MRP: Doctors Commons
Doctors Commons
Editorial history
07/10/11, CSG: Created page
[hide]Suggested links
See Places
See Dr Edward Master will (member of Doctors Commons)
To do
- Perform literature search for travellers' and other writers' descriptive mentions of the pre-1666 Doctors Commons
- Search for a plan and/or engraving or painting of the pre-1666 Doctors Commons
- Pull together past literature searches on Doctors Commons
- List Oxenden and Master family members who were civil lawyers, and other civil lawyers with social or professional links to the Oxenden, Dallison, and Master families
- Dr Edward Master, Dr George Oxenden, Dr Robert Wiseman, Dr Vincent Denne, etc.
Profile of Doctors Commons
Mentions of Doctors Commons in Wiki primary documents
Sir George Oxenden correspondence
See Dr Edward Master will (Orally given 1692)
Suggested primary sources
'Common, Canon, and Civil Law', pp. 429-446 in T. Osborne & J. Shipton (booksellers), The first volume (for the year 1757) of a catalogue of the libraries of many eminent persons, lately deceas'd; ... Which will begin to be sold this day, and continue selling to the first of January 1758, ... at T. Osborne's and J. Shipton's ...(London, 1757)
Suggested secondary sources
Levack, B. P., The civil lawyers in England, 1603–1641 (XXXX, 1973)
Senior, W., Doctors Commons and the old court of admiralty (London, 1922)