Henry Bushell
Henry Bushell | |
Person | Henry Bushell |
Title | |
First name | Henry |
Middle name(s) | |
Last name | Bushell |
Suffix | |
Spouse of | |
Widow of | |
Occupation | Mariner |
Secondary shorebased occupation | |
Mariner occupation | Master |
Associated with ship(s) | Adventure of London (Master: Henry Bushell) |
Training | Not apprentice |
Is apprentice of | |
Was apprentice of | |
Had apprentice(s) | |
Citizen | Unknown |
Literacy | Signature |
Has opening text | Henry Bushell |
Has signoff text | Henry Bushell |
Signoff image | (Invalid transcription image) |
Language skills | English language |
Has interpreter | |
Birth street | |
Birth parish | |
Birth town | |
Birth county | |
Birth province | |
Birth country | |
Res street | Limehouse |
Res parish | Stepney |
Res town | |
Res county | Middlesex |
Res province | |
Res country | England |
Birth year | 1608 |
Marriage year | |
Death year | |
Probate date | |
First deposition age | 46 |
Primary sources | |
Act book start page(s) | |
Personal answer start page(s) | |
Allegation start page(s) | |
Interrogatories page(s) | |
Deposition start page(s) | HCA 13/70 f.15r Annotate |
Chancery start page(s) | |
Letter start page(s) | |
Miscellaneous start page(s) | |
Act book date(s) | |
Personal answer date(s) | |
Allegation date(s) | |
Interrogatories date(s) | |
Deposition date(s) | Dec 25 1654 |
How complete is this biography? | |
Has infobox completed | Yes |
Has synthesis completed | No |
Has HCA evidence completed | No |
Has source comment completed | No |
Ship classification | |
Type of ship | Merchant ship |
Silver Ship litigation in 1650s | |
Role in Silver Ship litigation | None |
Biographical synthesis
Henry Bushell (b. ca. 1608; d. ?). Mariner.
Master of the Adventure of London in 1651 and 1652.[1]
Clear link with town of Saint Malo prior to his residence in Limehouse, though not clear if he ever lived there.
Resident in 1654 in Limehouse.
Speculatively, the Henry Bushell of this profile is the Henry Bushell who married ?Rose Greenwood in Limehouse in 1634.[2]
Speculatively, Henry Bushell of this profile is related to Leonard Bushell of Limehouse, who had children by Mary Bennett between 1627 and 1639, baptised in the parish of Saint Dunstan, Stepney.
Dugdale's Visitation of Yorkshire records a Leonard Bushell and a Henry Bushell, both of Limehouse, as the second and third sons of Leonard Bushell of Whitby (b. ?; d. 1608), and as the grandsons of Robert Bushell of Whitby, merchant (b. ?; d. ca. 1584 or 1585).[3]
Again, speculatively, both Henry Bushell and Leonard Bushell of Limehouse are related to Captaine William Bushell of Limehouse, who is identified in a CSPD Dom, 1636-37 entry.
Evidence from High Court of Admiralty
Forty-six year old Henry Bushell deposed on December 29th 1654 in the High Court of Admiralty. He was examined on an allegation on behalf of William Pym in the case of "William Pym against Monsieur Plat[?arch] and others".[4]
The content of this deposition is also addressed in a petition by William Pym, merchant of Lym, to Oliver Cromwell, dated 1654.[5]
Henry Bushell stated that he had been at Saint Malo in France three years ago (so ca. 1651) for a period of seven months. In that time he knew William Pym to be an English factor residing in Saint Malo, and did business directly with him. Bushell noted that Pym "had greate and considerable Commissions of factorage from English merchants and was in very greate imployment as a factor, and saith hee lived and maintained himselfe wife and familie in soe good sort and fashion, that this deponent conceiveth hee could not there spend lesse than three hundred pounds a yeare." In Henry Bushell's estimation William Pym "proffited and gained by his said factorage and imployment at Saint Malo's five hundred pounds sterling per annum one yeare with another."[6] In a separate deposition by London merchant Richard Webbe we learn that William Pym was employed in 1652 by a number of London merchants, including "Mr Richard fford, Nathaniel Maunton Thomas Lambe, Thomas Papillon, Captaine Burton, (and) Thomas Bludworth".[7]
Bushell remembered that in December 1652 William Pym was employed by other English factors living in Saint Malo on behalf of English merchants living in the west of England. His task was to come to England to petition the Parliament and Council of State for free trade between the English Nation and Saint Malo. Bushell saw him both in December 1652 in Saint Malo and in London in January 1653, when he was executing this task. [8]
Bushell estimates the value of the contents of Pym's Saint Malo warehouse in December 1652 to have been £2,000, consisting of "woollen draperies, Indian hides, linnen cloth and other merchandizes, and commodities".[9]
In September and October 1653 some merchant ships of Saint Malo were seized by ships of the English Commonwealth. In revenge, Bushell sttates that the "men of the towne rose and in a violent manner and forcibly seized upon severall English barks shipps and goods then lying and being in and before the towne and in the harbour of Saint Malos. William Pym's warehouse was plundered, with a "Monsieur mason Neuf and Monsieur La Baste Guinis and other ffrench, subiects of the ffrench kinge" seizing "serges, bayes, frizes and other goods" from Pym's warehouse. The magistracy of the town supposedly encouraged the violence against English mens' property.[10]
The French turned their anger and violence directly against English men and not just against their property. Bushell describes the French of Saint Malo behaving "very barbarously and furiously towards the English striking beating and wounding them as they mett them in the streets, and throwing stones at them of this deponents sight, and soe ewill intreated and dealt soe cruelly with them that it was very dangerous for any of them to appeare abroad or goe out of doors, and many of them for safeguard of their lives were forced to quit the towne and flie thence." Bushell himself fled the town and William Pym too was forced to leave and to remove his wife and family for England. As a result he lost his factorage and employment and abandoned his goods. Bushell estimated Pym's losses to be in the rder of £5,000.[11]
Comment on sources
"Rachell Bushell
Christening: 4th October 1627
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary
Death: 12th April 1628"[12]
"John Bushell
Christening: 5th November 1628, Saint Dunstan, Stepney
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary
Death: 1st December 1628"[13]
"Mary Bushell
Christening: 11th November 1629, Saint Dunstan, Stepney
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary"[14]
"Robert Bushell
Christening: 6th July 1631
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary
Death: 1st February 1631"[15]
"Leonard Bushell
Christening: 8th November 1632, Saint Dunstan, Stepney
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary"[16]
"Samuel Bushell
Christening: 23rd January 1634, Saint Dunstan, Stepney
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary"[17]
"Henry Bushell
Marriage: 24th April 1634, Limehouse, Stepney
Spouse: Unnamed (possibly to Rose Greenwood)"[18]
"[1636-1637] Feb. 11. 102. Petition of Thomas Methwold to the Lords of the Admiralty. Petitioner was employed as purser in his Majesty's service for the late expedition in the Great Neptune, Capt. Bence Johnson, and there is due to him 14/. which without their assistance he is not likely to recover. Prays that he may receive satisfaction. - P.S. The victualler and paymaster is Capt. William Bushell, of Limehouse. [1/2 p.] Underwritten,
102. I. Capt. Bushell is to consider this petition, and either satisfy petitioner or attend the Lords of the Admiralty on Thursday next, with his answer in writing. Whitehall, 11th February 1636[-7.] [1/4 p.]
102. II. Answer of Capt. Bushell. He desires to pay petitioner, and never denied him, only desired him to account. [1/4 p.]"[19]
Extract, Memorials of Stepney Parish
"[Footnote] Captain William Bushell, in 1635, commanding the Neptune, was employed in redeeming captives at Argier. On his way home he and another captain, Thomas Scot, of Ratcliffe, were fined £500 and £100 respectively, at Dunkirk, by Admiral the Earl of Lindsey, for 'presuming to wear their flags in full view of The Fleet.' This apparently was considered an open insult to the assembled 200 ships, and was aggravated by the culprits attempting to escape. A month later the relatives of other captives ' at Argier and Sallee ' petitioned the Lords of the Admiralty to send William Bushell to redeem others after his success in bringing home thirty. He was probably sent, and next year, on the recommendation of the Trinity House, he and his ship, the Neptune (400 tons, 32 guns, and 160 men), were employed for the Navy. In spite of a dispute with his purser, in which he was condemned by the Officers of the Navy for making money out of his stores, he seems to have continued in the service of the Crown till his death, which is thus entered in the Registers : 'March 7, 1637. William Bushell, of Limehouse, mariner, died at Morbein, in France - a Captain.' He seems to have been unmarried, as he left most of his possessions to his father. - State Papers, Domestic; Stepney Registers ; Will at Somerset House. There was another Wm. B., a rope-maker, in Shadwell (see the Map), who died in 1653. - Stepney Court Rolls, Roll C."[20]
"John Bushell
Christening: 13th August 1639, Saint Dunstan, Stepney
Father: Leonard Bushell; Mother: Mary"[21]
"Codex chartaceus in folio, ff. 505
Thurloe's Papers, vol. xxxiv.; January 1656.
Printed in vols. i. — vi. of Birch's Collection; with the following exceptions : —
...12. Petition to Cromwell from William Pym, a merchant of Lyme, Dorset, respecting seizures of English vessels and property at St. Malo in Brittany" (p.397)
..."13. Another petition on the same subject, signed by seventeen merchants of Lyme, and dated 1654. p.399" [22]
Precised date unclear'
HCA 30/840/370
Declaration in Susanna Allen, widow, executrix of the will of James Allen through her attorney Thomas Seaman v. Henry Bushell of Limehouse (ff. 936-946). 1550-1650.
I. ROBERT BUSHELL, of Whitby in com. Ebor., merchant. Will, 15 Apr. 1584, pr. at York 8 Sept. 1585 (vol. xxiii, 77), to be bur. in Wliitby church ; mar. Isabel (? Browne). WiU, 3 Nov. 1595, pr. 1 Jan. 1601-2 (vol. xx^dii, 525), to be bur. in Whitby church. They had issue — (MarineLives editor's note: details of issue ommitted)
...II. LEONARD BUSH ELL, of Whitby, died in a' 1608 vel circa, bur. at Whitby, 24 Oct. 1610 ; mar. Jane, daughter of . . . Lambe, of Newcastle upon Tine, bur. at Whitby 10 Aug. 1629.
They had issue —
1. Richard (III).
2. Leonard Bushell, of Limehouse in co. Middlesex.
3. Henry Bushell, of Limehouse in co. Middlesex ; ? if mar. at Whitby 15 Sept. 1634 to Isabel Blenkhorne.
4. Samuell Bushell, of Whitby in co. Eborii.
5. Daniell Bushell, of Middleton in com. Ebor. ; ? mar.
Alice Foster, at Kildale, He. 1629 there or Midleton.
III. RICHARD BV SHELL, of Whitby, died a" 1644 ; marr. Isabell, daughter of Robert Ellys, of Rudston in com. Eborum, at St. Cuthbert's, York, 4 Aug. 1618 (C.B.N.), bur. at ^¥hitby 4 Mar. 1656-7. They had issue— (MarineLives editor's note: details of issue ommitted)
IV. ROBERT BUSHELL, of Whitby, and Ruswai-p, wtat. 39 ann. 28 Aug. a' 1665, a slupowner,^ bp. at Whitby 18 Apr. 1624, ? bur. there 12 Nov. 1698. Will, 26 Sept. 1595 (vol. Ixii, 219) ; mar. Isabell, daughter of William Wigginer, of Whitby in com. Ebor. They had issue — (MarineLives editor's note: details of issue ommitted)"[23]- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/70 f.15r
- Jump up ↑ Film no.: 170763: http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search/igi/individual_record.asp?recid=700084312576&lds=1®ion=2®ionfriendly=British+Isles&juris1=&juris2=&juris3=&juris4=®ionfriendly=&juris1friendly=&juris2friendly=&juris3friendly=&juris4friendly=, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ Clay (ed.), Dugdale's visitation of Yorkshire, with additions (vol. 3) (Exeter, 1917), pp.509-510
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/70 f.15r
- Jump up ↑ William D. Macray, Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae (Oxford, 186X), p.49
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/70 f.15v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/70 f.181r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/70 f.15v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/70 f.15v
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/70 f.16r
- Jump up ↑ HCA 13/70 f.16r
- Jump up ↑ Batch no.: C05576-6,; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/NPHJ-25H, viewed 13/02712
- Jump up ↑ Batch no.: C05576-6,; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/JQYR-V94, viewed 13/02712
- Jump up ↑ Batch no.: C05576-6,; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/NPHF-1LG, viewed 13/02712
- Jump up ↑ Batch no.: C05576-6; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/JW88-47S, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ Batch No.: C055766; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/NPHJ-HB5, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ Batch no.: C05576-6; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/NPHJ-P94, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ Film no.: 170763: http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search/igi/individual_record.asp?recid=700084312576&lds=1®ion=2®ionfriendly=British+Isles&juris1=&juris2=&juris3=&juris4=®ionfriendly=&juris1friendly=&juris2friendly=&juris3friendly=&juris4friendly=, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ C.S.P.D., 1636-1637, p. 437
- Jump up ↑ G.W. Hill, W.H. Frere (eds.), Memorials of Stepney parish that is to say the vestry minutes from 1579 to 1662 (Guilford, 1890-91), fn. 1, p. 139
- Jump up ↑ Batch no.: C05576-6; https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/NYTD-Y9G, viewed 13/02/12
- Jump up ↑ William D. Macray, Catalogi codicum manuscriptorum Bibliothecae Bodleianae (Oxford, 186X), p.49
- Jump up ↑ Clay (ed.), Dugdale's visitation of Yorkshire, with additions (vol. 3) (Exeter, 1917), pp.509-510