MRP: 3rd January 1665/66, Letter from William Jearssey, Metchlapam
From MarineLives
3rd January 1665/66, Letter from William Jearssey, Metchlapam
BL. Add. MS. XX,XXX ff. 59-62
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13/01/12, CSG: Created page
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"here is a Shipp arrived from Achein y:t hath brought one Elleph:t for M:r Locks acco:tt who is lodged at Quoda & one for S:r Edwards acco:tt. I am resolved to Seize on all I cann lay hands on of his for y:e Comp:as Acco:tt wee are heere now ith out guilt and should embrace yo:r Worp:s advice in this particular as well as others.."
"Chout Torkers Shipp is surely gon to bee lost for shee was not arrived to Achein the bginning of X:ber…"