HCA 13/74 f.11r Annotate

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HCA 13/74 f.11r: Right click on image for full size image in separate window


Miller con William Vincent et al

28th of January 1660 iuxta xr.
upon the fore saidd Allegation
on the behale of Sir William Vincent

Henry Johnson of Blackwall
in the County of Middlesex shipwright
aged 36 yeares or thereabouts
sworne and examined sayth and
deposeth as followeth videlicet

To the 8:th and 9:th Articles of the said Allegation (upon which
alone he is examined by direction) he sayth that on
or about the 22:th day of November in the yeare of our
Lord 1659 This deponent togeather with one Thomas Good
also a shipwright did at the request of John Elliot and
the rest of the owners of the Coast frigat, goe downe
to Bugbee hole to view the ship John and Katharine
and to see what damage she had received by meanes of
the Coast frigats falling foule of her as it was said before that time
at Gravesend. And saith that upon such their viewing
her, they found that a small piece of her head was
only broken off by the Coast frigat, which was noe
hinderance unto her at all in her sayling, foreasmuch
as she (the said ship John and Katharine) had after the said damage [?XXXX] before
this depnents viewing of her made a voyage to Virginia
without mending the same, and was then going out to
sea on another voyage without mending thereof
had not the rest of her head been broken of by two other
ships coming foule of her, videlicet the Virginia Merchant and
the Hanniball; And that most of what was broken off was for ornament only. And he saith that the
whole damage done by the Coast frigat to the John
and Katharine by breaking off a piece of her head and
spoyling the Guilding and painting thereof could not
amount to above seaven pounds [?XXXXX]. And for soe
much this deponent would have undertaken to have
made her head as good as at the time of the damage done by the Coast frigat. And further
he cannot depose saving he saith that the John and
Katharine might and would have (as he beleeveth) made many more voyages without re-
pairing the damage done her by the Coast frigat, had
not the second damage predeposed of happened.

To the Interrogatories

To the first (it being done as the Interrogatorie requireth)
he sayeth he knoweth nothing of the matter Interrate
and therefore cannot answer to this Interrogatorie.
