MRP: HCA 13/124
HCA 13/124 1650-1652
HCA 13/ High Court of Admiralty: Instance and Prize Courts: Answers to Bills of Complaint
Editorial history
01/05/12, CSG: Created page
15/05/12, CSG: Ordered volume at TNA to inspect
[hide]- 1 Suggested links
- 2 To do
- 3 Physical description
- 4 Sample transcriptions
- 4.1 Case: Libell ag:t Georgij Keate: Personal answer: Willmi Ashwell, armigeri: Date: November 30:th 1650
- 4.2 Case: Libell ag:t Georgij Keate: Personal answer: William Ashwell, Armigeri facta ponibus: Date: XXX
- 4.3 Case: Libell given on the behalfe of Clement Starre: Personal answer: Marke Mortimer: Date: December 2nd 1650
- 4.4 Case: Libell given on the behalfe of Humfry ?Hickman: Personal answer: William ?Jackett: Date: December 3rd 1650
- 4.5 Case: Libell given on the behalfe of Humfry ?Hickman: Personal answer: William ?Jackett: Date: Novembber 4:th 1650
- 4.6 Case: Allegation given on the behalf of Charles Sumpter and others: Personal answer: Richard Wilson: Date: December 9:th 1650
- 4.7 Case: Allegation made on the behalfe of Rowland Searchfeild: Personal answer: Roger Garland: Date: December 10:th 1650
- 4.8 Case: Allegation on the behalfe of the Keepers of the Liberty of England: Personal answer: Nicholas Van ?Elsicke: Date: December 14:th 1650
- 4.9 Case: XXX Henrici Griggs & XXXX: Personal answer: Roberti Walgrave: Date: December 16:th 1650
- 4.10 Case: Allegation given by Richard ?Millison: Personal answer: John TreXXque and Charles Sumpter: Date: December 18:zh 1650
- 4.11 Case: Allegation on the behalf of Richard ?Bowle and Companye on December 4:th 1650: Personal answer: James Gray: Date: XXX
- 4.12 Case: Allegation given by John Chapman, William ?Soams and Thomas ?Dun: Personal answer: John ?WXXXX, late Master of the Hopewell: Date: December 31st 1650
- 4.13 Case: Allegation on behalfe of Robert Clarke on 21st June 1650: Personal answer: ?Ellison Windall: Date: January 11th 1650(51)
- 4.14 Case: Allegation on behalfe of Nicholas Gold and others: Personal answer: John Davy: Date: January 14th 1650 (51)
- 4.15 Case: Allegation on behalfe of Nicholas Gold and Company: Personal answer: Peter Legay: Date: January 14th 1650 (51)
- 4.16 Case: Allegation on behalfe of Richard Jefferson and John Stubbs: Personal answer: Thomas ?Shorte: Date: January 15:th 1650 (51)
- 4.17 Case: Allegation on behalfe of John ?Parris and John XXXXXwood: Personal answer: Richard Batson Laurence Steele John ColXXX & John Roberts: Date: January 18th 1650 (51)
- 4.18 Case: Allegation on behalfe of John Marston and others: Personal answer: John ffletcher and Thomas ffletcher: Date: January 18th 1650 (51)
- 4.19 Case: Allegation on behalfe of John Bardwell and ?Perin Trott and Company: Personal answer: Christopher Coleman: Date: January 18th 1650 (51)
- 4.20 Case: XXXX: Personal answer: Christopher Coleman: Date: Christopher Coleman: Date: January 18th 1650 (51)
- 4.21 Case: Allegation on behalfe of George Keate: Personal answer: William Ashwell Esq.:r: Date: XXXX
- 4.22 Case: Allegation on behalfe of Claes Peeteirs: Personal answer: Antonia ffernandez and Deigo Rodrigues: Date: ffebruary 4:th 1650 (51)
- 4.23 Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
- 4.24 Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
- 4.25 Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
- 4.26 Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
- 4.27 Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
- 4.28 Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
- 4.29 Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
- 4.30 Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
- 4.31 Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
- 4.32 Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
- 4.33 Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
- 5 Notes
Suggested links
To do
Physical description
Ca. 10 in x 5 in x 1 in
Rebound in plastic covers, with a remnant of the original front leather cover attached to the new cover
Unpaginated, with no folio markings
No contents nor index
Paper; in good condition; with very legible slightly faded but dark black/brown ink
Handwritten, with various hands, all relatively large
Sample transcriptions
Case: Libell ag:t Georgij Keate: Personal answer: Willmi Ashwell, armigeri: Date: November 30:th 1650
Ultimo Novemb 1650
Repetit cora drore
Responsa personalia Willmi
Ashwell armigeri ?facta
?ponibus XXXXam pretensi
libelli als con:a XXm ex pte
Georgij Keate utrungXX XX
sequitur. viz:t
To the first position of the said p:rtended
libell he answereth and beleeveth that in
y:e yeare 1647. & the monethes
thereof, and in y:e yeares 1648 and untill
the time theat the arlate Thomas
Mulleney, dyed (which as this respondent
beleeveth was in some moneth of the
said yeare 1648.) he the said Thomas
Multeny was master of the articulate
shippe The Mary Bonadventure, and
had and tooke upon him the care and
charge & government of the said Shippe
by and with the consent of the owners of
her. And this respondent hath heard
and beleeveth that y:e said Mulleney was
alsoe owner of one Sixteenth part of the
said Shippe and her tackle & furniture,
And otherwise he doth not beleeve the
said posicon to be true in any pte
To the second posicon of the said
pretended libell he answereth and
beleeveth that in the time arlate the
arlate shippe y:e Mary Bonadventure
was and remained in the river of
Thames bound out to sea upon a voyage
to y:e Barbadoes arlate or some other plaice or porte arlate, And otherwise he
doth not beleeve the said pretended
posicon to be true in any parte
Case: Libell ag:t Georgij Keate: Personal answer: William Ashwell, Armigeri facta ponibus: Date: XXX
Case: Libell given on the behalfe of Clement Starre: Personal answer: Marke Mortimer: Date: December 2nd 1650
Case: Libell given on the behalfe of Humfry ?Hickman: Personal answer: William ?Jackett: Date: December 3rd 1650
//dureing all the voyadge libellate the
arlate Humfry Hickman did carry and
demeane himselfe very XXXXXX XXXX
XXXXX and debauched very much
addicteing himselfe to sweareing curseing
and blasphemeing and alsoe to fighting
and quarelling and XXXXig. many
differences and debates and much conten-
tion in the severall shipps wherein this
Rendent went out and did dureing the said
voyadge most desperately strike one of
the negroes in the shipp the Mayflower
such that hee presently fell downe & dyed
with the blowe given him by the said Hick-
man and did very dangerously wound
another of the negroes soe that hee very
hardly escaped and did after most
desperately strike att and much endanger
severall of the Company of the said shipps
and amongst others did desperately stabb
att Robert ?Slade the Calker of
the Shippe Mayflower with a penknife
whereby his life was much endangered
and if hee had not prevented the same with
his Arms and receaved the stabbe therein
hee had in all probability wounded him to
the death and complaint thereof being
made to this Rendent hee did command
his knives to bee taken from him and his
pson to be secured in the ?Bilboes untill
the morning that the buisnies could bee
thoroughly examined and then in the
morneing this Rendent caused all the
Officers of the Shippe and rest of the
Companye to be called together and//
Case: Libell given on the behalfe of Humfry ?Hickman: Personal answer: William ?Jackett: Date: Novembber 4:th 1650
Case: Allegation given on the behalf of Charles Sumpter and others: Personal answer: Richard Wilson: Date: December 9:th 1650
The ship the Ulisses arlate
Voyage from hence to Russia and from thence to Legorne
Ship driven by contrary winds into Plimouth
The Uliseese was lost
Schedule of waged
Case: Allegation made on the behalfe of Rowland Searchfeild: Personal answer: Roger Garland: Date: December 10:th 1650
44 caskes of oyle in controversie, which were leaking when put upon the rendent's ship at Legorne
Describes the extent of the leaks at the time of the casks delivery in the port of London
Case: Allegation on the behalfe of the Keepers of the Liberty of England: Personal answer: Nicholas Van ?Elsicke: Date: December 14:th 1650
The ship the S:t Anthony arlate, a Portugall shipp, belonging to Porto Porto
Surprizall by John ?Regemorter
Case: XXX Henrici Griggs & XXXX: Personal answer: Roberti Walgrave: Date: December 16:th 1650
Nants in France
Case: Allegation given by Richard ?Millison: Personal answer: John TreXXque and Charles Sumpter: Date: December 18:zh 1650
Case: Allegation on the behalf of Richard ?Bowle and Companye on December 4:th 1650: Personal answer: James Gray: Date: XXX
Case: Allegation given by John Chapman, William ?Soams and Thomas ?Dun: Personal answer: John ?WXXXX, late Master of the Hopewell: Date: December 31st 1650
Imprimis for eleaven hogsheads)
of pilchards that were lost)
imbeazelled or purloined)
Item for recovering an Anchor)
and Cable that was stollen from)
the Shippe at Naples whilest)
shee ridd by it)
Item for a Rolle of Tobacoe)
lost from on board the said)
Shippe of about 60.- or 70.-)
pounds weight)
Item for 2 Butts of oile)
Staved att Naples by)
neglect of the Company)
Item for a Shipps boate)
att Naples the other being)
staved vy the neglect of)
the Company as the same)
lay by the Shipps Side at
noone day)
Case: Allegation on behalfe of Robert Clarke on 21st June 1650: Personal answer: ?Ellison Windall: Date: January 11th 1650(51)
Case: Allegation on behalfe of Nicholas Gold and others: Personal answer: John Davy: Date: January 14th 1650 (51)
Case: Allegation on behalfe of Nicholas Gold and Company: Personal answer: Peter Legay: Date: January 14th 1650 (51)
//14:° Januarij 1650
Repetit cora drow
The personal answears
of Peter Legay made to y:e
pused positions of a certeine
allegation given against him
on y:e behalfe of Nicholas Gold
and company as followeth
To the first pused position he answereth
that savinge his answers followinge
he doth not beleeve the said pused
position to bee true in any pte saveinge
this rendent beleeveth that he this
rendent knowinge that there was some
hazard, and danger in sending of goods
to S:t Maloes in his owne name beinge
an Englishman in regard there had beene
severall arrests made of Englishmens
//goods by ffrenchmen for satisffaction of
puded iniuries done unto them by the
English y:e arlate ?W:m Showers did defrō
after the ladeinge of this rendents
, & the arlate M:r Showers goods
in this cause controverted and after
the same were entred in the Custome
house at Exeter for this rendents &
the arlate M:r Showers his acc:t
write a letter unto the arlate Monseir (sic)
Villon Jean Ginchett ?Resident in S:t
Maloes wherein he did inclose an
Invoice, directed unto them for the receipt
of y:e goods belonginge unto this rendent
& the said W:m Shower
To the second pused positions hee
answereth and beleeveth that the letter
& Invoice arlate were and remained
aboard the said Shippe the Diamond att
such time as shee was seized uppon,
surprized and taken by the arlate Shipps
the Merchant Adventure and y:e Peter
and the said letter, and Invoice were and
are written with the proper handwritinge
of the arlate M:r Showers & directed unto
the said Mounseur (sic) Villon Jean Guichett
which this rendent beleeveth was done
by reason of the danger aforesaid,
meerely coulourably and to avoid arrests
and seizures in ffraunce, which otherwise
would have been laid uppon them in case
they had gone in this rendents & in M:r Showers
owne names whereas in truth all and
singular the goods aforesaid claimed by y:e
arlate William Showers & this rendenr
//were really and bona dide the proper goods
of this rendent & the arlate William
Showers, and were send & carried on
bord the said shippe the Dyamond by the
arlate M:r Showers or by his order or
directions, as in this arle is alleaged
which he accepteth of as for sorth as
the said arle maketh for him, and the
premisses by him confessed he hath
acknowledged and otherwise he doth
not beleeve the said pused position to
be true in any pte
To y:e 3.:d pused position this rendent
answereth that he doth not beleeve
the said pused position to bee true in
any parte saveinge thsi respondent
beleeveth that he havinge lived and
resided in ffraunce hath by that meanes
some acquaintance with ffrench mer-
chants, resident there, for whom this
respondent hath ?receaved and sould
some goods but this rendent by vertue
of his oath declareth that the goods
claimed by them with their owne monies
& for their owne accompts & not with any
effectes , or creditts of the said Monnseiur
Villon Jean Guichett or any other ffrenchman whatsoever did really & properly
belonge unto them att y:e time of the seizure
thereof this rendent beleeveth y:t y:e goods
claimed by y:e arlate John Sealy were &
are the proper goods of the said John
Sealy, & did really & properly belonge
unto the said John Sealy att the time
of the seizure//
//To y:e 4:th position this rendent answereth
and beleeveth the same to bee true
To the last he answereth that he
beleeveth the thinges by him beleeved
and denieth the thinges by him
PE: LEGAY JU [His signature]
Case: Allegation on behalfe of Richard Jefferson and John Stubbs: Personal answer: Thomas ?Shorte: Date: January 15:th 1650 (51)
Case: Allegation on behalfe of John ?Parris and John XXXXXwood: Personal answer: Richard Batson Laurence Steele John ColXXX & John Roberts: Date: January 18th 1650 (51)
Case: Allegation on behalfe of John Marston and others: Personal answer: John ffletcher and Thomas ffletcher: Date: January 18th 1650 (51)
Case: Allegation on behalfe of John Bardwell and ?Perin Trott and Company: Personal answer: Christopher Coleman: Date: January 18th 1650 (51)
Case: XXXX: Personal answer: Christopher Coleman: Date: Christopher Coleman: Date: January 18th 1650 (51)
Case: Allegation on behalfe of George Keate: Personal answer: William Ashwell Esq.:r: Date: XXXX
Case: Allegation on behalfe of Claes Peeteirs: Personal answer: Antonia ffernandez and Deigo Rodrigues: Date: ffebruary 4:th 1650 (51)
Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX
Case: XXXX: Personal answer: XXXX: Date: XXXX