HCA 13/76 f.191v Annotate

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HCA 13/76 f.191v: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




Eadem dXXX

Sop Allone pred Examinat.


Johes Babb de Shadwell in poa:x XXXX
in Com Midd Nauta annos agens 33 aut XXX
dicit et deponit pront sequitur videlicet.

Ad dram Allon et ad sXXXXdulam in XXX mentionat deponit et dictit that
hee this deponent has belonged to the arlate ship the Successe as her cheife mate for
a yeere last past during all which time the XXXX George ?Bruice hath bin
in her XXXX and one Mr Langsley and Company subjects of his majesty of England XXXXX
XXX XXX XXXX her reputed XXXXXX and saith that in or about November or December last the
said ship being then under XX said PrXXXX his XXXXX at Barbadoes sheee
XXXX her full Lading of Sugars and Cottons and a little ginger, to be XXXXXX
this port of London and here to be delivered but the particular persons interessed XXXXX
XX XXX XXX but supposeth that y:e sd XXXX XXXXXX XXXXX is a XXXX account of XXXXXXX