MRP: Ann Cranmer will
Ann Cranmer will
PROB 11/342 Pye 53-118 Will of Ann Cranmer, Widow of Mitcham, Surrey 05 September 1673
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29/11/11, CSG: Posted transcription on wiki
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Ann Cranmer was the mother of the SVJS subscriber and London merchant, Robert Cranmer, who predeceased her.
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Ann Cranmer (LH margin at top)
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN: The nynteenth Day of May Anno Domini one thousand six hundred seaventy three and in the five and twentieth yeare of the Reigne of King Charles the second by the Grace of God of England xr I Ann Cranmer of Mitcham in the Countie of Surrey widdowe being in good and perfect mynd and memory and alsoe in health of bodie but calling to mynd the uncertainty of this xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (my Debts Legacies and funerall Expences being first fully satisfyed and payd I doe give and bequeath unto my loving Daughter Ann Carnor (???) of the Cittie of Westminster widdow, in some I doe hereby make and Ordaine sole Executrix
Life, doe therefore make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say)
FIRST and principally I comitt and commend my soule into the hands of the Lord my Creator, and in and through the Lord Jesus Christ I hope and Trust my reconciled God and loving Father, And for my Bodie I commit to the Earth there to be decently buryed with as little charge as may be to my Executrix hereafter named, whome I desire should give onely wine and Rosemary at my Funerall And as for such worldly Goods and substance as God in mercy hath blessed mee withall, I doe give desire and bequeath as followeth (vizt)
IMPRIMIS I give and bequeath unto the Minister of Our Parish the summe of twentie shillings, in some I desire should preach my funerall Sermon
ITEM I give and bequeath the summe of tenne shillings for the use of the Poore of Our said Parish to be layd-out by my Executrix in Bread and accordingly distributed amongst them;
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Minchard a Box of Lynnen whereof shee hath alreadie in her hands and custodie the Key;
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my said daughter’s husband a tenn-shilling Gold=Ring.
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my five Grandchildren being the sonnes of my late sonne M:r Robert Cranmer deceased each of them a tenn shilling Gold-Ring;
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Grandson James Garret (??) the summe of tenn pounds to be payd unto him at his age of one and twentie yeares, if hee shall happen soe long to live;
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Brother M:r Henry Gravener the summe of twentie shillings;
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Sister in Lawe Elizabeth Hummings widdowe the summe of twentie shillings;
ITEM all the rest and residue of my Goods Chatells Debts readie money and other thing and things whatsoever which is due unto mee from any Person or persons xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (my Debts Legacies and funerall Expences being first fully satisfyed and payd) I doe give and bequeath unto my loving Daughter Ann Caxxx of the Cittie of Westminster widdow, whome I doe hereby make and Ordaine sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament; Lastly I doe hereby revoke disannull and make-void all former Wills and Testaments by mee heretofore made, Willing this onely, and none other to stand and be my last Will and Testament:
In Witness whereof I the said Ann Czxxxxxx xand hereunto set my hand and seale the Day and yeare first abovewritten:
Ann Cranmor:
Signed sealed published and declared by the said Ann Czxxxxx for and as her last Will and Testamentin the presence of : Tho: Baker: John Togg: Joseph Cranmor:
Before the publishing of this Will xxx within-named Ann Czxxxx did declare it to be for Will, That if the written-named James Carret happen to dye before hee comes to age of One and twentie yeares Then the tenn Pounds bequeathed to him to be given to one of his Sisters at the Discretion of her Executrix w:thin mentioned in the presence of : Tho: Baker: John Fogg: Joseph Cranmer:/
PROBATUM fuit Testamentum suprascriptum apud London quinto die mensis September Anno Domini millesimo sexcentesimo septuagenesimo xxxx coram venerabili xxx XXXX Digby legum doctor venerabilio et xxxxx xxxxxx xsxxx xcxxxx legum doctori o Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Possible primary sources
PROB 4/1950 Inventory of Anne Cranmer, 1673
PROB 5/2160 Inventory of Robert Cranmere, 1665, ff. 1-5
PROB 11/184 Coventry 117–173 Will of Samuel Cranmer, Alderman of Saint Gabriel Fenchurch, City of London 04 November 1640
PROB 11/320 Mico 47-91 Will of Robert Cranmore of Mitcham, Surrey 12 April 1666
PROB 11/337 Duke 102-158 Will of Sir William Greene of Mitcham, Surrey 07 December 1671
PROB 11/342 Will of Ann Cranmer, Widow of Mitcham, Surrey 05 September 1673
PROB 11/404 Vere 48–92 Will of Henry Hampson, Merchant of London 28 March 1691
- Quite possibly also matched with Henr Hamson, Bull and Mouth Street, London (ML, 1677)
PROB 11/617 Farrant 197 – 250 Will of Anne Cranmer, Widow of Mitcham, Surrey 02 October 1727
- Presumably of a wife of a son or grandson of Robert Cranmer: