HCA 13/76 f.305r Annotate

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15th Novembris 1667

Super allegatione arlata ex parte dicti fforket dat examinatus.


Robertus Spurges parochia de Stepney Nauta annos agens 27 aut et circiter testis.


John ffocket did depart from Gravesend
to goe to Virginia



Eadem die

Super allegatione predicta Examinatus.


Rogerus Newham de Towerhill hid magna in parochia St Omnium Sanator Barking
Nauta ubi habitavit per Caut circiter menses annos agens 28 auter
circiter, natus in STaley in Comitatu Darbia, testis productus et Juratus./.


Ad 11 deponit that the arlate Richard ffrancks was shipped and entred aboard
the said shipp as a Common man on or about the 22th of January 1665 old stile
at the rate of 30 s per month as Collonel Swan wrote this deponent hee had hired
and agreed with him for, and did come in the said shipp and continued aboard her upon
the same agreement for ought hee knoweth untill the said shipp arrived at the Ile of Wightswhere
hee was pressed into his Majesties service Et alr nescit./