MRP: Francis Riccard will

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Francis Riccard will

PROB 11/351 Bence 55-108 Will of Francis Riccard, Writer of Metchlepatam 08 June 1676

Editorial history

03/12/11, CSG: Created page & pastted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

Francis Riccard was a son of John Riccard, of Portisham in Dorset, and the nephew of Sir Andrew Riccard, John's brother. Francis refers in his will, which was made in Mechlepatam when sick, to a legacie left by his deceased uncle Sir Andrew Riccard, which was now in the hands of Lady Riccard, his widow,

Francis died in Mechlepatam sometime between writing his will when already sick in September 1673, and probate being granted in London in June 1676.

Francis' mother can be identified from Francis' will as the daughter of the deceased Francis Lawrence of Rampisham, Dorset. An uncle, William Lawrence, also of Rampisham, Dorset, was still alive in 1673. Dorset archival sources show that Francis Lawrence was a yeoman of Rampisham.[1]

Suggested links

See John Riccard will
See Sir Andrew Riccard will

See Mechlepatam

To do


This transcription has been completed, but needs to be checked

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I ffrancis Riccard of Mechlepatam xxxxx being sick and weake in Body but in perfect sense and memory make this my last will and Testament

IMPRIMIS I bequeath my Body to the ?Grave (or ??Earth) And my Soule to God who gave it

ITEM to my ffather Mr John Riccard I give and Bequeath the summe of one hundred Pounds of lawfull money of England left me as a Legacie by my uncle S:r Andrew Riccard and now in the possession of the Lady Riccard Relict of the saud Sir Andrew Riccard

ITEM I give to my said ffather the summe of Twenty pounds of the said lawfull money of England left me as a legacie by my Grandfather Mr ffrancis Lawrence of the Towne of Rampisham in the County of Dorsett now in the hands and possession of my uncle William Lawrence of the said Towne and County

ITEM after sale of what Clothes and necessaries in my Chest in the ffactorie of Mechelpatam I give unto M:r Thomas ?Morrise alias Gower the summe of Tenn Pagods out of the money arising by the said sale for his Administering of Phsick to and care over me during my sickness And the overplus of the said money I give to my ffather after xx discharge of my ffunerall expenses

ITEM what moneys due to me upon accompt of Sallary from the honourable English East


East India Company I give and bequeath to my said ffather

IN WITNES whereof I have hereunto set my hand This ffive and Twentieth day of September Anno Dom 1673.

Fran: Riccard.

Signed and delivered after the Interlining of the words (I give and bequeath) in the Third Paragraph in presence of Peter Radcliffe Rob:t ffreeman Robert Crawley Samuel Wales.

OCATVO DIE mensis Junii Anno Dom millimo Sextentesimo septuagesimo Sexto xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Johanis Riccard Patri naturali et legitimo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



See: Francis Riccard was probably sent out to India as a writer in the early 1670s, shortly after the death of his uncle, Sir Andrew Riccard, in 1672:

See: "The following securities are accepted: Lady Riccard and John Riccard in 500l. for Francis Riccard, writer."[2]

See: "Three new writers from among those sent out in the ships, John Scattergood, Francis Riccard, and John Canham, were retained in the factory, and their stay was duly sanctioned by..."[3] [NEED TO CHECK THE FULL QUOTATION IN PHYSICAL TEXT]

Possible primary sources


PROB 11/351 Bence 55-108 Will of Francis Riccard, Writer of Metchlepatam 08 June 1676
  1. Jump up WHICH ARCHIVE?: D678/2 T2/6/6: Counterpart lease (5 August 1628) by Sir John Stawell of Cothelestone, Somerset, K.B., to Francis Lawrence of Rampisham, yeoman
  2. Jump up W.T. Ottewill (ed.), A calendar of the court minutes, etc., of the East India Company, 1671-1673, vol. 9 (Oxford, 1932), p. 189
  3. Jump up Charles Fawcett (ed.), The English factories in India, 1670-1677 (Oxford, 1952), p. 248