MRP: HCA 1/8
HCA 1/8 1648-1660
Editorial history
01/05/12, CSG: Created page
01/05/12, CSG: Made 9 digital images (P1110083 to P1110091)
About this record series
HCA 1/ High Court of Admiralty: Oyer and Terminer Records: Indictments and subsequent Proceedings filed
- HCA 1/8 1648-1660
- HCA 1/9 1660-1674
Suggested links
See HCA 1/9 1660-1674
See Synthesis
See Transcription
To do
Physical description
Sample transcriptions
P1110083 recto
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P1110084 f. 5
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P1110085 f. ?
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P1110086 f. ?
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P1110087 f. 8
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//The Information of James Mountjoy against Joseph Ward
M:r Thomas Ward and Samuell Harken, M:re mates of the
Parromore of London./.
1 That the said Mountjoy is ready to depose upon oath, he
being at the Island of Barbados at that tyme the Lord Willowby
of Parham came thither; being about y:e moneth of May 1650
the said War M:r at first caused the Gunnes to be made ready
pretending it was to stand in his owne defence against the
Lord Willowby but presently after the said Ward M:r went
aboard, & had private conferrence with the Lord Willowby and
the seamen of y:e ship Parramore were commanded to pvide their
skiffe in readinesse w:th Armes under pretence to secure their said M:r
from harme, but straight they were commanded by y:e said
Ward M:r to Ayd Certaine of y:e Malignant Parties a?shore
and to secure them from Capt:n Strong, and Captain Starre
who otherwise might have apprehended them for the states
of England
2 This Informer perceiving the great subtilty (of y:e said Ward M:r
in his unjust dealing for y:e states) was willing to be cleared
of y:e Parramore, which was denyed, but in y:e way
being ?bound homeward, because fo y:e said James Montjoy
complained of y:e said Ward M:r in that he put 6 men to
4 mens allowance the said Ward & his Mates seized y:e
said Montjoy to y:e Capstone and hung a 150:li weight of shott
about his neck, and that he y:e said Montjoy telling y:e said
Ward and his mates that he Conceied the Parl:t would not suffer such
wrong to goe unpunished, they made answer in this manner,
what tell you of y:e Parl:t if y:e said Montjoy
were soe great with them, he would rubb him for
their sakes, and gave him a bou?t 40 strokes with a ropes end upon his
bare shirt whereby y:e said James Montjoy hath suffred much.
3 This Informers aith that the said M:rs Mates being in Company
togeather one Samuell Harker uttered these words y:e 11:th of August
1650. namely that he acknowledged no states, but y:t the Parliam:t
were Trikers & Peddlers & such like fellowes, Moreover y:e said Thomas
Ward M:rs mate June y:e 2:nd alleadged the Parl:t were a Company of
perjurd Roages all which shall be attested by y:e ptyes hereafter
named if yo:r hon:es be pleased to sommon them before you before
the said shipp shall be unloaden
John TrXXXy)
Will:m Poynter)
Will:m Pypes)
James Browne)
Richard Earle)
John Long)
Robert Cheddington
John ?Casewell//
P1110088 f. ?
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P1110089 f. ?
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P1110090 f. 29
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//Brixton H:d. in)
Com Surrey)
The names of the Jurors for the said Hundred
of Brixton warn?id to bee and appeare before
the Highe Co:rt. of Admiralty at Southwark
on thursday the xx.:th day of ffebruary 1650
at one of the Clock in the afternoone of
the same day as follow./
-. John Poole of Mortlake gent. - Jur.
-. Manalssis Watfore of the same - Jur.
-. Abraham Ba?ker of the same - Jur.
-. Thomas Edwarde of the same - 13:s. 4:d.
- John Lyford of the same - Jur
-. Samuell Merridith of the same
-. Edward Clayton of the same
-. Thomas Eastley of the same
-. Robert Boughton of Putney gent - 13:s. 4:d.
-. William Garritt of the same - Jur.
-. John ?Litler of the same - Jur.
-. Peter Brooke of the same
n: William Milborne of the same - 13:s. 4:d.
-. Nicholas Waxham[1] of the same
-. Richard Waxham of the same
n. Anthony Lucas of the same - 13:s. 4.d.
?Exr. Henry Parkman of the same - [13:s. 4.d. AMOUNT CROSSED OUT]
-. George Woolmer of the same
-. ffrancis ffisher of the same
-. William Jewer of ?Barnoe
-. Thomas ?Nash of the same
-. Robert Burgesse of the same
-. Richard White of the same - 13:s. 4:d
-. James Courtley of the same
-. Milis Henwood of the same
-. Richard Edwarde of the same
-.XXXver Lirke of the same
-. George Waterson of the same 28.
Willis XXXXXX Ar
P1110091 f. ?
High quality digital image- Jump up ↑ Nicholas Waxham. Probably Nicholas Waxham of Putney, Surrey (b. ?, m. ?1635, d. ?) (IGI: Batch No. M017491: Nicholas Waxham; MARRIAGE: 19 Aug 1635 Saint Mary, Putney; SPOUSE: Jane Richardson; IGI: Batch No. P017491: Nicholas Waxham; CHRISTENING: 30 May 1644, Putney; FATHER: Nicholas Waxham; MOTHER: Joane.