HCA 3/47 f.30r Annotate

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HCA 3/47 f.30r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


hamond against the Sisters of Ipswitch}
and against Wright and others Smith}

To heare the order of the Court upon
the admission of Budds allegation
and in case the same bee not to bee
admitted to heare sentence at Smiths
petition. Which day the Judges assigned to
heare the order of the Curt upon the Day sennight and
in case the same bee not to bee admitted to heare
sentence the same time at Smiths petition./.

Cooke against Bathorne}
Smith Suckley}

To heare sentence at Smiths petition Which
day the said Smith porrected a sentence
diffinitive in writing which the Judges at his
petition did read give and promulge and did pronounce
decree declare adjudge condemne and doe in all things
as in the same is contained in the presence of the
said Suckley dissentinge and protestinge of the nullitie et cetera.

Beale against Startute}
and others Smith Suckley}

The like. Which day the Judges at
Smiths petition did assigne
this cause to sentence upon this
day sennight in this place in the
presence of Suckley dissentinge et cetera./.

Prescott and others against Read}
ffrancklin Colequite}

To heare the order of the Court
upon the admission of Colequites
allegation and in case the same bee
not to bee admitted to heare sentence at
ffrancklins petition. Which day the Judges
assigned to heare the order of the Court upon the
admission of Colequites allegation and in case the
same bee not to bee admitted to heare sentence att
ffrancklins petition the same time./.

White and others against Gridden}
Cheeke ffrancklin}

To heare the order of the Court upon
Cheekes petition Which day the
Judges assigned to hear their order
upon the petition of Cheeke upon the
day sennight the said ffrancklin dissentinge.

The Lord Protector against John}
Maine Budd ffrancklin}

The paine of the said Maine is
reserved to this Day and the cause
is continued to this Day. Which day the
Judges did reserve the paine of the said
Maine in the same state that nowe it is
untill this day sennight./

Mann and Mann against Trebicke and}
others Clements Budd}

To heare sentence at Clements
petition on the first assignation
