MRP: Edith Perrin will

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Edith Perrin will

PROB 11/389 Foot 133-172 Will of Edith Peryn or Perrin, Widow of Saint Andrew High Holborn, Middlesex 08 November 1687

Editorial history

03/12/11, CSG: Restructured headings

Abstract & context

Suggested links

See The Corner or Old Corner, near Ludgate (and Old Bailey), London (Edith Perrin lived in the same house as Tobell Aylmer, Elizabeth Dallison, Sarah wainman, and Edward Kelke in the late 1650s)
See House in Lambeth (Edith Perrin, Sarah Wainman & Richard Oxinden lived in the same house in Lambeth after the death of Elizabeth Dallison)

See Tobell Aylmer will (Possible brother-in-law of Edith Perrin, who made Perrin his residual beneficiary)

To do

(1) Look at two wills:

- PROB 11/121 Capell 1-65 Will of Raphe Peryn, Yeoman of Saint Giles near Torrington, Devon 01 March 1613

  • Note: "ITEM I give and devise to my said Cozen Mary Roodes and her Heires All my Estate and Interest in my houses in the Citty of Exon in the County of Devon or County of the Citty of Exon [Edith Perrin will]"
  • However, it is not clear how Edith Perrin was connected to Devon

- PROB 11/344 Bunce 1-53 Will of John Peryn, Gentleman of Saint Andrews Holborne, Middlesex 22 January 1674

  • Note: Edith Perrin, writing in 1687 as a widow, gave her address as St Andrew, Holborn (though in Lambeth in 1660s, and in Old Corner, near Ludgate Hill in late 1650s)
  • Was John Perrin a brother (rather than a husband?)



IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Edith Perrin of the parish of S:t Andrew High Holborn in the county of Middx Widow being sick of body but of good and perfect mind, memory and understanding praise be given to the Almighty God but knoweing the certainty of death and incertainty of the time thereof doe this Eleaventh day of October Anno Domini One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty Seaven And in the third yeare of the Raigne of our Sovereigne Lord King James the second make and declare my last Will and Testament in manner following

FFIRST AND PRINCIPALLY I recommend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God that gave it me assuredly trusting by and through the meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my blessed Saviour and Redeemer to receive a glorious resurrection amongst the just My body I leave to the Earth from whence it came to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix herein after named

And as for that worldly Estate which God in his mercy hath bestowed upon mee I bequeath and give as followeth

IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath to my Cozen Edith Wright wife of Lawrence Wright deceased ffifty pounds which he did owe mee upon Bond and I give fforty pounds more which hee oweth mee on another Bond to his fower Children vizt Richard Ursula Suzanne and  ?Lucretia Wright equally to be divided between them

ITEM I give to my Cozen Edith Wright All the pewter and Iron in the kitchyne with one feather bed and bolster where the Children XXXX

ITEM I give XXXXX to my Cozen Edith Wright a Ring with one Diament

ITEM I give to my servant Elizabeth Wood Ten shillings And I give to the poor of the parish of S:t Andrewe Holborn in the County of Middlesex Twelve shillings

ITEM I give to my Cozen Margarett Rawlings Arthur Lone gentl[1] my Sister ?Deacon my Cozen Jonas Deacon and his wife my Cozen ?Rolls and my Cozen Mary Roses to each and every of them a gold ring of Ten shillings a peece

ITEM I give and devise to my said Cozen Mary Roodes and her Heires All my Estate and Interest in my houses in the Citty of Exon in the County of Devon or County of the Citty of Exon

All the rest and residue of my goods Chattells plate Jewells ready money both gold and silver household goods and personall Estate whatsoever not herein beforegiven and devised I give and devise to my Neice Jane ?Gulleford and I make her sole Executrix of this my last Willand Testament revokeing all former Wills by me made And I doe hereby nominate and appoint my good freind Nathaniel Herbert Gentl to be overseer of this my last Will and Testament desireing him to be aiding and Assisting to my said Executrix

WITNES whereof I the said Edyth Peryn have hereunto sett my hand and Seale conteyning my last Will and Testament in one sheet of paper the day and yeare first above written


Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named Edyth Perryn as her last Will and Testament the day and yeare above written in the presence of Benjamin ffellowes Edw ?Gleast Nathl. Herbert

PROBATUM fuit Testamentum apud London Coram venerabili vira Henricio Newton Legum Doctor Surrogato venerabilis egregii viri domini Richardi Raines Militis Legum etiamDoctoris Curia Prarogativa Cantuariensis Magistri Custodis sive Commissarii legitime constituti Octavo die mensis Novembris Anno Domini Mellesimo Sepcentesimo Octogessimo Septimo


?Inramento Jana Gulleford Executrix XXXXX testamento nominat Cui Commissa fuit Administratio omnium et singularum bonorum juXXXX et Creditorum dicta defuncta de bene et fidelite Administrando eadem Ad Sancta dei Evangelia in deXXX jurizio forma jurat Exam.


Possible primary sources


PROB 11/121 Capell 1-65 Will of Raphe Peryn, Yeoman of Saint Giles near Torrington, Devon 01 March 1613
- Note: "ITEM I give and devise to my said Cozen Mary Roodes and her Heires All my Estate and Interest in my houses in the Citty of Exon in the County of Devon or County of the Citty of Exon [Edith Perrin will]"
- However, it is not clear how Edith Perrin was connected to Devon
PROB 11/344 Bunce 1-53 Will of John Peryn, Gentleman of Saint Andrews Holborne, Middlesex 22 January 1674

PROB 11/389 Foot 133-172 Will of Edith Peryn or Perrin, Widow of Saint Andrew High Holborn, Middlesex 08 November 1687
  1. Jump up Possibly PROB 11/417 Coker 175-222 Will of Arthur Loane, Gentleman of Middle Temple, City of London 01 December 1693; Arthur Loane, who died ca. 1673, was the second husband of Margaret Aylmer, her first husband being probably John Gibbs