HCA 3/46 f.289r Annotate
Volume | HCA 3/46 |
Folio | 289 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; transcribed on 02/05/2015 | |
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First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/05/02 |
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The Lord Protector against Jeffries and}
Wainewright Budd Smith}
Which day the said Smith accused the contumacie
of John Whittle a witnes by him produced in
this cause in not unDergoing his examination and desired
him to be pronounced to be in contempt and in paine
thereof to be attached Whereupon the Judges pronounced
him to be in contEmpt and in paine thereof to bee
attached in case he shall not undergoe his examination before
ffriday next./.
A busines of examination of witnesses on the behalfe of
Miles Jackson Richard Viccars and companie}
owners of the shipp the Bristoll merchant and}
her tackle et cetera seized and taken by certaine}
ffrench men of warre in the yeare 1650 against}
all that will take upon them the defence and
justification of the said seizure Smith}
Which day the said Smith exhibited the Comission for
examination of witnesses in this behalfe decreed
with the depositions of the witnesses taken by
vertue of the same which the JUdges did
William Bulkeley against whatsoever parte of the}
shipp the Plaine dealing whereof [BLANK IN ORIGINAL MANSCRIPT]}
Browning is master belonging to Anthony Willis}
and whatsoever goods wares or merchandizes on}
board the same or els where belonging to the}
said Willis and against the said Willis and all}
others et cetera Suckley}
Which day the said Suckley exhibited his proxia
for the said William Bulkeley and made himselfe
party for him and exhibited the originall mandate
with the certificate thereon indorsed and open
preconization being made for the said Willis
and all others et cetera and noe body appearing the
Judges at the petition of the said Suckley
accusing their contumacy pronounced them
contumacious and in paine et cetera to have fallen into
the first default and continued the certificate in the
same state that now it is untill the next Court day/.
Augustine Rotchford against a hoy called the}
Godspeed pf which Anthonie Barker is master and}
her tackle and furniture belonging to the}
said Rotchford and against the said Barker and}
all others et cetera}
Which day appeared personally Thomas
Browne one of the deputies of the
marshall of this Court and exhibited the
originall mandate with the certificate thereon
indorsed and forasmuch as it was then
alleadged by the said Budd that the said
shipp was by vertue of the said warrant arrested
upon the 30th day of May 1654 as by the said
certificate appeared and that noe body hath since looked
after the said vessell but that the same hath bin
ever since kept at the charge of the marshall of this
Court the Judges did decree that the said Rothford to be
monished to appeare in this place the third day after if et cetera
to prosecute his said action or els to shew cause why the
said shipp should not be discharged and released from the said
Judge against Micoe Cheeke}
Which day the Judges at the petition of Cheeke
did assigne this cause to sentence the next Court day
in the presence of the said Suckley dissentinge et cetera./.
Keate Jennings and others against}
ffrederick Chewnne and others Smith}
Which day the said Smith desired the
answeare of Mr Budd to be given to
the two exhibits by him left in the
Registry of this Court in the presence of
the said Budd dissentinge whom the
Judges monished to give in his answeare to
the same the next Court day./.
William Barefoot and Edward Wheeler against}
one 8th parte of the shipp the James of}
Linne whereof Abraham Sandford deceased was}
late master and of her tackle apparrell and}
furniture in his life time and at the time}
of his death belonging to the said Sandford}
and against the executors and administrators in particuler et cetera Cheeke}
Which day appeared the said Cheeke and
exhibited his proxie for the said Barefoote and
Wheeler and made himselfe party for them and
brought in the originall mandate with the
certificate indorsed and then Cheeke accused the
contumacy of the executors and administrators of the said
deceased in particuler and all others in generall