HCA 3/47 f.21v Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/47 |
Folio | 21 |
Side | Verso |
| |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 21/03/2013 | |
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First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2013/03/21 |
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Page and others against Cole}
Smith Dyer Cheeke.}
The cause is continued to this day
at Dyers petition Which day Dyer
alleadged that it is not fully nor particulerly answeared by the said Cole Cheekes
Céient to the 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 and 9th articles of the
libell admitted in this cause and prayed that
the said Cole may bee redXXXed to make his fuller
an plainer answers thereto in the presence of Cheeke
dissenting and denying and alleadging that it was and
is fullie and plainly answeared to the said articles
Whereupon the Judges assigned to heare their order
upon Dyers petition the next Cort day and continued
this cause till then Cheeke dissenting./.
hattam[?uck] Wiles against the Mathias}
of ffrederickstadt and against Andrew}
Johnson comming in for his interest}
The cause is dismissed with
expences in case noe body
appeares for Wiles this day
Which day the Judges at Suckleys
petition accusting the contumacie of
the said Wiles in not presenting this
when pronounced him contumacious and in
paine etcetera dismissed this cause with expences
which they taxed at 1 - 6 - 8 and decreed the said
Wiles to bee monished to pay the same within terme
daies after mentioned aor else to bee attached./.
Cooke against Bathorne}
Smith Suckley.}
To heare sentence at Smiths petition
did assigne this cause to sentence
upon the next Cort day in the presence
of the said Suckley dissenting etcetera/
Beale against Startute Birdsey}
and others Smith Suckley}
The like The like at the petition
of the said Smith in the presence of the said Suckley
Bennett and others against hopkins}
Smith Budd.}
The like. Which day the Judges at
the petition of the said Budd
did continue this cause in the same
state that nowe it is upon the first assignment
to sentence untill the next Cort day the said
Smith dissenting et cetera
Bancocke against Harris and Chambers}
Smith Suckley.}
To heare sentence at ffrancklins petition
savinge the examination of one
May a witnes produced and sworne in this
cause Which day the Judges at the petition
of the said Suckley did assigne this cause to
sentence continue this cause in the same state
that nowe it is untill ffriday next in the afternoone
in the presence of the said ffrancklin dissenting