longer And alsoe then and nowe Knoweth the acclate S:r Joseph Throckmorton Knights John Read (both subjects of this Kingdome of England) who hee saith were as he verily beleeveth the true lawfull and sole Owners of the said ship the Hope for and during all the said yeere 1657 (English Stile) and for such they were and are Comonly accomted & reputed and as Own:ers they set her out upon the voyage in question and saith that the said ship the Hope was the said XXX of the burthen of about a hundred and Forty Tonnes w:ch hee knoweth goeing the said voyage in the said ship
- In the months of December and january 1657 English Stile S:r Richard fford Knight, the said S:r Joseph Throckmorton, and others all subiects of this Kingdome of Emgland did lade and cause to be laden onboard the said ship Hope here in the River of Thames a Cargoe of Goods consisting in Perpetuana Bayes Stocking hatts, and other Goods, Wares, and Merchandizes, for their owne accounts to be transported in the said ship from hence to the Harbour of Bilboa or some other place neere thereunto, there to bee sold bartered away and disposed of for and upon the Account aforesaid w:ch hee knoweth seeing most of the said Cargoe laden on board the said ship, and hearing forenamed persons give order to the said Master about the said Lading, XXXX
Case: XXXX: Deposition: 1. ffrancesco Perera, of Island of Terrera, Portugal, aged 31
f. XX
Johannis Wilmot Simonis Delbo XXXX
15:o Janny 1661
Supra allon aclate ex parte dui Regis in XXXX XXXX
1. FFRANCISCO PERERA Insula Terrera in Territoria Regis Portugallia generaosus, annos agens 31 XXXX XXXX Baldwins gardens[4] XXXXX
- The aclate Captaine ffrancisco de MerXXX frequenting this deponents then house (being a Coffee-house in XXX Lane[ Baldwins gardens is crossed out in manuscript] in March and Aprill last past near a twelve moneth, and having often discourse with him in that time about his shipp the PXXXX and his voyage in her wherein hee was seized XX and acknowledged that the logwood taken in the sid shipp was the prXXX of goods w:ch was XXX carried the sid voyage outwards with him and the XXX logwood belonged wholly to himselfe and others, Spaniards subiects of the King of Spaine And this deponent beleeveth that he did XX diego do XXXXX BoatsWain of the said shipp would often taunt the sid Captaine and tell him heee XXXX the Spanish Merchants goods amongst whome, being supplied with five pounds per weeke by M:r Delbo who had got the sid logwood into his possession, then and there being ?person as the said discourse MaXXX XXX, and others
f. XX
f. 82r.
Case: XXXX: Deposition: 2. Thomas de Gurman, Merchant, aged 38
f. 82v.
2. THOMAS DE GURMAN alias Sweetman...Cripplegate London ... mercator ..aged 38 or thereabouts
f. 83r.
f. 83v.
f. 84r.
- Signed XXXXX
Case: XXXX: Deposition: 3. Johnes Lightfoort, of Rochester, Kent, Gentleman, aged 31
f. 84v.
3. JOHNES LIGHTFOOT de Rochester in Comitas Canty Gent ...aged 31....
- Lightfoot was commander of the frigate the Nightingale and seized the XXXX in the month of December 1659 neere the Canaryes and the beginning of ffebruary ffollowing hee brought the said ffrancisco do Morates into the Downes in the said ffrigatt the Nightingale and soone after his arrivall there and before the siad Morales his being Examined touching the said shipp XXX and Lading the aclate M:r Symon Delboe and M:r Wilmott ?Living in neere Newgate market & one M:r Syon & one M:r MXX came onboard the said ffrigatt, and there, and alsoe aXXX at Deale they had of this dep_ts certaine knowledge very much private discourse w:th the said Morales. but to what ?effect the said discourse was hee knoweth not
To the 11:th hee saith that the said Captaone Morates agXXX this depo:ts bringing him into the Downes remained & ?confined here in England for the space of avove twelve ?moneths or beginning of March last, And the aclate Diego de GuevaXX XXX M:r & Purser of the said ship PXXion did alsoe staye ?confined here for all the timeof the XXX said Morales his said staying here, or very neere soe long: And saith the said Morales during his sd stay in England was very Expensive, and went constantly in very Good apparrell, and spent very much XXX at Tavernes and otherwise, this Depo:t having bin severall times in his Company att Tavernes & knowing of such his Expensivenes, And further cannot depose
To the 12:th hee saith that about foure or five monthes since this depo:t having discourse upon the Exchange London with the foresd M:r Willmot about the expensiveness of the said Morales, the said Willmot did XXX and declare to this depo:t that hee the said Willmot had furnished him w:th about two hundred pounds. And further XXX not
To the 17:th hee saith that about the latter end of January or beginning of ffebruray last past, this depo:t and the said Captain Morales having some discourse about this business at this depo:ts XXXX house on Snow Hill, the said Morales did ackXXXXX and declare to him this depo:t that M:r Delboe and M:r Willmott
f. 85r.
had dealt very unworthily with him, and that they did owe him above a Thousand pounds upon the Account of the prize (meaning the PeaXion & Lading) or to that effect, And said that hee should be pritty well satisffyed for hath hee doubted not but to recover the rest of M:r Willmott in Spaine, And saith that then, and severall times before, the said Morales asked this depo:t whether hee could tell howe the logwood was sold (XXX the Logwood in question) and was very solicitous to knowe certainely how and at what rate was disposed of. And further to this arrle hee cannot depose.
Sup reliquis non Examinate ex direccone Magri Cheeke
To the Interries
To the first Interrie hee saith that hee was Command:er of the Nightingale as aforesaid, and therefore cannot answeer hereto
To the 2:d hee saith hee very well knoweth the foresaid ffrancisco de Morales, And saith that in a business that Concernes his CCC Owne advantage, hee cares not (as hee beleeveth) what hee sayes or sweares, and hee this depo:t hath heard that the said Morales hath said that it was lawfull for a man to forsweare him selfe to save his goods or to that effect and this depo:t beleeveth that the said Morales conceives hee may have a dispensaconn foreso doing and saith that hee beleeveth that the said Morales was & is a papist And hee this depo:t is a protestant, and otherwise cannot Answer
To the *:d hee saith hee doth make conscience of an oath, and doth beleeve that hee cannot have a sidpensaccon from any man for swearing falsely, and beleeveth that perjury is a Mortall Sinne, And saith that hee doth verily beleeve that the sd Captaine Morales hath perjured himselfe. And to the rest hee referrs himselfe to his Answer to the next p:rodent Interrogatory
To the 4:th hee referrs himselfe to his depon made to the fourth acle and further cannt depose.
To the 5:th hee saith that hee was warned to come and be sworne & Examined in this busines by one M:r Mathew Nicholls or Nicholas & saith hee hath not received, nor expects to receive ought for his testimony herein. And saith that hee doth not endeav:r to get the Logwood, in question or the proceed thereof out of the hands of the said Delboe & Company otherwise than by speaking the truth in this business and saith that hee conceiveth hee is not bound to answer to the rest of the Interrie
To the last hee saith that the Interrate M:r Guzman did of this depo:t certaine knowledge often keepe Company with the said Captaine Morales And further hee cannot Answer
Case: XXXX: Deposition: Tomas Stanton, XXXX, XXXX
f. 107r.
f. XX
f. XX
Case: XXXX: Deposition: James Perice alias Diego Gonsalve, native of Jamaica, resideing at St Catherines, London, aged 18
f. 191r.
2:dub JAMES PERICE als Diego Gonsalve native of Jamaica but at present lodging at the signe of the young prince in S:t Catherines agens 18 yeeres & upwards sworne & Examined sath & deposeth as followeth
To the ffirst hee saith that hee well knowe and served in the Acllate shipp the S:t John of flushing for about nine monthes before her cominge to XXaXsaw as hereafter is menconned suring all w:ch time the Aclate Jasper Tonge was M:r of the said shipp and was accompted to bee a ptowner of the said shipp and soe this deponent beleeveth hee was
To the second acle of the said Allon hee saith that the said shipp the t John being beere XXXperlia in the West Indies in or about y:e month of June last did then and there meet with an English ?privateman of warre commanded by one Edward Mansell w:ch said Mansell did soone after the said meeting upp on the sea speake w:th y:e aforesd Tonge whoe was the M:r of the said shipp about transporting six and thirty tonns of Camperlia wood to S:t Christophers or StaXXXX in the said shipp and the said Tonge being unwilling to take the same the said Mansell importuned him soe to doe and threatened if hee did not hee would sinke the S:t John And the said Mansell did voluntaryly proffer and promise and likewise agree to XXX the said Tonge nine pounds tenn shillings y tonn for transportacon of the said wood to either of the aforesaid places Whereuppon hee saith the said
Case: XXXX: Deposition: 3. Richard Pendarves, of London, Merchant, aged 41
f. 251v.
- Richard Pendarves, kinsman of the deponent, resided at Mallaga
- Mentions a Thomas Smith who was to make haste to Amsterdam to take possession of the said ship, then called the Venetian Merch:t and now the Golden Doublet
- Mentions Richard Pendarves & Company
- Thomas Smith became master of the sd ship
Case: William Browne con Edwardam Webb: Deposition: Guilelmus Hartford, of XXXX, Barking, London, aged 44
f. 252r.
Willimus Browne con Edwardam Webb
Super XXXX
X GUILELMUS HARTFORD parorCC Sancta Barking London --annios ahhens 44 ...
- MentiomsRichard Babson late M:r of the Lighter called the Anne, who he has known since July 1658
- The Lighter was in the service of the Officers of the Ballast Office by whom teh deponent was employed
Possible primary sources
- Jump up ↑ Thomas Holloway. Possibly Thomas Holloway (b. ca. 1631, d. ca. 1688) (PROB 11/391 Exton 45-86 Will of Thomas Holloway, Mariner of East Greenwich, Kent 05 April 1688)
- Jump up ↑ Capt. (John) Connis. This HCA case may have been referred to by the Court of Committees of the EEIC, September 5, 1660: "The Court demurs to granting the request of Captain Connis for some money on account of freight, until satisfaction has been received for a very great breach of charterparty committed by him in his late voyage, and directs certain Committees to examine and report on this matter; at the same time it is ordered that 1,000/. be paid to the owners of the Marigold, on Connis promising to deliver in a true list of all goods taken into or delivered out of his ship." ('A Court of Committees, September 5, 1660' (Court Book, vol. xxiv, p. 287 in Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A Calendar of the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1660-1663 (Oxford, 1922), pp. 32-33; Captain Connis is possibly mentioned in several Chancery cases (C 10/74/1 Roger Andrewes, John Connis, William Pennoyer, Francis Dashwood and Edward Crispe v Frederick Skinner: money matters, Middx 1664; C 10/108/15 Barham, Russell v. Connis, Crispe: Middx 1667; C 6/247/64 Short title: Russell v Russell. Plaintiffs: Anne Russell. Defendants: Elias Russell, John Connis and Anne Connis his wife. Subject: property in Deptford, Kent. Document type: bill, answer. SFP 1683)
- Jump up ↑ The Marigold is mentioned in several secondary sources (Margaret Makepeace, Trade on the Guinea Coast, 1657-1666: the correspondence of the English East India Company (XXXX, 1991), pp. 1, 2, & 16; Ethel Bruce Sainsbury (ed.), A calendar of the court minutes, etc., of the East India Company, 1660-16639 (Oxford, 1922), e.g. pp. 48, 79, & 337 (31 mentions in total))
- Jump up ↑ Baldwins gardens. A coffee house token exists, dated 1666, showing: "Nicholas Smith. 1666 - A wheatsheaf, in the field. Rev. In Baldwyns garden - In the field, N.H.S. 172. Note: 'Baldwins gardens, neare Grayes-inn lane,' is said to have derived that name from Richard Baldwin, who erected some houses here in 1589" (Jacob Henry Burn, A descriptive catalogue of the London traders, tavern, and coffee-house tokens current in the seventeenth century (2nd edn., London, 1855), p. 18