HCA 13/74 f.12r Annotate

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HCA 13/74 f.12r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


repairing the same. And further hee cannot depose./:

To the Interrogatories./

To the j Interrogatorie, it being done as required hee saith that hee
is a sailemaker by trade and about two and fifty yeeres of
age, et alr negative./

To the 2d. hee saith that hee favoureth the partyes Interrate alike
and if it were in his power hee would give the victory
according to right and Justice et alr negative./.

To the 3d. hee never belonged to the ship the Suzan Interrate/

To the 4th and 5th hee saith that hee was never aboard the warewell to
his Knowledge and otherwise cannot Answer saving as

To the 6th and 7th hee Knoweth nothing thereof./



29th die January 1660.

Ex parte Tickbe pred moad Hic}
Edward and Anne}

Supr Allegatione pred Examinatus.



Richardus Pye de Poole in Comitatu Dorset Nauta
annos agens 31. aut eo circiter testis in hac causa
productus et Juratus dicit et deponit prout sequitur

To the first 2nd and 3d articles of the said Allegation hee saith and deposeth that
hee this Deponent was at Southampton in or about the month of May
last was twelvemonth shipped mate of the arlate ship the Edward
and Anne by one Richard Baily the then Master of her, And
at such his shipping hee was Credibly Informed and doth verily
beleeveth the arlate Mr Robert Richbell and Company were
then the true and lawfull Owners of the said ship And the said
Richbell hee saith then set her out thence, and put one Richard Worzley
(who was formerly the said Richbells servant) Supra Cargoe of her),
And the said Ship sailing from Southampton to severall pots and
places beyond the seas. and at length namely about may last past
arriving at New England, this Deponent was there put master of her by the
said Mr Woosly in the month of June next following, and thence
this Deponent and Company sailed the said ship to Lysbone in Portugall
where shee arrived on or about the 8th day of August kast, And about
six weekes after her Arrivall there shee was taken to ffreight by
one Mr Edmond Duck an English merchant residing at Lisbone, who
laded some sugars aboard her, and lett out tonnage of her to other
Merchants who put sugars alsoe aboard, And the said ship being
there fully laden shee set saile with the said sugar in her for this
Port (whether shee was bound with the same) under the Conduct of this
Deponent (her Master) and Company, And saith that the said ship when she
received in her said Lading at Lisbone and before, and after and
untill the stormes hereafter mentioned happened was a strong
tight and staunch ship and fitt to carry and Transport any Merchandizes
fromPort to Port which hee knoweth being then Master of her/

To the 4:th 5.th and 6th articles hee saith that in the said ships Course from
Lisbone with the said Lading on board her, shee did on the 13th of December
last or thereabouts meet with strong and tempetuous weather by meanes of
which shee Lost the Company of her Convoy, which hee saith Continued [?XXX]