HCA 13/76 f.235r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/76 |
Folio | 235 |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
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2015/11/25 |
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[?XXXX] 13th die mensis May 1667 [CENTRE HEADING]
Super Allegatione pred Examniat./
Jacobus Hill de Kingston upon Hull in Comitatis Evor
Nauta annos agens 62. aut [?circiter] dicit et deponit [?prXX]
sequitur videlicet./.
Ad primus arlum die Allegationis deponit et dicit That the arlate ship
Betty (to which this deponent did and doth belong) is of the burthen of about fourty five
tonnes and the arlate ship called the Red fortune is of the burthen of about Ninety
tonnes et alr nescit deponere./
Ad 2um arlum deponit That the time arlate the said ship Betty was laden with coales
and coming from Newcastle for London with a fleete of Colliers and [?saith] that
night before the disaster in question the said fleete wanting wind and tyde
came to anchor in Yarmouth and Corton road neere Yarmouth and within two miles
of Yarmouth peeres and that next morning the said ship Betty was by reason that
her Cable broke forced from her anchor which hee knoweth for that hee was then
a foremast man of and in the said ship Betty. Alr nescit deponere./
Ad 3.um 4.u, et reliques arles dia Allegationis deponit et dicit That the said
time the wind blew hard at East south east being the worst winde that a
ship can ride in in Yarmouth rode, and it blew allmost right into the peere
and saith that the Betty had but one other Anchor which her Master and Company
did not cast out for feare of loosing that alsoe, but thought it most
service to sailetwo and fro for about [?three] howers till the tyde served to carry
her into the peere, and accordingly they did soe saile her for about the
said time this deponent being at the Helme all the said time and [?say] that a man
of warr did alsoe the like the sayd time and the tyde being increased the
said man of warr went into the said Peere about halfe an hower
before them, and went about a musket shot a head of the Betty at the time
of the disaster in question and the man of warr before her going in furled
her mainesaile to goe in easily or slowly and the Betty did the like to give
her roome and to prevent [?XXXing] of her upp and saith that as the Betty was
going into the said Peere with her mainesaile furled and her foresaile sett the
Ship Redfortune (which was a very little space before the said disaster about
a quarter of a mile a sterne of the Betty) came after her with her
mainetopsaile and foresaile hoised up as far as they could be, and making soe
much saile shee got much ground of the Betty and coming neere to her
towit about a cable length a sterne of the Betty JohnMather the master
of the Betty and alsoe [?Henry] Williams his mate called out to them, and
Company of the Redfortune to lower their mainetopsaile that they might
give the Betty more roome to goe a head of them into the Peere and
the Master of the Redfortune heard the same and swore by his maker
that hee neither could nor would lower and stamped and [?acted] like a mad man
and the said [?XXXX] name (who the master of the Redfortune [?saying] to him that [?severall] [?nights] hee was as his [?XXX]
if hee did not slack saile hee would be aboard the Betty and carry both
ships ashore, [?XXX XXX] of the [?RXXXXX], replyed and sayd severall times God I doe not [?care]
all which this deponent heard being then at the Bettys helme and saith that immediatly [?after]