HCA 13/76 f.35r Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.35r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window



1st Octobris 1666. [CENTRE HEADING]

[?XXXXXXX] [?XXXXX] ur Rex con the New Exchange'}

Super Allone pred Examinat.


Mathias Colen de Bruges
in fflanders [?sed] Natus apud Dunkirke
Nauta annos agens 30 aut [?XXXX] dicit
et deponit prout sequitur.


And sawe her not at any other time to his knowledge
from her coming from Bourdeaux till after her seizure And
saith that when he sawe her at Saint Martin and at sea
and alsoe at Bourdeaux the said ship New Exchange did of his
knowledge weare the Burgundian Colours this deponent seeing
the same ip, but saith that shee never that hee knoweth or hath heard
did weare or carry any other Colours then those of Burgundia, which had a white
feild with a reg ragged crosse therein And those
Colours the shipps of fflanders doe use to weare And hee further saith
the shipp Saint ffrancis de Paule in which this deponent was [?caried]
to Saint Martins a little before the said shipp New Exchange came thither and stayd
with her whilest hee was there only went thence about
an hower before her, and saith that hee this deponent did not for his [?part]
see or heare any ship there of thereabouts called that hee knoweth of the
Swallow John Grossman master et alr nescit