HCA 3/46 f.607r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.607r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


against the said Myler and that the said Myler is a
priosner to the Marshall of this Court upon the said
[?allegation] and that the owners of the said shipp for whome
hee hath formerly appeared in the Acts of this
Court in this cause are all strangers and destitute
of freinds here soe that they cannot procure
baile to the said action and further alleadged that
they are readie to consent that the said shipps doe
continue under the arrest of this Court[?andeposite] and
prayed a libell against the said shipp and against the said
Myler and that the said Budds Clients may bee
ordered to make oath of their said [?allegation] the sayd
Budd dissenting et cetera where upon the Judges assigned the
said Budd to give a libell both against the said
shippe and against the said Myler upon Satterday
nest in the morninge and his Clients to make
oath of their [?allegation] before that time And it beinge
alleadged by Mr Smith that the marriners are
in want of subsistence by reason of the saide
arrest soe made as aforesaid upon the said shippe
and freight the Judges did order that the Master of
the said shipp the Julian doe bringe into this
Court an account upon his oath of the names of
all the marriners of the said shippe and the
respective wages due unto them for their respective
service in the said shippe and such wages as shall
soe appeare to bee due unto the said marrinersThe
Court did order to bee paid by Mr George
Toriano and Mr ffrancis young to the said marriners
out of the freight remaining in their hands for
the service of the said shippe./.

Atwood [?XXXtrewe] and others}
late marriners of the shippe}
formerly called the Swan}
but nowe the Satisfaction}
against the said Benjamin}
Bressey John ffalconer and}
Thomas Best and all others}
et cetera Budd ffrancklyn}

Which day the Judges att
the petition of the said
Budd did assigne this cause
to sentence upon the ffirst
assignation upon Satterday
next in the morning in the
presence of the said ffrancklin
dissentinge et cetera./.

harris and others against Waters}
[?Burrill] and others Smith}

Wednesday the seaventh day
of May 1656 before the right
worshipfull John Godolphin Doctor
of Lawes one of the Judges et cetera in
his chamber et cetera within the Doctors
Commons London Appeared the said
Suckley and on the allegation by him in this cause
given and admitted produced as a witnes John
Bradborne whome the Judge receaved and administred an
oath unto him to speake the truth at the time
of his examination in the presence of Smith dissentinge et cetera
and haveing the usuall time for Interrogatories/
