HCA 3/46 f.6v Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.6v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


said fford obliged himselfe et cetera in the same summe and to the same
effect and to save his said sureties harmeles And unles et cetera which
caution the Judges receaved./.

Giles Lawrence and company owners of}
the Joshua against the shipp the}
Providence of Plymouth John Selby}
master and her Tackle et cetera Budd}

Which day ffrancklin appeared for
Robert Merringe and made himselfe
party for him and alleadged that the
said shipp the Providence and her
tackele and furniture did at the time
of the arrest in this behalfe made and
stilldoe properly belonge and appertaine unto
him and produced for sureties Richard fford
of the parish of Saint Olaves hartstreete
London merchant and Nathaniel
manton of the parish of Saint Martin Ironmonger
Lane London merchant who submittinge themselves et cetera
obliged themselves et cetera for the said Robert Merringe in the
summe of 100 li of lawfull money of England to teh said Hiles
Lawrence and company to answeare the action in this behalfe
commenced against the said shippe the Providence and to pay what the
said Merringe shalbe condemned in with expences of
suite in case he shalbe overthrowne and to bringe for the said
meetinge in Judgement whensoever his presence shalbe lawfully
required And unles et cetera which Caution the Judges receaved and
decreed the said shipp and her tackle and furniture to bee
released from the arrest./.

harris against Tooker}
ffrancklin Budd}

Munday the thirteenth day of March 1653 before doctor Clerke
and doctor Godolphin Judges et cetera in the presence of Sam:
howe notary publike Appeared the said ffrancklin and
produced for a Suretie Nicholas Blake of the parish of
Saint dunstones in the East London merchant who submittinge
himselfe et cetera obliged himselfe et cetera for the said Richard harris
in the summe of Thirty pounds to the said John Tooker to
prosecute the busines promoted by the said harris against
the said Tooker and to pay the expences of suite in case he
shalbe overthrowne And unles et cetera

A busines of appeale promoted by George}
Shurt against John hobbs and Peter}
Lambert ffrancklin Allen}

Which day the said Allen produced for
a suretie Nicholas Blake of the parish
of Saint dunstons in the East London
merchant who submitting himselfe et cetera
obliged themselfe for the said John hobbs and
Peter Lambert in the summe of 100 li of lawfull
money of England to the said George Shurt to answeare
the action commenced by the said Shurt in the first instance
of this cause and to pay what they shalbe condemned in with
expences of sute in case they shalbe overthrowne And unles et cetera
which Caution the Judges with the consent of Mr ffrancklin did
receive and decree the said hobbs and Lambert to be released
from the arrest in this behalfe made./.