HCA 3/46 f.59r Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/46 |
Folio | 59 |
Side | Recto |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/05/02 |
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Thomas Hodges and Companye}
against one eigth and 32th part}
or whatsoever other part of}
the shipp The Thomas and}
the freight due for the same}
lately belonginge to John}
Jefferson deceased and Sarah}
the Relict and administratrix of the}
said Jefferson Budd}
The Certificate is continued
to this daye
Which day open preconization
beinge made for all et cetera and
noe bodye appearinge, the
Judges at the petition of
Budd accusinge their
contumacie pronounced
them contumatious and in
paine et cetera to have fallen into the
first default, and continued the
Certificate untill the next Court
A Buisnies of repayringe and
settinge forth to Sea of the
shippe The Thomas and William}
promoted by Thomas hodshon}
and Company partowners}
thereof against Sarah Jefferson}
deceased owner of one 8th}
and one 32th part of the}
said shippe. Budd}
The like
Which day the Judges
at Budds petition continued
the Certificate in the
same state that nowe
it is intill next Court
John Coleman against John Stephens}
ffrancklin, Suckley}
To heare the order of
the Court upon the
admission of the libell.
Which day the Judges assigned
to heare the order of the
Court upon the admission of the
said libell the next Court daye
at ffrancklins petition
James hubbleland against}
the one sixteenth part of}
the shippe The hanniball}
or whatsoever other part}
of the said shippe, and the}
freight due for the same}
belonginge to ffrancis}
hanbury, and against the}
said hanbury and all}
others et cetera Smith}
The first default is grannted
and the Certificate is
continued to this day.
Which day open preconiz
tion beinge made for all
et cetera and noe body appearinge
the Judges at the petition
of the said Smith accusing
their contumacie pronounced
them contemacious and in paine
et cetera to have fallen into the second
default And continued the Certificate
untill the next Court day./
Margaret Rivert against one}
quarter part of the shipp}
The Sarah whereof Anthony}
Jenkins is master belonginge}
to herself and against all et cetera}
Suckley, Clements}
The like
Which day Clements
the Judges at the
petition of Suckley
did continue the Certificate
in the same state that
nowe it is untill the next
Court day/
harris against Tooker}
ffrancklin, Budd}
To heare the order of the Court
upon the admission of the
articles given by Mr ffrancklin/
Which day the Judges at the petition
of the said ffrancklin did admitt the
Articles by him given soe farr as the same
are by lawe admissible which being soe admitted
and re[?quated], and the said Bud not beleevinge
the same to be true the Judges assigned the said
ffrancklin to prove the same the third Session