HCA 3/46 f.432r Annotate

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HCA 3/46 f.432r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


The Lord Protector against Isaach Phillips}
and Bowyer Budd}

The certificate is continued to this Day.
Which day the Court at the petition
of the said Budd did continue the certificate
in the same state that nowe it is in the same
state that now it is intill the first Court day of
the next Tearme./.

Henry Hambden Edward Lewis and}
Thomas Bordericke against three 16th}
parts of whatsoever moneys due for the}
Freight of the Mary and Susan of}
which John [?Sucthman] is master in the}
hands of Henry Smith and George}
ffarington belonging to the said}
hambden Lewis and Brodericke}

The third default is granted and the
certificate is continued to this day
The like at the petition of Smith/

John Bushell and Edward Bushell against}
one halfe parte of the shipp the Restitution}
whereof Leonard Barnard was Captaine}
and against the said Barnard and all et cetera}

The fourth default is granted and
the certificate is continued to this
day Which day open preconization beig
made for the said Barnard and
all others in this behalfe cited and
noe body appearing the Judges at the
petition of the said Smith accusing theire
contumacy pronounced them contumacious and in
paine et cetera the said Smith porrected a primum decretum
in writing which the Judges in paine et cetera oath being made
of the truth of the contents of the same to Mr Smith
according to the information to him given which hee
beleeveth to bee true admitted and decreed as in the same
is contained Then the said Smith porrected a bill of expences
which the Judges taxed at six pounds and Smith made
oath of their exposition./.

Thomas Cockerell against Yorke horner}
Budd Cheeke}

The certificate is contained to this
day Which day the Court at the
petition of the said Budd did
continue the certificate in the same state
that nowe it is untill the second Court day
of the next teare./.

Anne Colchester against Samuel Warner}
Cheeke Clements}

The cause is dismissed with expences
in case Cheeke shall not libell
this day./. Which day the Judges at
the petition of the said Clements did [?XXXX]
et cetera did dismisse this cause with expences which
they taxed at the summe of 1 li 6 s 8 d and decreed
the said Colchester to bee monished to pay the same
within tenne daies and Smith made oath of their

Tre[?bicke] and others owners of the shipp}
named the Sisters of Ipswitch}
whose names are mentioned in the}
schedule annexed to the warrant of}
this Court and exhibited in the Registry}
thereof against the said shippe of}
which Gregory Carry is master}
and her tackle and furniture}
attached by authority of this Court}
as belonging to themselves according}
to the severall proportions mentioned}
in the said schedule and against the
said Karry and all et cetera Budd}

The 4th default is granted and the
certificate is continued to this day
Which day the Judges at the
petition of the said Budd did
continue the certificate in the
same state that nowe it is untill
munday the tenth day of this
month in the morning./.
