HCA 13/74 f.450r Annotate
Volume | HCA 13/74 |
Folio | 450 |
Side | Recto |
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Uploaded image; partially transcribed on 12/09/2017 | |
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IMAGE: IMG_127_05_1379.jpg | |
First transcriber | |
Colin Greenstreet | |
First transcribed | |
2017/09/12 |
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Eadem due/
Super AllegaCione pred Examinat
Johannes Upsher parochia Sancti Olavi in Burgo de Southwarke Woodmonger
annos agens 50 aut eo circiter dicit et deponit prout sequitur videlicet
Ad jum 11um et 13um arlos dra Allegacones deponit et dicit That in or about the month
of May last was twelvemonth there were delivered out of the Vintners
Grainery in the Bridgehouse in Southwarke One hundred and
ffifty Quarters or thereabouts of good dry Sweet sound and Merchantable wheate into
a Close Lighter which was staunch and tight and seeled within to be carryed on board
the ship called then the Roman ffrigott whereof one Oyles as this Deponent hath hard was
Master and the sayd wheate hee saith was accordingly carryed in the said Lighter
on board the said ship and shott loose into the said ships hold shee then
lying in the River of Thames neere Redriffe, and saith that when the
sayd wheate ws soe shott into the said ships hold the same was all good dry sweete [?sound]
and Merchantable Wheate, and was free from any kind of Damage, and the same
was fit, and might in this Deponents Judgement have bin carryed in a Tight ship
a Voyage of Three Monthes time without being prejudiced if care had bin
taken thereof, and the said wheate was the said time here worth about 3 li 15 s or
3 li 16 s per Quarter wheate being then deare at London The premisses hee Deposeth and knoweth for that ee helped
to measure the said Wheate and to put the same into the said Lighter and went with [?XX] in the said
Lighter therwith to the said ship and helped to put the said
wheate inboard her, this Deponent then belonging as a Corne Porter to the Bridge house
et alr nescit deponere. Sup reliquis non examinat[?ur] ex direccones Mr Bland.
Ad Interria./