MRP: 4th April 1663, Letter from Sarah Sharlee to Sir GO

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4th April 1663, Letter from Sarah Sharlee to Sir GO

BL, Add. MS. XX, XXX, f. 93

Editorial history

05/06/09, CSG: Completed transcription
18/12/11, CSG: Page created & posted transcription to wiki

Abstract & context

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To do

(1) Check transcription against physical manuscript at BL


This transcription has been completed, but requires checking

[BL, Add. MS. XX, XXX, f. 93]

Honored S:r

Yo:r multitude of favours Calls on mee for great acknowledgements which I heere tender wishing I could serve you w:th reall service where you now are.

I have beene very ill since you left England & wee speake softly wee have lettel to doo at home But my M:rs[1] hath much to doo a broad, It would never vex mee if my M:rs spent her tyme w:th any body but y:e Gentellman in fanchurch streete[2] & M:rs Nokes[3] pray S:r if you send any presents to them lett mee y:e delivering them my M:rs will never doo as I would doo in y:t Case; I wish I could see you in yo:r State & Glory but I am shure I wish it more than it is weare it Millions of splenders; S:r I wated on my M:rs to Deane to see my Lady who is very kinde to my M:rs but S:r Harrys Lady[4] is y:e [blank of 2 cm, not filled in by original scribe] I never thought shee would have bine soo good a wife as they say shee is.

S:r I humbly Begg yo:r pardon for my Bould:nesse & that you will accept of a small present 6:ffances [?] 6: potts of preservd Quinces w:ch I offer in all humility as becometh.

Most humble & ffaithfull serv:t
Sarah Sharle:e [or "s"]


  1. Elizabeth Dallison, Susan Sharlee's mistress
  2. The gentleman in Fanchurch Street is William Love
  3. Jane Nokes, widow of William Nokes
  4. Sir Henry Oxenden's new, third wifet