HCA 13/76 f.202r Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.202r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


sold by the Enimyes of the English to ffreinds of the English, et alr nescit

Ad 3um rendet that hee judgeth charitably of all men and doth rather beleeve
that the common morall principall of men as men doe incline them
to speake and [?sweare] rather truely than falsely much more
tis to be [?promised] amongst the Christian Nations and this Respondent
having now heard the Examination of the Master in preparatorio the [?papers] not
being to be found, hee saith that hee supposeth that what the said Master
hath sworne is true and supposeth that the foresaid sale mentioned in the
said Hans Matsons letter was reall, such his supposition being
mainly grounded upon Matsons not accepting of the proffer of the Duke
of Yorkes passe; and hee is desired not to communicate to any other
what hee hath deposed as the interrogatory requires et alr nescit rendere

Ad 4um rendet That hee had a great desire to have had the deales and the rest
of the said ships lading this voyage and was in [?XXXX] with the Mr
Peter Splitt about the same, but what hee bid or would have given hee
remembreth not, but remembreth that hee bid the market price that
then was or neere thereabouts, and saith that hee bought some of the
deales afterwards of Mr Rich, and said that hee this rendent thought that
hee had agreed for and should have had the said ladeing for himselfe and Mr
John Shorter but the broker underhand disposed of them otherwise as
aforesaid. This rendent scrupleing to give security for them as hee
had bidden unles hee could have them delivered for [?XXX] to him
before the market fell, et alr nescit


Repetit coram Dro Sweit surrogato