HCA 13/74 f.13r Annotate

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HCA 13/74 f.13r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window




29th die January 1660/

Absolon con Paine}
Suckley Smith}



Johnes Gimblet parochia ancta Maria Overyes
in Burgo Southwarke Nauta annos agens 50
aut eo circiter testis in hac causa products et

Ad .jum. 2um. 3um et 4um. arlos dra Allegatione deponit et dicit that at the time
Arlate to wit when the arlate ships the Prosperous and the Swann
came foule together in the River of New Castle they were in
Companie of about six or seaven other Colliers, which were alsoe comming
downe the River of Newcastle, And saith that River is in most
places narrowe, and in many places very sandy. And the Bill poimt
in the said River hee saith is narrowe and a very dangerous
place to have ships at espetially at Ebbing Water, and ships are
often times there and thereabouts driven aground by shipps falling foule
of them, And saith that comeing about the said Bill point the Boltsprit
of the Prosperous came foule of the Swanns Misen stay, and only
cast her quarter about, and did not breake soe much as any of the
Swanns Tackle that this Deponent Knoweth of, And then hee saith that some
of the foresaid shipp were very neere unto the Prosperous and in danger
to have fallen foule of her, And most of the sayd ships, to prevent coming
foule of one another lett goe their Anchors, And saith that it is the
use and Custome for the Companyes of ships which are there fallen
foule of, with all speed soe soone as they are fallen foule upon to lett
goe an Anchor to bring them upp, to prevent goeing on ground, and most
commonly the Companyes of ships when they are passing the said
Bill point have their Anchors in their boats or ready at the Bowe to cast
out And saith that the Anchor of the Swanne was cast out Imediately
after the sayd ships Comming foule together but by Accident the buoy and
buoy=rope that were fastned to the said Anchor catching hold of the
foretack of the Swanne the sayd Anchor did not take hold untill the
said ship Swanne was almost onground, And saith that hee verily
beleeveth that the said Anchor had taken hold soe soone as the same
was let goe it would have brought up the said ship, And shee have