HCA 3/46 f.638v Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.638v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


the allegation by Mr Budd in the cause given and [?XXXX]
produced the said Watson as a party principall whome the
Judges receaved and administred an oath unto him to make a
true answeare to the said allegation and monished him to
give in the same before the next day the saud Watson
dissentinge et cetera..,

[?XXX] and Burridge against 10}
pipes of Canary and against}
Travers coming in for his interest}
Smith Baker}

Which day the Judges at the
petition of Cheeke for [?Baker]
did assigne this cause for sentence
upon the ffirst assignation the
next Courte day in the presence of
Smith dissentinge et cetera./.

Samuel Pinke against Daniel}
Elliott Cheeke Smith}

Which day Cheeke exhibited his proxie
for the said Samuel Pinke and
made himselfe partie for him and Smith
exhibited his proxy for the said Daniel Rliott
and made himselfe party for him in whose presence
the said Cheeke gave a libell in writinge which the
Judges at his petition did admitt soe farre forth and the
said Smith dissenting and the same beinge admitted
and repeated by Cheeke and not beleeved by Smith the
Judges did decree for the partie principall the third day
after if et cetera and assigned the said Cheeke to prove the
said Libell the third Session from hence the said
Smith dissentinge./.

Page and othes against Cole}
Smith Dyer Cheeke}

Which day Dyer accused the contumacy
of the said Cole in not appearinge to
answeare personally to the positions and articles
of the libell admitted in this cause being thereto
cited by the continuation of the Certificate of the
warrant returned in this behalfe and the said Cole beinge
called and not appearinge the Court pronounced him to bee
in contempt but renewed his paine till the next Court Day
and returned the Tearme probatory assigned to Smith
and Dyer till then, in the presence of Cheeke

Baker against Brunton and one 8th}
parte of the shippe the Anne of}
Newcastle Cheeke Watson}

Which day Watson alleadged that
Cheeke had severall Court daies
beene assigned to libell and give
baile in this cause wherefore hee prayed
his Clyent to bee dismissed with expences
whereupon the Judges at the petition of the said
Watson in case that Cheeke shall not give baile and
libell the next Court day did now as there and then
as nowe dismisse this cause with the usuall expences
videlicet [?xv s] and nowe as then and then as nowe
decreed the said Baker to bee monished to pay the
same [?xv s] within Tenne dayes after monition the
said Cheeke dissentinge.

John Fell