HCA 13/76 f.13v Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/76 |
Folio | 13 |
Side | Verso |
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Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2015/11/27 |
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and frequently [?peruseth] his letters out and home, and often writeth
his outward letters which the producent subscribeth. And to the accompt
Number 3 libro B hee saith that the same is the accompt soe received from tha
said factors touching the said shipps buying and costs. Et alr nescit
Ad 4um arlum et novam [?XXXX] [?billas] [?excambij] in eadem [?mentionate] deponit
that the said billes (now shewed unto him) were and are the originall bills
of exchange soe drawne on the said producent in regard of the said shipp
and which hee hath accepted and hath paid the contents, saving one
which was not payable till after this deponents comming from Antwerp
namely in the end of October 1666 new stile. Et alr nescit, saving
hee is privie to the said payments and acted therein on the exchange
for the said producent, and made entrie thereof in his books.
Ad 5um arlum et schedulas in eadem [?mentionate], signatus in [?der] se [?sXX]
Libro C. deponit that the attestation from Amsterdam was therein received
in a packet by the said producent at Antwerp, this deponent seeing
the receipt thereof. And the attestation from Antwerp in the foote
of the said booke C. hee saith hee knoweth to bee sealed with the towne
seale of Antwerp, and well knoweth the firme of [?XXXXsor] [?Valckennisse]
the Towne Clark thereto, and is well assured of the truth of the
contents of the said attestations for the reasons aforesaid alr nescit
Ad 6 arlum deponit that the said producent is a hamberger with his
wife children and familie in Antwerp, and was and is a subiect of
the king of Spaine, and one that fairly keepeth his bookes of
Merchandize, which hee knoweth being his booke-keeper. And
saith the said accompt of the buying and fitting the said shipp is
onely entred in his the producents leiger bookes, and severall
other things fairly entred both before and after the same, and the
said Speckhouwer hath really and truely paid and undertaken
to pay as is arlated. And saith hee well knoweth all the
Englishmen whose names are subscribed to the schedule arlate marked
2. lib. A. and that they are dwellers in Antwerp, and that hee saw
them peruse the said producents bookes arlate, and saith that the certificate
arlate from the Magistrates of Antwerp was and is sealed with the
said Townes seale, and hee beleeveth the contents thereof to be true,
and saith hee knoweth (for the reasons aforesaid) that the said producent
was and is the sole owner of the said shipp Saint Barbara, and that
noe other person whatsoever hath any share therein. Et alr nescit
Ad 7 nescit.
Ad ulto. dicit predepoita sua ad vera.
Ad primum rendet that hee is an Antwerpian by birth, and hath
lived for the most part there, and hath constantly dwelt there for 17
or 18 yeeres last, and is not of kin of the producent, nor servant
otherwise than as his book keeper, this deponent being a houskeeper of
himselfe, and wisheth the victory according to right, and soe hee
would give the same, favouring [?a] [?iustia]