MRP: Bussora
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20/12/11, CSG: Created page
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See Gombroon
See Goa
See Surat
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Sir George Oxenden correspondence
See 2nd February 1662/63, Letter from Richard Craddocke to Sir GO, Gombroone
- " I like wise desired y:e Consull if y:t hee heard of a certaine Broach betweene y:e Two Nations never to trust by lres of advice to any Portugall Padrees at Bussora or else wheare but rather bee at y:e Charges to send them Directly hither for I beleeve noo people und:r heaven cann bee more treacherous than the Dutch Whoos Choisest studdy is either By Bribes or other pollicy to undermine our Designes & I am Informed 'twas Padree Barnibess8 Roguery, by retard:g o:r lres & sending y:e Dutches á Month before, occasioned y:t in y:e Last warrs y:e Hono:ble Comp:a Lost soo many shipps in these parts"
See 20th August 1663, Letter from Gamaliel Nightingale to Sir GO, Aleppo
- "This yeare all sorts Com:o of India sells Exceeding well Lahori:o Indico at present ?p [may be a dollar sign]160: Ryalls 9/9 ts pchado w:ch is about 130: Eng: lls but Quantyty being Come this yeare to Bussora may fall to ?p [may be a dollar sign] 140: In England tis fallen to 4:10 [may be s and d written above] pb:a. [this could be an abbreviation for “per pound”]"
See 27th August 1663, Letter from Richard Cradocke to Sir GO, Spahaune
- "This prs:t troubling you is occasioned by y:e Importunety of y:e Bearers ??Cojah Yattan,1 and Cojah Baugoose:e who being bound for Bussora, & from thence to India, ?desired these few Lynes supposeing thereby they may have á more apt opportunity to kissing yo:r Worp:s hands, the fformer is Brother to Coja Minas, & intends to reside some yeares in Surr:tt y:t ???the other may have y:e Convenyency of comeing to Spahaune & Consequently y:e happinesse of seeing his ffreinds, & acquaintance after soo many yeares absence"
See 6th October 1665, Letter from John Willett to Sir GO, Bussora
- "S:r Padre Blasio is gon for psia, sent for á way, or runn á way I cannot tell, but hee went á way unknowne to any body, & this Padree I cannot tel what to make of him, But hee is á great visitour of y:e Dutch, & a kinde of á sligh fellow"
See 7th October 1665, Letter from John Willett to Sir GO, Bussora
See 10th March 1665/66, Letter from James Master to Sir GO, Langden Abbey
- " As for the transaction at China yo:w know nothing of yo:r owne knowledge, but as my Uncle & others related when they came to Surratt, so yo:w can’t speake to that, but as to y:e time of y:e Shipps coming to Surratt w:ch was about 21:sth or 22.Th Janu:ry to late to returne unto England y:t yeare, & no [XXXX]ledge [Could be "curteledge"] ore goodes to be had of any considerable Vallue, or Quantity of the reason & grounds of the shippe making a Voyadge to Bussora & how that was more proffitable for the employers , than her stay in India yo:w know very well they prestend goodes could be had then at Surratt for England but we Say they were very Inconsiderable, & the merchants would give but little freight"
Law suits
Suggested image sources
Coquart, Antoine, Isfahan town plan, c. 1700
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